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Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Marijuana proves superior to alcohol once again for not producing any deaths during the pandemic: Alcohol-related deaths increased 18% during…” Feb 6, 21:59
Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “A compound found in marijuana may mitigate its unwanted side effects or help create a more efficient form of CBD:…” Feb 6, 21:36
NorCalNative on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Marijuana Moment or NORML probably have that info.” Feb 2, 17:56
John Doe on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “I strongly disagree with the abstinence-only approach to addiction treatment. It’s outdated and doesn’t account for the complexities of addiction.…” Jan 31, 20:59
John Doe on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Looking for information on marijuana possession penalties in different states” Jan 31, 17:13
Pete Guither's blog reader on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “I strongly disagree with Bill O’Reilly’s stance on marijuana. His views are outdated and not supported by scientific evidence. Marijuana…” Jan 29, 15:59
Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “The Trump administration has rescinded a proposed ban of menthol cigarettes: 24-JAN-25 — The proposed rule, which had been in…” Jan 27, 19:40
Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Smoking opioids is associated with a two-thirds lower mortality rate compared to injecting: 23-Jan-2025–A new study published today in the…” Jan 25, 20:55
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Monthly Archives: December 2014
War is over!
Obama Welcomes End Of The Longest War In American History Finally, we’re ending the drug war! President Barack Obama says the longest war in American history is coming to a responsible conclusion. Obama is welcoming the end of U.S. combat … Continue reading
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Year in review
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. My mom decided to celebrate by falling off a chair and breaking her leg, so I got to spend a lot of quality time with her over the past few days visiting with her … Continue reading
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Marijuana has finally made it
Poor cannabis – for so many years, despite being extremely prevalent in use, it just couldn’t get any respect. All that’s about to change: Westboro Baptist Church hates pot: controversial Church to picket Marijuana shops in Colorado The controversial church … Continue reading
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Open thread
More on the lawsuit by Nebraska and Oklahoma. Nebraska and Oklahoma are misreading Raich By Randy Barnett. are Nebraska and Oklahoma just Fair-weather Federalists? By Jonathan Adler Quote of the day from Radley Balco: It’s possible to both be appalled … Continue reading
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Largely without merit
Yep. That’s the answer to the decision by Nebraska and Oklahoma to ask the Supreme Court to overturn Colorado’s laws legalizing marijuana. Also, “ridiculous,” and “moronic.” Nebraska and Oklahoma sue Colorado over marijuana legalization Nebraska and Oklahoma filed the lawsuit … Continue reading
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They just don’t make them like John Walters anymore
Drug enforcement is not racist by John P. Walters and David W. Murray. Yep, that John Walters. The former drug czar, and subject of hundreds of drug warrant postings. And yes, he and David Murray are arguing that the drug … Continue reading
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Surgeon General
There is a new surgeon general, and Kevin Sabet approves: Congratulations to the new @Surgeon_General Vivek Murthy, who opposes marijuana. “I don’t recommend marijuana.” http://t.co/TB0FMuQxoy Marijuana’s a no-no, says desi Surgeon General nominee Dr Vivek H Murthy (bottom left), President … Continue reading
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Open Thread
Absolutely outstanding response to the Big Marijuana nonsense: Marijuana Legalization: The Big Tobacco Smokescreen by Jon Gettman Big Marijuana? It’s catchy, but comparing legalized marijuana to the tobacco industry misleads both the public and policymakers about the challenges of regulating … Continue reading
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Drug War Victim David Hooks
Another outrageous case that’s been added to my Drug War Victims page. Police shoot, kill Georgia grandfather during no-knock drug raid EAST DUBLIN, GA — A drug task force gunned down a grandfather in his home during a botched late-night … Continue reading
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Students say the darndest things
I haven’t posted one of these for a while — the college student anti-drug piece that appears to be attempted regurgitation of DARE-style propaganda without any actual comprehension. Student Katie Wightman says: Don’t legalize marijuana in Missouri Marijuana should not … Continue reading
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