- DrugWarRant.com, the longest running single-issue blog devoted to drug policy
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Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Marijuana proves superior to alcohol once again for not producing any deaths during the pandemic: Alcohol-related deaths increased 18% during…” Feb 6, 21:59
Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “A compound found in marijuana may mitigate its unwanted side effects or help create a more efficient form of CBD:…” Feb 6, 21:36
NorCalNative on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Marijuana Moment or NORML probably have that info.” Feb 2, 17:56
John Doe on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “I strongly disagree with the abstinence-only approach to addiction treatment. It’s outdated and doesn’t account for the complexities of addiction.…” Jan 31, 20:59
John Doe on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Looking for information on marijuana possession penalties in different states” Jan 31, 17:13
Pete Guither's blog reader on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “I strongly disagree with Bill O’Reilly’s stance on marijuana. His views are outdated and not supported by scientific evidence. Marijuana…” Jan 29, 15:59
Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “The Trump administration has rescinded a proposed ban of menthol cigarettes: 24-JAN-25 — The proposed rule, which had been in…” Jan 27, 19:40
Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Smoking opioids is associated with a two-thirds lower mortality rate compared to injecting: 23-Jan-2025–A new study published today in the…” Jan 25, 20:55
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- If I were Contrarian-King of the United States
- Increase in Burger Abuse Seen
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- Karen Tandy and the DEA (Can Congress Get a Clue?)
- Len Bias – the death that ushered in two decades of destruction
- Mother and Son
- Patriot Act, Victory Act, Despot Act
- Petition for Correction under the ONDCP Information Quality Guidelines
- Raich v. Ashcroft
- Rand and American Enterprise Institute Studies – Indictments of Federal Drug Policy
- the Drug Czar is Required by Law to Lie
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- Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists
- Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana
- Anti-marijuana quack Dave Weldon to take over CDC
- Catholic bishops fear marijuana and freethinking
- Marijuana potencies and transitioning to Schedule III
- JD Vance is a marijuana prohibitionist
- Project 2025 dictates new and unproven drug policies
- Nora Volkow spotlights violent marijuana consumers
- Are DEA Administrative Law Judges Unconstitutional?
- John Walters and William Barr linked to Nazis
- About
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- Why is Marijuana Illegal?
- Drug War Victims
- Petition for Correction under the ONDCP Information Quality Guidelines
- the Drug Czar is Required by Law to Lie
- Deep Thoughts About the Drug War
- Treatment Statistics
- Drug War Videos
- Bong Hits 4 Jesus – Supreme Court Case
- Len Bias – the death that ushered in two decades of destruction
- Raich v. Ashcroft
- DEA Bad Girl Michele Leonhart
- Increase in Burger Abuse Seen
- If I were Contrarian-King of the United States
- Karen Tandy and the DEA (Can Congress Get a Clue?)
- Hammer Down, Pop Up
- Irvin Rosenfeld and the Compassionate IND — Medical Marijuana Proof and Government Lies
- Andrea Barthwell, caught red-handed
- Andrea Barthwell, Snake Oil Salesman
- A story for Thanksgiving (Isidro and Teresa Aviles)
- Who’s Who in Drug Prohibition
- A Day at the Museum
- Mother and Son
- Rand and American Enterprise Institute Studies – Indictments of Federal Drug Policy
- Patriot Act, Victory Act, Despot Act
- Drug WarRant Joins SOPA, PIPA Protest
You ended the war? So can we go smoke one without getting arrested? No? Then you didnt END The Drug War
The Lancet have bought it: Link
tell me this ain’t Gil, to a T:
Doesn’t that face generate a feeling of confidence and trust? Just having that picture in my mind will allow me to sleep better,knowing that he is around to protect me.
Luckily,he is 1800 miles away.
Allan,copied and saved it as “Kerli”
Expletive, expletive expletive expletive!
Thanks Pete. I needed to get that out of my system.
Yes allan420, that does fit Kerli-boy.
And how wonderful it would be if Prohibition were truly over.
He just had some of this stuff – Link – and he’s now a zombie.
As much as I won’t ever pee for work again (fabts) I wouldn’t take a job that made me become a public liar…
… c’mon Gil… I’ll bet your fellow former Seattle PD Chief Norm Stamper would gladly meet and debate the drug war/Prohibition II with you in a public, televised national debate. The issue is obviously of a scope that it needs national exposure of diverse viewpoints, especially the voice of protest. The eloquent voices of protest that just won’t shut up. We’re everywhere Gil and we own the net. That’s why all your Prohibition teat sucking orgs hide behind inaccessible websites, ’cause they can’t withstand the heat in the kitchen.
And personally Gil… I’d like to hear your comments in public on the Missouri SWAT raid and an explanation of why it’s important to have our police raiding homes, shooting dogs and scaring kids over what is provably just what Judge Young said it is – one of the safest therapeutic substances known to man.
After that we can move on to Donald Scott, Jennifer Odom and crew, Charity and Veronica Bowers, Kathryn Johnston… and the rest of the failed drug war and it’s innocent victims. C’mon Gil. Use those names in your next oped. What happens when we tell their stories (and all the others) to the public, Gil?
@strayan – Unbelievable, The Lancet! Please go read their journal article A new dawn for drug policy in the USA. Journalism 101: the ONDCP Strategy ≠their budget. OK, so who is going to write a letter to The Lancet to counter their propaganda?
Their policy is so unpopular, they have to pretend it is over.
Next stop? The real end to this massive corruption.
The good thing about this is that if the rest of the world thinks we are changing policies it might get them talking more about harm reduction & legalization, even if we actually are not.
Drug war over? The warriors are still out there, with their guns and absurd laws, doing permanant damage to families in the name of prohibition. No, Kurli, I haven’t seen the terms of your surrender yet. And I don’t feel any less a target, with my wife and child and mortgage, and reg’lur job. Given the chance you would still send your thugs to trash everything I’ve spent 55 years building. F***K YOU. F***k Amerikkka.
I share that sentiment Darkcycle.
I have a good life, they would trash it over ONE JOINT!
Nope …the war on the people isnt over.
Come on GIL, prove its over! Tell us the federal government wont arrest anyone over pot, then maybe we can move on and decide what the do with hard drugs…like meth. Figure out a REAL solution for over doses and incarceration(ruining of your life).