Largely without merit

Yep. That’s the answer to the decision by Nebraska and Oklahoma to ask the Supreme Court to overturn Colorado’s laws legalizing marijuana. Also, “ridiculous,” and “moronic.”

Nebraska and Oklahoma sue Colorado over marijuana legalization

Nebraska and Oklahoma filed the lawsuit directly with the nation’s highest court on Thursday. The two states argue that, “the State of Colorado has created a dangerous gap in the federal drug control system.”

“Marijuana flows from this gap into neighboring states, undermining Plaintiff States’ own marijuana bans, draining their treasuries, and placing stress on their criminal justice systems,” the lawsuit states.

Assuming that’s the case, and that those states feel the need to actually do that additional enforcement (which is their choice), it seems that it’s a matter of appealing to the federal government to help defend their border, not a question of overturning state laws.

“Federal law undisputedly prohibits the production and sale of marijuana,” Bruning added in a statement. “Colorado has undermined the United States Constitution, and I hope the U.S. Supreme Court will uphold our constitutional principles.”

Wow. It’s truly remarkable how people like to twist around rights. Apparently Nebraska feels that it has the Constitutional right to determine Colorado’s laws. That’s just facially absurd.

Speaking of facially absurd…

Groups opposed to legalization cheered the lawsuit. Kevin Sabet, a co-founder of the national group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, said legalization of marijuana “is not implemented in a vacuum.”

“Colorado’s decisions regarding marijuana are not without consequences to neighboring states, and indeed all Americans,” Sabet wrote in a statement.

Well, then, I guess all states should be required to charge the exact same tax on cigarettes. And what about alcohol? There are still dry counties – isn’t legalization of alcohol making it more difficult for them? All state gun laws should be the same.

As much as some people would like to have a federal government run everything, that’s not the way our country is structured. And I don’t think the Supreme Court is going to tell a state that they have to get their laws approved by neighboring states.

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87 Responses to Largely without merit

  1. darkcycle says:

    This isn’t serious, is it? They can’t actually believe that this will be met with anything but laughter, right?
    Do different speed limits from State to State make it more difficult and costly to enforce the speed laws?

    • Duncan20903 says:


      You’d better believe this is a very serious matter. Attorneys have an ethical duty to refrain from filing lawsuits without any merit no matter how much the 9 stuffed shirts on the Supreme Court could use a good laugh.

      As far as we’re concerned these people are blistering idiots who obviously haven’t looked at the rulings in prohibitionist generated lawsuits that the Roberts Court has refused to grant certiorari.. Those would be every single one so far. Unless their only intent is to be able to say to their constituents “well we tried. But them lib-uh-rulls up in Washington just wouldn’t listen” then once again, with enemies like them, we don’t need any friends. I hope that they’re ready to be snubbed without comment.

      • I don’t believe their constituents have anything to do with this – it’s their profits from drug stings/forfeitures that are in danger of disappearing.

        • Duncan20903 says:


          Profits from forfeiture only exist in the imagination of those people who haven’t actually looked at the numbers. They’re a long, long, long way from covering their cost.

  2. strayan says:

    I thought the purpose of cannabis prohibition was to keep cannabis out and yet here we have some prohibitionists telling us that prohibition doesn’t actually keep cannabis out of their state.

  3. n.t. greene says:

    …the good news is that bullshit like this is going to eventually force a federal response.

    My .02: those states can go fly a kite. What’s next on the moral high horse agenda?

  4. Tony Aroma says:

    Don’t be so quick to judge this lawsuit. It looks like these two states have the guts to do what the feds won’t. Or maybe it’s what the feds aren’t stupid enough to try. Unfortunately for them, I don’t think the lawyers in NE or OK really understand the implications of their suit. Surely they must understand that the feds can’t force a state to criminalize mj or anything else for that matter. The most they can hope to accomplish with this suit, if they win, is to strike down the portions of the mj laws authorizing state regulation. In other words, they’d better be careful what they wish for. Do the folks in NE and OK really want legal, totally unregulated weed right next door? Would that be better than what they have now?

    On the other hand, if they do win and mj becomes legal but unregulated, that would certainly put the feds in a awkward position. If they can’t stop states from legalizing, but those states are not allowed to regulate, the feds’ only real solution would be to adopt regulations at the federal level. I have a feeling the feds are not at all happy about this lawsuit.

    • Windy says:

      Being as the CO law is an amendment to the CO Constitution,k I do not see how any lawsuit like this could possibly alter or remove it in any legal way.

  5. Duncan20903 says:


    It’s always a sad thing when an entire class of creatures goes extinct. While it’s very sad for the prohibitionists, it’s the way of the world. Their closest evolutionary relatives are just a few steps ahead on the road to their final destination in the museum of extinct species:
    Butt-Breathing Turtle Now Critically Endangered

  6. DdC says:

    “Whenever “A” attempts by law
    to impose his moral standards upon “B,”
    “A” is most likely a scoundrel.”
    — H.L. Mencken

    Why science hasn’t yet proved to the US government
    that marijuana isn’t as dangerous as heroin via @qz
    Many scientists say there is little basis to put marijuana in that category, and the DEA’s stance that marijuana has no medicinal use has been widely rebuked in recent years. But marijuana’s dangers and uses have not been definitively established within the scientific community, and that’s partly because of the very limited research done on the subject. Paradoxically, the drug’s schedule 1 status has hamstrung exactly the marijuana research necessary to change its classification.

    “It is not only the juror’s right, but his duty to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment and conscience, though in direct opposition to the instruction of the court.”
    — John Adams, 1771

    Who’s Really Fighting Legal Weed
    – 3/4th of a Century of Gossip and Gutter Science
    – A Very Lucrative Evil Hoax
    – Only 13% of the medical schools surveyed
    mention the endocannabinoid science to our future doctors.

    “Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts
    when you have forgotten your aim.”
    — George Santayana,
    “The Life of Reason”

    US CO: Research To Weigh Marijuana Benefits

    “Of all tyrannies,
    a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims
    may be the most oppressive.”
    — C.S. Lewis, in “The Humanitarian
    Theory of Punishment,” an essay from “God In The Dock”

    The Politics of Pot

    “Having reviewed all the material available to us we find ourselves in agreement with the conclusion reached by the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission appointed by the Government of India (1893-94) and the New York Mayor’s Committee (1944 – LaGuardia) that the long-term consumption of cannabis in moderate doses has no harmful effects” “the long-asserted dangers of cannabis are exaggerated and that the related law is socially damaging, if not unworkable”

    US CO: Colorado Funds Medical Marijuana Research, A First

    “Yes, if we harm ourselves it may emotionally harm others. That’s unfortunate, but not grounds for putting us in jail. If it were, every time we stopped dating person A in order to date person B, we would run the risk of going to jail for hurting person A. If person B were hurt by our being put in jail, person A could be put in jail for hurting person B. This would, of course, hurt person A’s mother, who would see to it that person B would go to jail. Eventually, we’d all be in jail. …

    Roughly half of the arrests and court cases in the United States each year involve consensual crimes – actions that are against the law, but directly harm no one’s person or property except, possibly, the “criminal’s.” More than 750,000 people are in jail right now because of something they did, something that did not physically harm the person or property of another. In addition, more than 3,000,000 people are on parole or probation for consensual crimes. Further, more than 4,000,000 people are arrested each year for doing something that hurts no one but, potentially, themselves.”
    — Peter McWilliams, 1950 – 2000
    Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do

  7. Tony Aroma says:

    Looks like I’m not the only one suspicious of the feds’ motives. No one has more experience with being screwed over by the feds than Native Americans.

    Why Did the Feds Just Legalize Cannabis on Native American Lands?

    But he’s concerned that the vagueness of the language will open the door to unnecessary prosecution — especially since in one part of the memo, the DOJ mentions that the state attorneys general will still have the authority to stop criminal activity on tribal land.

    “It’s like the medical marijuana clinics here in California,” Andrade says. “Yeah, you can have one, but we’ll still arrest you.”

    He expects any sovereign lands that begin growing or selling weed will soon be beset by undercover agents and police activity.

    • Allan says:

      about as solid an endorsement as the earlier memos which they so followed (can anyone say “Kettle Falls 5?)

      Who knows, maybe the feds want an excuse to seize tribal lands…

  8. Pricknick says:

    It becomes more evident every day that lawmakers should be forced to smoke some marijuana before making any decisions.

    • Windy says:

      I oppose any force or coercion on ANYONE, I live by the NAP (non-aggression principle).

    • Servetus says:

      Consuming cannabinoids might do politicians some good by allowing them to live longer. For this reason, I oppose certain lawmakers smoking weed.

  9. Mr_Alex says:

    I suggest people check another nut job prohibitionist Facebook page called mmyv, hardcore Prohibitionists that want to shove opinions people down

    They are brainwashed youths who basically belong in a religious cult

    • DdC says:

      Your posts appear here.
      Page admins will also receive a notification.

      Nothing posted, but now I have to take a shower and splash visine in my eyes to stop the burning of their ignorance.

      • Mr_Alex says:


        I know it’s very frustrating the MMYV members had the guts to show up on a diabetic support group on Facebook and started mocking them for needing cannabis, boy were they shown the door quick and they started calling the diabetics cannabis heads and started making fun of them, I’d say it’s time to expose MMYV and their leadership Pete Miller, I have heard some of the MMYV leadership are connected with Drug Free America and PFizer

        • Duncan20903 says:


          Oh come on, that’s obviously parody.

          Marijuana is the most addictive substance known to humans. Addiction researchers have consistently reported that alcohol is far less addictive than marijuana based on a number of factors. In particular, marijuana use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas alcohol has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal. Those who use marijuana are also much more likely to develop dependence and build tolerance.

        • Justin Auldphart says:

          A quick peek at the group photo should dispel any doubts…nice graphics, nice idea…sad thing is, there are some of our fellow Murcans who would take this cleverness as God’s Own Word…

    • allan says:

      now that site is a sight to be cited! Great parody… scared the dogs when I laughed out loud

    • Irie says:

      This is comic satire, right? This fb page cannot possibly be serious, are we in Kansas still Toto, or has the wizard set the flying monkeys free???

      • Mr_Alex says:

        No I have seen that page group up with Drug Free America and they have attacked a diabetic support group on FaceBook that uses cannabis for their condition that the diabetics should die and etc

        • Duncan20903 says:


          Well if I was making fun of prohibitionists and they thought I was sincere I most certainly would give them an undetermined length of rope and hope them competent enough to hang themselves.

          Of course every time I think, “well that’s it, they’ve reached flat line stupid, No one could be more stupid AND also be alive” the prohibitionists go out and prove me wrong without even breaking a sweat.

          Poe’s Law

          Poe’s law, named after its author Nathan Poe, is an Internet adage reflecting the idea that, without a clear indication of the author’s intent, it is difficult or impossible to tell the difference between an expression of sincere extremism and a parody of extremism.

          The law and its meaning:

          Poe’s law, in broader form, states:

          Without a blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of extremism or fundamentalism that someone won’t mistake for the real thing.

          The core of Poe’s law is that a parody of something extreme, by nature, becomes impossible to differentiate from sincere extremism. A corollary of Poe’s law is the reverse phenomenon: sincere fundamentalist beliefs can be mistaken for a parody of those beliefs.

  10. DdC says:

    The parents, described as “generally uninformed regarding marijuana health risks,”

    Drug Worriers – TV Ad: Parents Alarmed…
    Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Drop in IQ… D’oh My! …

    Anti-Marijuana Ad’s Dubious Claim a Scary Hit With Parents
    An ominous 30-second ad now on YouTube and TV warns that smoking too many joints can seriously harm a teen’s developing brain, with the words “Decreased IQ” crossing the screen.

    ☛ Pot Potency? Boomers’ blissfully unfazed by mere facts
    ☛ Marijuana May Prevent Memory Loss by Reducing Brain Inflammation
    ☛ New study shows youth-cannabis use leads to better cognition,
    not Schizophrenia or defunct memory.
    ☛ Marijuana Users Have Better Cognitive Skills, Study Finds
    ☛ The Hype: Brain Damage and Dead Monkeys
    ☛ Marijuana May Live Up To Be The Elixir of Life

    ☛ Study Turns Pot Wisdom on Head
    Most “drugs of abuse” suppress growth of new brain cells.
    Cannabinoids promoted new neurons…

    ☛ Toke-A-Day May Keep Old Memory Functionin

    ☛ Using Pot To Save Brains!

    “No impairment of physiological, sensory and perceptual performance, tests of concept formation, abstracting ability, and cognitive style, and tests of memory”
    ~ US Jamaican Study 1974

    ☛ Ganja 4 PTSD & Depression

    ☛ Cannabis, the Importance of Forgetting

    ☛ Drug Worriers preferred methods of treatment…
    Celexa, loss of memory,

    ☛ Who’s Really Fighting Legal Weed

    ☛ Drugwar Lies Linked to Schizophrenia
    ☛ Study: No Marijuana Link To Schizophrenia
    ☛ Are People with Schizophrenia Drawn to Smoking Pot
    ☛ Marijuana-Like Drugs Could Treat Schizophrenia, Study Suggests

    ☛ No Physiological Deterioration

    ☛ Marijuana Ingredient May Help Alzheimer’s
    ☛ Cannabis May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Memory Loss
    ☛ Marijuana Ingredient May Help Alzheimer’s
    ☛ Marijuana May Block Alzheimer’s
    ☛ Alzheimer’s Disease Covered Under Medical Marijuana Act

  11. Pingback: Who Cares About Law Abuse? | Spirit Wave

  12. claygooding says:

    “Marijuana flows from this gap into neighboring states, undermining Plaintiff States’ own marijuana bans, draining their treasuries, and placing stress on their criminal justice systems,” the lawsuit states.””

    Translation: They want a piece of the pie.

    Solution: Legalize and keep your citizens money in your state if you can grow good enough weed.

    • DonDig says:

      Beautifully decoded, Clay.

    • claygooding says:

      Another tack:

      Oklahoma is suing CO for legalizing marijuana and the DOJ just allowed Native Americans to grow and sell marijuana.
      ironically nobody can count how many tribal lands there are in OKLA>

      • B. Snow says:

        Yep, that could be awesome for North Texas…
        And the rest of the State too, I just don’t believe we’re at all likely to let this possible business and tax-revenue (if only our %08.25 sales tax) = go to all these other places = south of the US Border, to Reservations in OK & NM or anywhere else.

        That along with the proliferation of all sorts of “synthetic marijuana” which appears to have edged-out “herbal extacy” that been popular here forever!

        If the feds really do the thing with letting States operate their own MMJ programs & the NA Reservations do their thing too = That may just be the straw that breaks the back of (aka rids the United States of the pesky Single Convention Treaty with the UN…

        Which members of the UN would tell us what to about this *this is currently the last excuse for the bureaucrats to hide behind AND, It absolutely must be the next section of the wall to hammer upon* and even the teabaggers would swing/drop their indignation jackhammers upon…

  13. Howard says:

    I think Nebraska and Oklahoma are hoping to win the lawsuit to procure a cash settlement allowing them to build giant fortified concrete domes over their respective states so nothing they like can get in (including sunlight). The rest of us should file a countersuit forcing all raging prohibitionists to be relocated to either of those states before the domes are sealed shut for good. The Sabets, Semblers, Fays, Chabots, Barthwells, Walters, et al. will live in their own sarcophagi, blissfully free from the moral depravity they long to avoid. For good measure, we’ll deem Stupid Patrick “King of the Shut-ins”. Fun will be had by all.

    Wait, I can save them some money. Chernobyl is getting a new sarcophagus, right? We can just relocate all the Nebraskans and Okies who don’t like the marijuana pots inside Chernobyl’s concrete shell. Al least it will be nice and warm in there.

    • B. Snow says:

      I was thinking about looking into having them buy into the (near-ish future) “Newt Gingrich Moon Base & TeeTotaler Resort” where smuggling things up will be next to impossible (*Apart from whatever they can pack their asses, to take with them on the flight up… which will only last a short while. *)

      Although drug distribution will be a capital crime in “Newt’s World” = just as he suggested for the US back (iirc) in the mid 90’s!

      But, there might be a whole new spin on the “X-Prize” created by the next gen and/or existing terminally bored teenagers who didn’t realize what their parents were signing them up for.

      • Duncan20903 says:


        The death penalty just doesn’t work the same when you live in a society where you’d be better off dead.

        Hasn’t homeland security come up with an x-ray to find stuff stashed in your prison wallet? Isn’t that why the line at the airports was so long last month?

  14. kaptinemo says:

    Ever notice something about this kind of nonsense? It’s never the general public that is up in arms, with great hue and cry, who bugs the legislators for this kind of thing. This kind of legislation is, 90-95% of the time, prompted by prohib groups.

    They just don’t seem to get it. Every time they pull this kind of stunt, more and more of their faux ‘public servant’ Teflon coating flakes off in big chunks to reveal the self-serving agenda beneath. An agenda the public is increasingly wise to it…and wise to them.

  15. Servetus says:

    In a move reminiscent of some kind of childlike harassment, the marijuana card has been played by the Russians in the ongoing conflict between Sweden and Russia:

    Russia’s ambassador to Denmark has made light of Swedish concerns over a Russian military jet’s alleged near-miss with a passenger plane, suggesting Swedish authorities may have smoked too much cannabis.

    “The Swedish authorities also recently said there was a submarine in their waters. There wasn’t,” Mikhail Vanin, Russia’s ambassador in Copenhagen, told the Berlingske daily newspaper.

    “Now they say again that they have seen something. I’m afraid the Swedes visit Pusher Street very often,” he said, referring to the Christiania neighbourhood in Copenhagen known for its cannabis trade.

    Weed is what Putin and the Russians need. Light up and lighten up.

    • claygooding says:

      Did they mention the interview was probably over beer steins full of vodka???

      Ironic quote: Do we pull the white mans ass out of the fire one more time???

      • .

        Nah, it was the pilot on the Russian plane who’d been drinking all of the vodka.

        In the meantime the Russian economy continues its collapse. 17% interest rates now as the citizens abandon the good ship ruble like the proverbial rats on a sinking ship. On the other hand if you have dollars, euros or just about any other currency as long as it isn’t Zimbabwean dollars it’s time to buy, buy, buy, bye-bye!

        It’s giving me flash backs to the utter terror I felt the last time Russia did this which was in 1998. It was my first global financial collapse and I thought we were all going to die. Damn near made our economy collapse because of the financial geniuses running Long Term Capital Management and their idiotic 20:1 leveraged bet on Russian bonds. You should thank your lucky ducks that Warren Buffet was willing to step in and save the economy, asking for nothing more than just a meager profit of several billion dollars (not rubles!) What a mensch!

        John Meriwether, where are you now? Oh oh, he’s running another hedge fund. Oh holy shit! He had one in between and lost 3 billion in the W generated financial fiasco. I think I need to start me a hedge fund. Evidently people will give anyone money to run one of those things. How about it people? Everyone here has got the opportunity to get in better than even the ground floor! I’ll get my friends in the sub-basement! It really is the best place in the Pyramid you know. I’ll teach you everything I know about effectively forestalling clawback judgements and those pesky treble damages for usury.

        I guess Bernie kept people from being interested in Meriwether’s second folly. At least Mr. Meriwether lost other people’s money honestly. And how in the world could you not admire a man who’s motto is: “bet on a horse that craps just before the race”?

        • claygooding says:

          That sounds like an exact description of what happened to Kevin Sabet’s crusade to have rehab centers built for the late great spoken about but little to nothing done change over from arrest to rehab scam being pushed by the ONDCP.
          The funding bill will have the funds tucked in it somewhere that will allow the DEA to set up grants for state legislators that can get the rehab centers built using state resources to get enough for the change over.
          It is a clear attempt too hook state legislators up to the same teat they have law enforcement addicted too.
          Fortunately big investors have shunned the idea because they can read the writing on the wall but that can change when state legislators smell tax dollars

    • DdC says:

      “In my era everybody smoked and everybody drank
      and there was no drug use.”
      — x DEA Chief Thomas Constantine, July 1, 1998

  16. Servetus says:

    The black truffle (Tuber melanosporum), a very expensive gourmet treat, has been discovered by Italian scientists at the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Italy, to contain anandamide, the same molecule produced by the human body, and discovered by Dr. Raphael Machoulam, as well as being the same molecule cannabinoids mimic to produce a human high or subdue epileptic seizures.

    It is theorized that the black, or Périgord truffle, produces anandamide to make the fungi desirable for animals to sniff out and dig up to eat, thereby spreading truffle spores throughout the animal’s domain. It’s not yet known if the Italian white truffle has the same chemical makeup as the black truffle, but research is continuing.

    Question: will prohibitionists now ban the truffle and set off a worldwide gourmet war? Stay tuned as the moral panic continues.

  17. Mr_Alex says:

    A video from MMYV aka Marijuana Makes You Violent where they try to shove opinions down people’s throats to continue prohibition:

    • DdC says:

      This is a twist. They hate gun owners too…

      This emerging new community organization is focused on removing the instruments of death known as “firearms” from the grand land of America, thereby eliminating a massive amount of violence!

      Folks, our Great Nation is currently plagued by foreign invaders, and this invasion is coming from within. They are the rascal rogues we know as “gun rights activists”.

      “This year will go down in history.
      For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration!
      Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient,
      and the world will follow our lead into the future!”
      — Adolph Hitler, April 15, 1935

      Parady or Serious Reefer Phobic Crusaders?

      MMYV: Marijuana MAKES You Violent
      If you notice a foul, skunk-like odor and billowing green smoke fumes erupting from a house in your neighborhood, PLEASE do your civic duty and phone the police. You do not want criminal drug cookers whipping up batches of crystallized THC rocks in their hemp labs and peddling them to your offspring. These freaks belong in jail for life.

      Another West Burro Babfest or just a spoofer? It is hard to tell when the government and a large following spew the same fears. A century of Hate, Yellow Journalism and Censorship. Chronic Endocannabinoid Deficiency creating larger fear centers and unquestioning obedience. What should be ludicrous to a child is used to write draconian policy and spend more on protecting kids from reefer hobgoblins. While actual kids die because of them. A Causal Connection of Moral Depravity watching little girls spasm with 300 seizures knowing cannabis can reduce them to 2 or 3 is unprecedented in low life goals. I can imagine Sabet and Calvina fist bumping. Like cops winning a case lying in court to cage a dying patient finding relief with Ganja.

      I don’t think Anslinger was kidding. Or Nixon, Reagan, Walters or the numerous media outlets spreading the gore and gossip. None of the drug worriers find their crusade any less than ordained by, naturally, an invisible god with an exorbitant lack of evidence. Other than hashish incense which they deny and edify from the record. Merrily shooting doctors in church condemning Hemp as a back door to drug addiction. While aborting more babies than Roe v Wade in them ole Bible Belt cotton fields. Selling 90 million pounds of Monsanto poisons sprayed on anything living. Parody impersonating reality? or Reality impersonating parody? Just selling tee shirts?

      “Casual drug users should be taken out and shot.”
      — Daryl Gates
      Father of SWAT Founder of DARE

      “I want a Goddamn strong statement on marijuana, I mean one that just tears the ass out of them. You know, it’s a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish.”
      ~ Richard M. Nixon

      “I do not think that the narcotic [Marihuana] can be used here to any extent. If it were being sold in wholesale quantities, somebody would be getting violent,”
      ~ Chief of Detectives Herbert A. Schultz
      BELOIT DAILY NEWS (Beloit, Wisconsin) Feb. 10, 1938 pg1.


      AXE MURDER – KILLS WHOLE FAMILY: A seventeen-year-old boy in a Southern state smoked a marijuana cigarette handed him in a poolroom. When he arrived home, he imagined that his family had been conspiring to dismember him. To forestall this, he hacked his father, mother, sister and two brothers to death with an ax . . .

      LESBIAN LOVE – WOMEN STABBED TO DEATH: 1938 – F 28 Prostitute stabbed Mrs. M. O’Shannon for not cooperating Lesbian activities. — “UN Bulletin on Narcotics”-1966 Issue 2 . . . .

      GIRL SLAYERS: In New Jersey, a young woman recently confessed that she and a girl companion lad held up and coldly murdered a bus driver. She had been smoking marijuana cigarettes or “reefers,” she said and didn’t know what she was doing. — The CHRISTIAN CENTURY – June 29, 1938. . . .

      CHILD RAPIST: Recently in Baltimore a young man was sent to the electric chair for having raped a girl while under the influence of marihuana. — Mr. Anslinger 1937 Congressional Testimony. . .

      POLICE TROOPER KILLED: Then again, the case of the young desperado in Michigan who, a few months ago, caused a reign of terror by his career of burglaries and holdups, finally to be sent to prison for life after kidnapping a Michigan state policeman, killing him, then handcuffing him to the post of a rural mailbox. . . .

      The story of these two New Jersey girls who, under the weird distortion of right and wrong, murdered a man for $2.10, has been re-enacted over and over with but slight variations. — On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness (1939) By Earle Rowell


      Report: Federal Monopoly Obstructs Medical Marijuana Research

      “The most reliable scientific sources say permanent brain damage is one of the inevitable results of the use of marijuana.

      I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast.”
      California Governor Ronald Reagan, 1974 (L.A. Times.)
      The Hype: Brain Damage in Dead Monkeys

      Do you despise weed smokers? Do you hate the violence and death they dish out with guns? Go “Like” Americans for a Gun-Free Country now! Please help them spread their anti-gun message to the world.

      California Cops Are Trained ‘Marijuana Is Not A Medicine’

    • DdC says:

      This is a twist. They hate gun owners too…


      Do you despise weed smokers? Do you hate the violence and death they dish out with guns? Go “Like” Americans for a Gun-Free Country now! Please help them spread their anti-gun message to the world.

      This emerging new community organization is focused on removing the instruments of death known as “firearms” from the grand land of America, thereby eliminating a massive amount of violence!

      Folks, our Great Nation is currently plagued by foreign invaders, and this invasion is coming from within. They are the rascal rogues we know as “gun rights activists”.

      “This year will go down in history.
      For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration!
      Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient,
      and the world will follow our lead into the future!”
      — Adolph Hitler, April 15, 1935

      ☛ Parady or Serious Reefer Phobic Crusaders?

      ☛ MMYV: Marijuana MAKES You Violent

      If you notice a foul, skunk-like odor and billowing green smoke fumes erupting from a house in your neighborhood, PLEASE do your civic duty and phone the police. You do not want criminal drug cookers whipping up batches of crystallized THC rocks in their hemp labs and peddling them to your offspring. These freaks belong in jail for life.

      Another West Burro Babfest or just a spoofer? It is hard to tell when the government and a large following spew the same fears. A century of Hate, Yellow Journalism and Censorship. Chronic Endocannabinoid Deficiency creating larger fear centers and unquestioning obedience. What should be ludicrous to a child is used to write draconian policy and spend more on protecting kids from reefer hobgoblins. While actual kids die because of them. A Causal Connection of Moral Depravity watching little girls spasm with 300 seizures knowing cannabis can reduce them to 2 or 3 is unprecedented in low life goals. I can imagine Sabet and Calvina fist bumping. Like cops winning a case lying in court to cage a dying patient finding relief with Ganja.

      I don’t think Anslinger was kidding. Or Nixon, Reagan, Walters or the numerous media outlets spreading the gore and gossip. None of the drug worriers find their crusade any less than ordained by, naturally, an invisible god with an exorbitant lack of evidence. Other than hashish incense which they deny and edify from the record. Merrily shooting doctors in church condemning Hemp as a back door to drug addiction. While aborting more babies than Roe v Wade in them ole Bible Belt cotton fields. Selling 90 million pounds of Monsanto poisons sprayed on anything living. Parody impersonating reality? or Reality impersonating parody? Just selling tee shirts?

      “Casual drug users should be taken out and shot.”
      — Daryl Gates
      Father of SWAT Founder of DARE

      “I want a Goddamn strong statement on marijuana, I mean one that just tears the ass out of them. You know, it’s a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish.”
      ~ Richard M. Nixon

      “I do not think that the narcotic [Marihuana] can be used here to any extent. If it were being sold in wholesale quantities, somebody would be getting violent,”
      ~ Chief of Detectives Herbert A. Schultz
      BELOIT DAILY NEWS (Beloit, Wisconsin) Feb. 10, 1938 pg1.


      AXE MURDER – KILLS WHOLE FAMILY: A seventeen-year-old boy in a Southern state smoked a marijuana cigarette handed him in a poolroom. When he arrived home, he imagined that his family had been conspiring to dismember him. To forestall this, he hacked his father, mother, sister and two brothers to death with an ax . . .

      LESBIAN LOVE – WOMEN STABBED TO DEATH: 1938 – F 28 Prostitute stabbed Mrs. M. O’Shannon for not cooperating Lesbian activities. — “UN Bulletin on Narcotics”-1966 Issue 2 . . . .

      GIRL SLAYERS: In New Jersey, a young woman recently confessed that she and a girl companion lad held up and coldly murdered a bus driver. She had been smoking marijuana cigarettes or “reefers,” she said and didn’t know what she was doing. — The CHRISTIAN CENTURY – June 29, 1938. . . .

      CHILD RAPIST: Recently in Baltimore a young man was sent to the electric chair for having raped a girl while under the influence of marihuana. — Mr. Anslinger 1937 Congressional Testimony. . .

      POLICE TROOPER KILLED: Then again, the case of the young desperado in Michigan who, a few months ago, caused a reign of terror by his career of burglaries and holdups, finally to be sent to prison for life after kidnapping a Michigan state policeman, killing him, then handcuffing him to the post of a rural mailbox. . . .

      The story of these two New Jersey girls who, under the weird distortion of right and wrong, murdered a man for $2.10, has been re-enacted over and over with but slight variations. — On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness (1939) By Earle Rowell


      Report: Federal Monopoly Obstructs Medical Marijuana Research

      “The most reliable scientific sources say permanent brain damage is one of the inevitable results of the use of marijuana.

      I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast.”
      California Governor Ronald Reagan, 1974 (L.A. Times.)
      The Hype: Brain Damage in Dead Monkeys

      ☛ California Cops Are Trained ‘Marijuana Is Not A Medicine’

      • thelbert says:

        speaking of monsanto: too bad india isn’t allowed to grow hemp.

        • claygooding says:

          India does grow hemp and always has because it was one of the basic food staples when the STC was passed,,the laws in India say you cannot possess the flower tops of the hemp plant so every day on their way home they rub tops between their palms and scrape the “finger hash” off when they get home.

      • Joe says:

        Was thinking about this yesterday: with official comparisons of Putin to Hitler, looks like Godwin’s Law no longer applies in debate.

        Hitler hated smoking and was a vegan too.

        Recent research indicates vegetarians and vegans have a much higher rate of mental illness than carnivores. That has been my observation too.

        • DdC says:

          Owsley Stanley, January 19, 1935 – March 12, 2011
          Bear, was a key figure in the San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s, and played a pivotal role in the counterculture of the 1960s. As a crafts-person, he became best known simply as ‘Owsley’ – the LSD “cook” (underground chemist). Under the professional name of “Bear”, he worked with the psychedelic rock band the Grateful Dead’s international fan “family”.

          Stanley believed that the natural human diet is a totally carnivorous one, thus making it a no-carbohydrate diet, and that all vegetables are toxic. He claimed to have eaten almost nothing but meat, eggs, butter and cheese since 1959 and that he believed his body had not aged as much as the bodies of those who eat a more “normal” diet. He was convinced that insulin, released by the pancreas when carbohydrates are ingested, is the cause of much damage to human tissue and that diabetes mellitus is caused by the ingestion of carbohydrates. ref

  18. Joe says:

    Looks like NE and OK might have opened a Pandora’s Box…

    Consequently, it seems to me one possible way (of many) for Colorado to defend its marijuana reform would be to assert a new full-throated attack on federal marijuana prohibition in the Supreme Court in light of the “new evidence” that the majority of US jurisdictions recognize in law the potential value of marijuana as medicine.

  19. NorCalNative says:

    At my most recent doctor visit.

    ME: “The endocannabinoid system is the master control panel for almost every physiological system in the human body”

    Dr. Eliaser: “I know.”

    I was kind of shocked and what I recall was wide-eyes and on open mouth on my part. Remarkable when a year previous I suspected that the endocannabinoid system was something my physician was likely unaware of.

    But the best part was when he “accused?” me of being a “LIKE A RELIGIOUS FANATIC about cannabis.”

    I haven’t been shy about my experience with full extract cannabis oil and of course my physician watched as I shed off EVERY Big Pharma medicine he had been prescribing including an almost 20-year morphine dependency.

    So yeah, I was a little stoked. I had to fight the urge to lecture him at every opportunity because I WANT THIS FOR OTHER PATIENTS.

    The opportunity to seek and achieve HOMEOSTASIS is a fundamental HUMAN RIGHT and that’s what the fight over Schedule I status is about.

    So, to the two Tea Party Republicans from NE and OK, you guys are an embarrassment to the human race. Wake up and smell the terpenes!

    • Jean Valjean says:

      With obesity killing millions every year there is remarkably little reporting on cannabis’ ability to achieve weight-loss in consumers. It seems that cannabis induced homeostasis prevents the gut from absorbing too much fat, which is then just excreted out of the body. Big Pharma eat your heart out!
      We hear lots of “jokes” about the munchies in the media but I would be willing to bet that regular cannabis consumers have smaller waistlines than the average.
      Chris Cristie and Kevin Sabet take note.

  20. allan says:

    Medical Marijuana May Worsen PTSD Symptoms, Increase Violence

    • Duncan20903 says:


      Monkeys may fly out of my ass!

      • allan says:

        don’t forget to shoot video!

        • kaptinemo says:

          Shhhh! Allan! You know how intellectually vacuous the prohibs are! (Waving finger) Don’t give them any ideas!

          Kidding aside, since they’ve proven they’re sick enough to excuse State-sanctioned child murder in the name of saving (whose?)children from drugs as being acceptable collateral damage, they’ll do anything…

  21. allan says:

    Pot, politics and music have been a combo for me for 40 years… and having heard one of my faves today, I had to share ’cause it just does that too me. I mean it’s good foot tapping shit, it goes great w/ herb and it’s a political anthem. 3 out of 3.

    So here’s to y’all:

  22. DdC says:

    100,000 prisoners are in for low-level drug offenses.
    Obama just gave relief to 8.

    6 Ways to Use Hemp and Marijuana That You Never Expected

    Cotton? Polyester?

    • free radical says:

      Seriously, what will they do with all the extra room? I’ll bet the few remaining prisoners behind bars are getting lonely, rattling around in a a nearly-empty prison.

    • Windy says:

      I knew all of that about hemp already. In fact, EVERYTHING that is made from crude oil can be made better, longer lasting, cheaper, and greener when made from hemp, it is almost as good at replacing wood, and can also replace cotton (which depletes the soil in which it is grown and requires tons of pesticides — hemp restores the soil in which it is grown and anything planted in that soil after a hemp/marijuana crop will grow better).

  23. thelbert says:

    looks like conducting no-knock drug raids with head firmly lodged in ying-yang is standard procedure. compensating innocent victims of police insanity is illegal in georgia:

  24. Mr_Alex says:

    Check out the POP page aka parents opposed to pot, it’s like a religious cult:

    • DdC says:

      These despicable liars should come with a warning label…

      Caution: Prohibitionist Gossip May be Hazardous to Your Health.

      Warning: The Drug War Has Determined that The Surgeon General is Dangerous to Your Health.

      SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Drug Worriers Cause Incarceration, Forfeiture, Confiscations, And May lob stun grenades into baby cribs.

      SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Quitting Prohibition Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.

    • Jean Valjean says:

      I tried to find out how this “Non-profit Organisation” was funded without success. I get the feeling they are not “parents pricking the balloon of marijuana,” but a pressure group of self-interested parties like police, big pharma, etc. They are clearly worried by the success of social networking media in getting the facts of cannabis out there and are trying to counter that. I think it highly likely they are getting some funding from the federal government i.e. tax payer. Anyone know any more about them?

    • kaptinemo says:

      The more they lose, the more they’ll feel the need to unleash their Inner Whacko.

      ““A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” – Winston Churchill

      For a long time, fanaticism in the DrugWar was very lucrative. But now, it is becoming less so by the day, as more and more citizens in currently non-legal States contemplate re-legalization.

      The very pressures that causes will flush out into the open every enemy of cognitive liberty in the society, marking them for easy identification by their hysterical diatribes against cannabis, and of course, ‘saving’ the children from it.

      So, they’re actually doing us a favor by venting their ignorance and prejudice publicly. If any should attempt to run for public office in the future, their wild-eyed fulminations can be used to show the public the true face of prohibitionism…and why people like them should always be kept from the buttons and levers of power they are perpetually lusting for.

      • Windy says:

        WOW, that Churchill quote makes me a fanatic, I’ve been preaching an end to the drug war since the early 70s, it’s been daily activity for me, I have also been doing the same on the horrible duopoly that controls politics in our country and trying to educate people on libertarianism, to lead them to, at the very least, a Constitutional government and hopefully to true anarchy where it is (as our own allan wrote)”anarchy is about individual personal responsibility” and leaving everyone else alone to live their own lives as they see fit (so long as they do not violate the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property of others, in any way). And lately I’ve been a fanatic on police brutality and getting away with all kinds of crimes up to and including murder.

  25. mr Ikasheeni says:

    Does anyone see even no labels blue-dogs inserting BS abrogating gains by popular referendums?

  26. claygooding says:

    Grow your own and defeat big marijuana,big government and the cartels.

    WIN/WIN/WIN !!!

    Don’t buy no marijuana don’t sell no marijuana,,swap buds with your buds!!!!

    • Windy says:

      I’ve been suggesting that everyone who supports ending the war on cannabis, plant at least ONE cannabis plant in their backyard garden/greenhouse, they cannot possibly arrest everyone, the courts and jails would both be overwhelmed (overwhelming the courts would be a good thing, IMNSHO but they would just choose to NOT arrest in the first place so overwhelming will likely never happen).

      • thelbert says:

        i’m with you Windy. got at least one sprout on the back porch already. it’s been ten years since i bought any dope.

  27. Duncan20903 says:


    Here’s yet another shocker. My 20-20 hindsight says that I should have deduced that this was very possible after seeing the Canadian Army engage in a battle against a rather large cannabis field in Afghanistan a few years back.

    Marijuana Top Drug Choice Of Canadian Army, Report Finds

    Canadian Army Battles Field of cannabis in Afghanistan

    “… before I joined the army, I never thought I’d say ‘That damn marijuana’.”

  28. thelbert says:

    if you take the idea that one human has the right and duty to control the blood chemistry of another human to it’s logical conclusion, then one state should be able to meddle with the laws of other states. next the government might try control the genetic makeup of it’s citizens. like rounding up people with the wrong genetics.

  29. allan says:

    🙁 Joe Cocker has passed…

    another one of my activist anthems:

  30. I ran into this video that really hits home on what the latest scam on marijuana is from a political point of view.

    What The Feds Don’t Want You To Know:

    • Duncan20903 says:


      Can we get an opinion from an actual lawyer? Oh wait! Here’s one:

      A ‘Hail Mary’ Pass By Our Political Opponents

      By Keith Stroup on December 22, 2014 Activism, Law & Politics, Marijuana Laws, NORML, Opinion

      For those of us in the business of changing public policy, sometimes we judge our progress on what we have accomplished; and other times we judge our effectiveness by the desperate acts of our opponents. The federal law suit filed late last week by the states of Nebraska and Oklahoma, seeking a declaratory judgment from the U.S. Supreme Court holding Colorado’s legalization provisions to be unconstitutional, clearly falls in the latter category.

      This suit is more political theater than a serious legal challenge. These two conservative state attorneys general know they are losing this fight in the court of public opinion, so they are hoping the Supreme Court will step in and overturn the will of the voters. Desperate times lead to desperate tactics, and the plaintiffs in this action were clearly feeling desperate.

  31. Colin Keesee says:

    I am not going to join in the other discussions here.i simply want to point out how disingenuous conservatives are when they rail against The Federal Government and “Big Government” and how dishonest they are when they invoke States’ Rights.

    In truth, small government really means cutting off welfare to “the blacks ” and States Rights really means lynching the queers and “the blacks” with impunity.

    Right wingers, stop stealing libertarian rhetoric because you are a bunch of lying and dangerous folks who love Big Government and Federal Power whenever it can be used to hammer down the underprivileged and to legitimize your antediluvian and parochial prejudices.

  32. MJ Verite says:

    Oklahoma needs some more of that HIDTA money, on account of that HUGE border they share with Colorado. And Nebraska? Really. I really have to get my hands on a complaint. Should the Attorneys General prevail, wouldn’t that mean smaller budgets and fewer forfeitures? Maybe their hoping the Supremes will remove MJ from the CSA, after which the corn huskers and oakies can reap tax benefits with even less work.

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