Demographics & time are on our side! What demographic scores the lowest support for legalization? Age 65+! While age 18-29 is among the highest support.
Every year, more old folks who have never had any contact with marijuana are dying, and kids who grow up around marijuana and are familiar with its nature are turning 18.
Without the support and keeping marijuana use alive and thriving by your elders,,you would know even less than you do now.
And we started this with 2 weeks to get a letter printed to refute the propaganda spread by our government,,and forget any favorable news on any of the three television channels available. Our efforts were all by a phone with a wire attached to your house,,no portability at all or word of mouth.
Instant communications with millions of people at real-time has brought this about,,not because your age group is any smarter or more determined than older generations.
These whippersnappers certainly can be annoying. Who the heck do they think started NORML just over 4 decades ago? The pre-embryonic members of Generation Y? Sheesh! Oh well, we knew everything when we were their age too. It’s not even arguable, the older I get the dumber I am.
I’m not overly fond of old southern conservative republican women right now. What scares me most is that is exactly the demographic most likely to vote.
The problem is likely voters. 18-29, not a strong voting block – heck, I’ve tried to convince my kids they should vote without any luck. Also both parties seem unwilling to move towards this position despite what people are saying (one of the reasons I tend towards 3rd parties).
To all of us who have ever thrown up our hands in disgust at the pig-headed stupidity of our fellow man, this is proof that most people are in fact capable of sound judgement when they have access to the facts. A big shout out Tim Berners-Lee and all those DARPA dudes who built the internet!
As the great bard said, the truth will out. And in the age of Google, it will out sooner rather than later.
Occupy Lamar! 3 opportunities to meet and greet the Congressman (Lamar Smith, R-TX) currently stoppering H.R.2306 in his capacity as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
Wednesday, October 19th
10 a.m.: Kerrville Public Meeting
Location: Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater – 910 Main Street, Kerrville TX
3 p.m.: Bandera Public Meeting
Location: Bandera Justice Center, 3360 State Highway 173 North, Bandera, TX
Thursday, October 20th
9 a.m: New Braunfels Public Meeting
Location: McKenna Events Center, 801 West San Antonio, New Braunfels, TX
(copy block from the Congressman’s House home page, 10-17-11)
Considering that prohibitionists cannot sustain a single point in their favor (which I confess is shocking to me as a fair-minded person), repealing the CSA is imminent, given our efforts.
This is not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’.
I still maintain that targeting the Republican party by wielding the fact that the New Deal version of the Commerce Clause is the sole constitutional basis for the CSA is key towards achieving the dominant majority we really need to put enough pressure on what Pete’s previous post calls the well-entrenched “X”.
People in the ‘law industry’ are apparently a major part of X.
Taking away their precious law by simply pointing out (in the court of public opinion) the fact that the Commerce Clause has been irrationally applied to support the CSA (and sets a horrific legal precedence allowing our public servants to regulate anything they can get away with — eroding our liberty more and more with each passing generation), at a time when such law sets the legal stage to allow forcing people to buy health insurance (which Republicans generally hate), would undermine them completely.
I will continue to play my small role in this part of our movement at the WSJ comments section (where traction appears to be gaining, though it is a mixed bag still), but more people getting on this bandwagon (in the many conservative forums out there), in addition to the rest of the efforts our movement is engaged in, would likely make ‘when’ come much sooner.
I’ve got a question. Perhaps as long as two weeks ago there was a survey of Californians which showed 46% in favor of ending the stupidity of absolute prohibition of cannabis. My question is, how the heck can support in California be lower than support nationwide?
I may have to quit believing that opinion polls are highly accurate barometers of public sentiment. The odds of this happening have risen to just over 50%, give or take a 3.5% margin of error and a 96.04% confidence rating.
It’s official marajuana has a higher approval rating that ANY politician in government.Since the corperations can achieve personhood where no person exist.We should nominate Mary Jane for president and tell all the antitokers that you have to be high to see her.
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Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Smoking opioids is associated with a two-thirds lower mortality rate compared to injecting: 23-Jan-2025–A new study published today in the…” Jan 25, 20:55
Demographics & time are on our side! What demographic scores the lowest support for legalization? Age 65+! While age 18-29 is among the highest support.
Every year, more old folks who have never had any contact with marijuana are dying, and kids who grow up around marijuana and are familiar with its nature are turning 18.
Without the support and keeping marijuana use alive and thriving by your elders,,you would know even less than you do now.
And we started this with 2 weeks to get a letter printed to refute the propaganda spread by our government,,and forget any favorable news on any of the three television channels available. Our efforts were all by a phone with a wire attached to your house,,no portability at all or word of mouth.
Instant communications with millions of people at real-time has brought this about,,not because your age group is any smarter or more determined than older generations.
These whippersnappers certainly can be annoying. Who the heck do they think started NORML just over 4 decades ago? The pre-embryonic members of Generation Y? Sheesh! Oh well, we knew everything when we were their age too. It’s not even arguable, the older I get the dumber I am.
A good deterrent for kids. Tell em it’s old fogy medicine…
Older Americans Overwhelmingly Support Legalizing Medical Pot
Senior Home Care
Cannabis Caregivers
Ganjameds FARMaceuticals & Extractums
Grand Pa’s Pot Book
Dogs To Seek Drugs At Senior Housing
I’m not overly fond of old southern conservative republican women right now. What scares me most is that is exactly the demographic most likely to vote.
You mean those obese “red hat” ladies that will never give up their potluck dinners at First Blaptist Church.
The problem is likely voters. 18-29, not a strong voting block – heck, I’ve tried to convince my kids they should vote without any luck. Also both parties seem unwilling to move towards this position despite what people are saying (one of the reasons I tend towards 3rd parties).
Not us, everyone. We’re the vocal minority.
To all of us who have ever thrown up our hands in disgust at the pig-headed stupidity of our fellow man, this is proof that most people are in fact capable of sound judgement when they have access to the facts. A big shout out Tim Berners-Lee and all those DARPA dudes who built the internet!
As the great bard said, the truth will out. And in the age of Google, it will out sooner rather than later.
I thought Al Gore started the Internet.
Occupy Lamar! 3 opportunities to meet and greet the Congressman (Lamar Smith, R-TX) currently stoppering H.R.2306 in his capacity as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
Wednesday, October 19th
10 a.m.: Kerrville Public Meeting
Location: Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater – 910 Main Street, Kerrville TX
3 p.m.: Bandera Public Meeting
Location: Bandera Justice Center, 3360 State Highway 173 North, Bandera, TX
Thursday, October 20th
9 a.m: New Braunfels Public Meeting
Location: McKenna Events Center, 801 West San Antonio, New Braunfels, TX
(copy block from the Congressman’s House home page, 10-17-11)
Considering that prohibitionists cannot sustain a single point in their favor (which I confess is shocking to me as a fair-minded person), repealing the CSA is imminent, given our efforts.
This is not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’.
I still maintain that targeting the Republican party by wielding the fact that the New Deal version of the Commerce Clause is the sole constitutional basis for the CSA is key towards achieving the dominant majority we really need to put enough pressure on what Pete’s previous post calls the well-entrenched “X”.
People in the ‘law industry’ are apparently a major part of X.
Taking away their precious law by simply pointing out (in the court of public opinion) the fact that the Commerce Clause has been irrationally applied to support the CSA (and sets a horrific legal precedence allowing our public servants to regulate anything they can get away with — eroding our liberty more and more with each passing generation), at a time when such law sets the legal stage to allow forcing people to buy health insurance (which Republicans generally hate), would undermine them completely.
I will continue to play my small role in this part of our movement at the WSJ comments section (where traction appears to be gaining, though it is a mixed bag still), but more people getting on this bandwagon (in the many conservative forums out there), in addition to the rest of the efforts our movement is engaged in, would likely make ‘when’ come much sooner.
I’ve got a question. Perhaps as long as two weeks ago there was a survey of Californians which showed 46% in favor of ending the stupidity of absolute prohibition of cannabis. My question is, how the heck can support in California be lower than support nationwide?
I may have to quit believing that opinion polls are highly accurate barometers of public sentiment. The odds of this happening have risen to just over 50%, give or take a 3.5% margin of error and a 96.04% confidence rating.
It’s official marajuana has a higher approval rating that ANY politician in government.Since the corperations can achieve personhood where no person exist.We should nominate Mary Jane for president and tell all the antitokers that you have to be high to see her.