Putting kids on the front lines

Scary viewpoint from a school official:

GYPSUM, Colorado — Schools are on the front lines of the war on drugs and that makes it worth fighting, says an Eagle Valley High School administrator.

“Is it a war worth fighting? “I say yes. Absolutely yes,” said Eric Mandeville, assistant principal at Eagle Valley High School.

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25 Responses to Putting kids on the front lines

  1. strayan says:

    Putting our kids on the front lines. What a sensible idea.

    • Christy says:

      What we need is parents on the front lines, not spending tens of billions on drug war bureaucracy. Novel idea: Teach parents how to be parents, rather than hopelessly focusing efforts on teaching kids not to get into mischief. Kids still respect their parents more than the nanny state officials, right? So lets work through the parents instead of bypassing them.

  2. kaptinemo says:

    Read the whole thing. “Safe to tell” Same old ‘DARE’ snitch tactics. (Chuckling) Those who rat on their peers will learn that it’s anything but ‘safe to tell’.

  3. tintguy says:

    How many groups do we have now on the front lines of the WOSD that Curly Q ended?

  4. tintguy says:

    Eagle Valley, Colorado must be a dangerous place to live with all those caffine and MM addicted kids running around emulating their strung out parents bad behavior. Maybe we should just nuke the place. lol
    The article was quite entertaining.

  5. Steve says:

    This article is so poorly written that I don’t know where to begin, so I’ll just point out one item that was particularly alarming…regarding the “safe to tell” approach – the article specifically points out that a student can anonymously report another student if they “think” that student is under the influence…nuff said there. Kids are mature enough to understand that if they don’t like another kid, or have an argument with them, it would cause an insurmountable amount of distress to a family by falsly accusing a child of such activity – right. This is a doomed program before it ever starts – if you can do it anonymously, why wouldn’t you just start with the A’s and then go right on down the list until everyone has been checked out…epic fail

    • Peter says:

      During the Salem witch hunts many of those denounced by their neighbors were selected because they owned land which the neighbor wanted. I can seen this modern witch hunt being used by student snitches to settle grudges, get revenge etc. It will be only too easy make secret denunciations against rivals under the banner of “safe to tell.” I can imagine a race to get your denunciation in first, before your rival denounces you. Just one more example of the damage caused to society by the war on drugs.

  6. Nobody says:

    Got to love how they sugarcoat it. “Help” your fellow students. War is peace. Ignorance is STRENGTH.

  7. Mike R says:

    Thanks again to all those who fearlessly protect our children by adding criminal records and jail time to the list of dangerous side effects of street drugs.

    I know countless people who have quit a drug problem, some very serious. I still don’t know very many people who have managed to quit a felony record.

    Now they want our children to serve as the next Youth of Hitler and spy on their fellow Americans? Maybe they should get a little edcuation first, grow up a little first so they can actually understand these issues? You know, formulate intelligent opinions of their own? isn’t that why we send our kids to school?

    The sheer insanity of it all. All driven by completely irrational fear. This is what you get when you raise people to believe that a firey pit of eternal torture awaits people who don’t behave. Lots of fear and fatal overraction to anything and everything that escapes simple understanding.

  8. Servetus says:

    Assistant Principal Eric Mandeville wants to become a full principal as soon as he can entangle Eagle Valley’s current principal on bogus drug charges. Watch out for Mandeville. He’s ambitious.

    I understand Mr. Mandeville’s problem. Now that he’s appointed himself Eagle Valley High School Drug Czar, he needs to create new strategies for attacking youthful, experimental drug users. As we all know, no prohibitionist has ever shown any signs of having had a useful, innovative thought. So I will offer some suggestions on how Mr. Mandeville may accomplish his beatific vision of a drug free Eagle Valley campus.

    First, Mr. Mandeville, change the name of your education facility to Eagle Valley Low School, because you don’t want the ‘High’ to be in anything. None of that ‘Rocky Mountain Colorado High ’, either. Ban John Denver’s music from the campus (but buy stock in the record company as Denver’s song is made popular again because it’s prohibited).

    Yeah, the Eagle Valley Low School. Where students go to be beaten down as low as possible for being curious and showing courage in the face of a transparent government fraud. Officially stigmatized for life. Heaven forbid that some student accedes to political office who should think for themselves, or oppose their corporate puppeteers. Be safe. Empower the incurious. Promote the obsequious.

    Low School is where every bit of knowledge concerning world history and the sciences is served up cold and distasteful, if at all. A warning never to broach these heretical subjects again. They’re dangerous. They make people think. Just like violating the drug laws.

    And finally, never admit you’re wrong about anything, no matter how badly you screw things up.

  9. malcolm kyle says:

    “All of our crops died. Sometimes even farm
    animals died as well. After the fumigation, we’d go days without
    eating. Once the fumigation spray hit my little brother and me.
    We were outside and didn’t make it into the house before the
    planes flew by. I got sick and had to be taken to the hospital. I got
    a terrible rash that itched a lot and burned in the sun. The doctor
    told us the chemical spray was toxic and was very dangerous. I
    was sick for a long time and my brother was sick even longer.”


  10. Matthew Meyer says:

    Speaking of wars worth fighting and fumigation: The Redding Record-Searchlight reports that Shasta County Supervisor Glenn Hawes said, in a public Board of Supervisors meeting at which the topic of medical marijuana grows in Shasta County was discussed, “It’s too bad we can’t just turn loose a little 2, 4-D (an herbicide) and take care of it.”


    2,4-D is half of Agent Orange and a suspected carcinogen:


    Yep, that’s the situation here in Shasta County…the local press makes news out of an anti-medical marijuana rant by a faux-conservative supervisor at the supes meeting, lending amplitude to some sense of moral panic.

    Maybe Glenn Hawes can get a good deal on surplus fumigant from Plan Colombia to use right here at home.

  11. darkcycle says:

    Duncan said it, and it was the GOLDEN rule when and where I grew up, “Snitches get stitches or wind up in ditches.”.
    But here in the USSA, it’s now considered de rigueur.
    Reichsfuhrer Janet says; “If you see something, say something!”

  12. Steve in Clearwater FL says:

    When I was in high school, the assistant principal looked just like Ron Jeremy, though we didn’t know it at the time because of course no one in my town between the ages of 15-18 ever had access to VHS porno tapes…..wink, wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean, say no more…..

    • Duncan20903 says:

      Good news! I got an email the other day from Mr. Jeremy, and now that he’s retired from being a porn star he’s selling the secret to owning a very large penis. It was just the union rules of the Smut Actors Guild local #14 that kept him from sharing his penis secrets previously.

  13. DdC says:

    Schools are on the front lines of the war on drugs and that makes it worth fighting, says an Eagle Valley High School administrator.

    “Is it a war worth fighting? “I say yes. Absolutely yes,” said Eric Mandeville, assistant principal at Eagle Valley High School.

    • DdC says:

      The Assassins of Youth: PDFA/DARE
      Gen. Barry McCaffrey, President Clinton’s director of national drug policy, has declared flatly that underage drinking is the single biggest drug problem among adolescents, and is intimately linked to the use of illegal drugs. But as things stand now, the $195 million national media campaign that McCaffrey is running this year to dissuade youngsters from using illicit drugs will not spend a penny in Federal funds to warn teenagers about the Dangers of drinking.

      Dare has stranglehold on Drug education!
      Communities should have alternatives to using the DARE program, becuause of it’s ineffectiveness. There are other programs out there infinitely more effective, but DARE has a stranglehold on drug education. DARE has contributed to increased drug use, and should be replaced with a more effective program. A dubious fact is that DARE gets some of it’s funding from Pharmaceutical companies,

      Partnership for a Drug-Free America Sources of Funding from 1988-91 as extracted from Federal Tax Returns (figures are approximate) by the Washington Hemp Education Network, also from the Los Angeles Times:


      Joseph E. Seagrams & Sons, Inc.
      Coors Brewing Co.
      Hiram Walker-Allied Vintners, Inc.
      Stroh Brewing Co.


      Brown & Williamson
      RJR Nabisco, Inc.
      RJ Reynolds
      Lorillard, Inc.
      American Brands
      Phillip Morris


      J. Seward Johnson, Sr. Charitable Trusts $1,100.000
      Du Pont $25,000
      Proctor and Gamble Fund $120,000
      Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation $115,000
      Johnson & Johnson $100,000
      Merck Foundation $85,000
      Hoffman-LaRoche $75,000


      Perry Drug Stores, Inc.
      The Pfizer Foundation, Inc.
      Rohrer Group, Inc.
      Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc.
      Smith-Kline Beecham, Inc.
      Sterling Drug Co.

      Trade Name Haldol, Serenace
      How Available tablet, liquid, injection
      Drug Group Anti-psychotic drug (Butyrophenone)
      Prescription Required Yes
      Major Uses Haloperidol is used in the long term treatment of schizophrenia and to reduce aggressive behaviour. It is often used when alcohol withdrawal leads to confusion, hallucinations and aggressive behaviour. The medication can also be used to treat nausea and vomiting associated with advanced cancer.

      Johnson and Johnson wants Americans to buy Haldol as an anti-nauseant rather than marijuana.

      The Partnership: Hard Sell in the Drug War
      by CYNTHIA COTTS, The Nation Magazine

      MAMA believes that we can reduce many of the harms that are associated with drug use and substance abuse by giving people the knowledge they need to make an informed decision. Our approach to these troubling issues comes from a belief in personal responsiblity, informed decision making and respect for self and others.

      Calvina Fay Prohibition Inc.

  14. Jhelion says:

    Kind of OT but related:

    Teachers strike due to random drug testing requirement in new contract

    • kaptinemo says:

      I have to laugh. “Sauce for the goose…”

      Those teachers almost certainly did not raise a fuss about random drug testing for kids. Be silent on (or supportive of) the drug testing of kids, allowing for the violation of what few rights they have, and eventually your rights get placed on the auction block.

      As my old instructors, veterans of the VN War used to say, “What comes around, goes around.” Make the bed? Now sleep in it!

      • Duncan20903 says:

        Oh my word, someone that actually knows the correct wording for the old goose/gander chestnut.

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