Tim Pawlenty
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Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Marijuana proves superior to alcohol once again for not producing any deaths during the pandemic: Alcohol-related deaths increased 18% during…” Feb 6, 21:59
Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “A compound found in marijuana may mitigate its unwanted side effects or help create a more efficient form of CBD:…” Feb 6, 21:36
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NorCalNative on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Marijuana Moment or NORML probably have that info.” Feb 2, 17:56
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John Doe on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Looking for information on marijuana possession penalties in different states” Jan 31, 17:13
Pete Guither's blog reader on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “I strongly disagree with Bill O’Reilly’s stance on marijuana. His views are outdated and not supported by scientific evidence. Marijuana…” Jan 29, 15:59
Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “The Trump administration has rescinded a proposed ban of menthol cigarettes: 24-JAN-25 — The proposed rule, which had been in…” Jan 27, 19:40
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Wow… This is the worst kind of political hack. He has no intellectual justification for his action whatsoever. Why the hell should law enforcement be deferred to over the representatives of the people? He has no idea – all he has are national political ambitions, a willingness to do whatever he thinks will “look good,” and a tyrant’s mentality.
Weasel. Stinking Corporo-political weasel. I hope for a truly spectacular self-imolation for this guy somewhere on the campaign trail. A real “macaca moment”.
Notice the Cato Institute guy getting to his feet to signal the end of question time, and Pawlenty quickly closing down the discussion before anyone else asks a follow-up question or challenges his hypocrisy. How appropriate that the Cato Institute puffs itself on its web page as: “If you’re looking for a consistent commitment to preserving all forms of individual liberty, join the Cato Institute.” Just make sure that that individual liberty does not extend to cannabis use.
Um, CATO is ridiculously consistent on the issue of legalizing drugs. I don’t have any problem with CATO hosting speakers who do not agree with their views. Pawlenty is a scumbag though. I would love to meet someone who is vigorously in favor of campaigning for Tim Pawlenty. I don’t even know if such a person exists.
This Presidential hopeful has NO message. He’s simply a “hand puppet!”
So far, the GOP has only offered up “quitters (Romney) and losers (Palin).” This guy’s just stupid. The light might rise on Johnson if he can keep his head above water.
This is the standard response for them, no one should be surprised. I’ve watched this creep, past and present, his stance was already known and should be known by all those involved in ending the drug war.
On top of that, those who are asking the questions should be given a chance to answer the PUKE standard “support law enforcement” response.
Would love to see the light rise on Johnson to ez.
It would be wise to keep our enemies close. The crap and the dirt on these corrupt individuals needs to be kept in the front of our head when the presidential race gets hot.
Only a little off topic. Was so glad to see Bush 2 go, the man could not talk. Now I’m even more anxious to see Bambi go, the frakking phony smile sends me reeling every time.
Like I said on earlier Post GAG me, give it up Pawlenty.
I grow up in a small town in California the cops a least half of them were it was well know around town were regular pot users and two taken off police force for habitual cocaine use please Pawlenty I’m some you defer to judgement wisdom of Police is that what you said Yeah and I’m sure some of those upstanding law enforcement guys medicate in some way on occasion huh.Just makes them normal guys relaxing like everyone else.
Now I don’t know how often police are Drug tested these days and if every force in every town does it. I know small town I grew up in Calif was quite laid back about many things hell even has late has the 90’s when those tobacco smoking bans in bars were starting in Calif my town just ignored them for years.
Oh yeah Just more thing,Yes Gop Tyrannical on drug issue totally and yes the police and Law enforcement hypocrites to the max concerning drugs and Drug War over all.
I just tune them out anymore when I hear them on television taking about latest Drug War strategy or Gang problem they are going to solve they think this time with the next new program.
Cato is one of the most consistent defenders of legalizing drugs there could be. As far as they are concerned Pawlenty is not at all the kind of person they want to see as President, but they do host opposing views from time to time.
I’m not just making this up–Cato is one of the best friends to liberty of all kinds out there, and they aren’t just mouthing slogans. They really mean it. It’s what they’re all about.
Pawlenty, on the other hand, is yet another tired Republican moderate without a dime’s worth of difference from your average Democrat. If you want everything to pretty much be the same as it is right now, vote for Pawlenty. Of course, that means prison growth, perpetual war, and impending national bankruptcy, but hey! Good times!
Don’t forget Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are Republican candidates. The media will bend over backwards to pretend they are not in the race, but they are both libertarians at heart. Paul supports outright legalization, and Johnson at least directly supports legalizing MJ. Those positions are central to who they are, and they would not back away from those positions after they got elected.
The media, for the most part, are cheerleaders for the State, which is why they hold legalizers and libertarians in such contempt.
Over at Digg when someone posted about Pawlenty announcing, I commented “vote for Ron Paul instead”. One guy inquired as to why I didn’t like Pawlenty admitting he knew little about the candidate. This was my answer:
Got a few who said they’d adopt my newly coined word.
intrusionists is a good word for Corporations. “Government” can’t intrude, we invited them by voting. They represent whomever pays them or pulls their strings, not evil. If we elect them and they represent us then they are good government. If we elect them and they turn on us for special interest, they are evil government. Big government is a outdated concept with no real life meaning. If it takes x number of people to do a job properly then so be it. Its not what government or tax money does to help normal Americans thats a bad thing. Its when government uses our tax money to persecute us or to favor international corporations profits over Sovereignty as they do the Indians resources or eminent domain or through profits on drug wars and diseases.
This is not 1776 when corporations were just business with the same advantages as any other business. Now they manipulate the laws for their own profits and all you do by shifting the blame is let them go without taking responsibility. Ron Paul and most Libertars directly or indirectly work for big business. Prohibition has nothing to do with saving kids. Hemp is more reason for prohibition than recreational drug use. So again Ron Paul and most Libertars think citizens receiving benefits is a waste and say nothing about Exxon profits and getting kick back welfare. They are quick to blame the poor and disregard two wars and two Wall St bail outs, that’s 4 trillion.
Profits on “police actions” is their incentive for sending troops. Profit on prohibition and eliminating renewable resources in the process is the agenda of the drug war. Siding with the profiteers on the excuse of ridding waste is as ludicrous as perpetuating the costly drug war thinking it will stop kids from overdosing. It doesn’t. But profit is profit. So by persecuting the poor it cost the workers more. By letting corporations pollute by de-regulating their emissions, we get people and kids sick. Then it cost more to “treat” them and all because no one stopped them.
On the contrary, when these “intrusionists” gave the kids cancer, you fight for their Constitutional right to do so. You support the Koch’s and other multinational corporations private prisons by siding with naive libertars and teabog ditto’s. We’re being conned and testifying for the con artists doesn’t stop the victims from getting ripped off. Humans require checks and balances and those who differ have an agenda that requires transparency be limited. Same red flags when the drug worriers make bogus rules like 404 gag laws to eliminate medicinal defenses. Or the Libertars NRA lobby fighting for mandatory minimum sentencing while the prison industrial complex makes huge profits incarcerating peaceful tokers. Until the real enemy is identified and common sense takes root we will continue to persecute ourselves and make our oppressors rich in the process. Don’t have to wonder why this war has lasted so long…
To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands.
But the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.
If you know the enemy, and know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
The Art of War – Sun Tzu
“We should resist the temptation to identify our religious convictions
with the platform of a party or the platitudes of favored politicians.”
~ Ralph Reed, 1996
You are truly uninformed about Ron Paul if you think he supports either any of the unconstitutional wars in which the uSofA is engaged or any of the bailouts. He does not. Don’t denigrate him without knowing the principles on which he stands (which you, obviously, do not). His monetary support comes mainly from individual donations of as little as $10 by tens of thousands of people who are supporters of his ideas.
As for supporting the corporations, anyone who votes for “big government” intrusionist politicians is supporting those big business corporations. If the government were not so big and powerful (and politicians not so beholden to big business campaign donations) it could not legislate in a way that benefits certain corporations and harms the rest. With a government small enough to reside within the Constitution, there would be no way government could favor any business over the rest, no way it could choose winners and losers in the business world. Whether a business/corporation failed or succeeded would be up to the consumers — you and me — voting with our purchasing dollars (or whatever form of money the people preferred, since the Fed would be completely ended with a Constitutional government). A Constitutional government is the kind of government Ron Paul wants to give back to the American people.
Those abuses you write of were encouraged, enabled, or funded by government, and ignored by the government’s lapdog media. Without the benefit of our bloated overreaching government, they could not have been begun let alone continued for so long. For the media would still be the watchdogs they were intended to be instead of being wholly owned by corporations in league with government for the purpose of misinforming, disinforming, and indoctrinating Americans.
I think you and I have had this discussion before. Please get yourself informed before spouting off in the future about Ron Paul and libertarians in general, for you know not of which you speak and your words misconstrue the intent and principles of libertarians. If you cannot bring yourself to get informed, then please refrain completely from writing about Ron Paul or libertarians in general, because you are propagandizing, not informing.
Oh Windy…
Libertard = Bob Barr, need I go on, yawn?
NRA = Mandatory Minimum sentencing.
Koch roaches = Private prisons and fossil fools.
You are truly uninformed about Ron Paul if you think he supports either any of the unconstitutional wars in which the uSofA is engaged or any of the bailouts. He does not.
Never said he did. I’ve heard him speak on the subject and he’s a typical xenophobe concerning Iraq and Libia, Iran and Afghanistan. No doubt would have been with John Birch and never intervened against Hitler either. He blames the “government” and disregards Cheney/Halliburton’s no bid contracts or Boosh Dyncorps and Chevron. It’s nothing to do with fighting righteous causes with him or his kid. It’s about the Corporation of America. I’ve said I would support Ron Paul third after Nader and Kucinich. Not with any faith the system wouldn’t swallow them up as quick as anyone else. Only because I’ve heard him speak fairly truthfully about the drug war devistation and half hearted about Hemp. He wanted to eliminate SS, but said over time without doing harm on those in the system depending on it because that’s the way it has been done. Nothing as rash as the Neocons. Still a lower priority than regulating the thieves on top. Again Band Aids are an expense but a cost savings to emergency care. Your problem is you settle for the scapegoats and are hard pressed to look behind the curtain. You can’t remove the Band Aids before you stop the lacerations. Those who advocate it are foxes raiding the hen house. Vampires going after the weak and running from the corrupt.
Don’t denigrate him without knowing the principles on which he stands (which you, obviously, do not).
Of coarse I don’t, I’m an American he’s a politician, from Texas to boot. His principals are human fabrications with no meaning in the real world. He doesn’t walk his talk. He’s a doctor following the AMA as far as I know. Maybe a Dr Phil in name only but I think he’s a “Big Pharma Physician. His John Birch/Goldwater Libitar BS is to treat Corporations as equals. That didn’t work before NAFTA/GATT but it now is a direct assault on American tax payers. Paul is a strict Gold Standard small r republican. He may look better than the heap of shit we get to choose from but damn girl. Don’t get carried away. He wants the impossible. He wants to go back in time before citizens united gave carte blanche to the Kocheads and the Dick Armey or Karl Rove. He’s been in longer than he need be if his “principals” were going to have any effect. He can’t even get his own state to agree and just scares the begeeeszus out of seniors.
His monetary support comes mainly from individual donations of as little as $10 by tens of thousands of people who are supporters of his ideas.
So does Michelle Balkman and Palin and that is good but he’s in a Fascist system of Neocons and doesn’t realize it. You think the TV has the answers? if you summarize all the channels a thousand nothings is still nothing. He has the same 30 second sound bites and each are tagged specifically for the audience he’s playing too. By his own admission. So if you want the typical demo v repo boring nonsense then I’ll wipe the dust off my sandals and walk away. This is Neocon world bank fascism and the only viable solution is to keep as much local as possible. The Feds have gone International. The USA is Mexamericanada and the Earth is the new country of G-20 states. Stop buying OPEC plastic and wear more expensive more durable and long lasting Hemp clothing and you’ll do more than Ron Paul and the entire Teabog notion has ever done working for the Neocons. Principals are what you want to hear. They admit in their own talking points that keeping religion and party affiliation out of the message sells more messages. There are no principals because the system is a machine. If Paul was elected by some fluke It would be sabotaged. If you don’t know your enemy or yourself you will win no battles. This drugwar is going on a century. It’s not prudent at this juncture to stop getting wealthy on it just for “principals”. Paul either doesn’t have a clue or he does and doesn’t do anything about it.
As for supporting the corporations, anyone who votes for “big government†intrusionist politicians is supporting those big business corporations. If the government were not so big and powerful (and politicians not so beholden to big business campaign donations) it could not legislate in a way that benefits certain corporations and harms the rest.
OK now you got it…
With a government small enough to reside within the Constitution, there would be no way government could favor any business over the rest, no way it could choose winners and losers in the business world.
Now you lost it.
We are the government honey. Taxes pay for services to us tax payers and you want them gutted to give to the rich so they create jobs. Typical BS since outsourcing. Small government to the Koch’s means less overhead. We still have the Prison Industrial Military Industrial and Health Industrial Real Estate Industrial Fascism tax paid god damn government. So your mistaken if you think they want less profit by following the Constitution or with Ethics. These are words that have no bite. The system is crooked so individuals advocating change using the system are either stupid or greedy. You deserve fresh air and clean water and pure dirt to grow un-poisoned food. That is a right guarantied by the Constitution and not a word written about Corporate profits over riding clean air. Or spewing dioxins is the right of the corporate citizen. Or giving free heating oil to freezing seniors is unfair to the free market. Or Exxon multi billions in profits, one cent on the dollar for their clean up and take more tax paid welfare than any Cerebral Palsy patient getting service hours cut. Neocons want to kill SS and hard hearted moneysluts walk over the homeless deterrents without a caring thought. Have no concern that we have 2.? million prisoners with rehabs and forced warehousing the elderly and handicapped booming business. Paul stands with the forefathers in Utopia. And he’s third on the list so that shows the pickins are slim to none. But my world doesn’t require a lot of contributing to the internationalists. I never buy Wallmart sweatshop crap stealing jobs from Americans. I don’t eat factory farm crap or more than necessary carbon footprint. I buy locally or Hemp for my own well being and responsibility. Paul hasn’t got a clue. He is the system and a good guy and billboard for messages.
Whether a business/corporation failed or succeeded would be up to the consumers — you and me — voting with our purchasing dollars (or whatever form of money the people preferred, since the Fed would be completely ended with a Constitutional government). A Constitutional government is the kind of government Ron Paul wants to give back to the American people.
Yes, yawn, yes, yawn, yes I agree in 1807 it would be great. Today you are granting the real international corporate government of enormous size and power since Nixon, By gutting the regulations on them. Like someone said about it being 180* in opposition. Ok the rednecks got all communal for a few days after 9.11. Straight to the Wallmart to buy some flags to show all, wez one. China buys their crude oil from Iraq that they make the plastic the kids dye with harsh chemicals and sew for 12 to 16 hours in sweatshops. So customers can get cheap flags to jerk over the kids they’re sending to die for a pile of horshit the Heratage Foundation made up. Hemp makes up to 98% of the cannabis eradications, if you take Indiana’s statistics. Hemp is not a threat to kids and yet it is off the market not because Indiana farmers don’t want it. Because corporate puppets in the government are legislating for less control over what the corporations do to all of us. Spraying Monsanto cotton poisons goes into everyones drinking water. They are found innocent in courts as more judges are appointed for corporate interests. If you are addicted to a party you are part of the problem and that doesn’t depend on your level of ignorance knowing it or not. More big money candidates are coming in our area trying to overturn our local regulations. That we enacted to protect us living here. Not quick bucks dump and run or having a fleet of lawyers stalling any judgments until they win. Like playing poker with the mafia.
Those abuses you write of were encouraged, enabled, or funded by government, and ignored by the government’s lapdog media.
Oh lordy jesus, Monsanto or their lawyer Cliarence Thomas? You mean the lapdog media thats just so favorable to us? The 95% owned by 5 corporations lapdog media. Totally. Now take it one baby step and think of the government as a corporate lapdog. The politicians like Rumsfeld and Neocons in general. One year CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals then working for Reagan, with Cheney as they did for Nixon and then Boosh and then Junior. Koch’s or Soros or Enron or Goldman Sacks. A thousand points of light stole our money and that is who we should get it back from. Not workers or the poor and downtrodden. You support the drugwar by supporting anyone in the system. I’ve been advocating 20 years to keep local taxes in the community for services the tax is meant for. By not double taxing tax paid employees. Transferring the funds to DC in the form of income drives up cost to the patient and/or Agencies funding care with SS disabilities like wounded Vets and everyone sooner or later. No Libetars even whispering No liberals or conservatives even aware of the Corporate warehousing costing more in tax. Same as ER care costing more than preventive. We have been through this several times in our history and its always the same money driven fear mongers trying to get more profit off the backs of the workers. From Henry Fords assembly lines taking workers arms to Kelloggs dust bowl to Rockefellers fossil fools journey. Profit over people. The Fed Reserve is another Band Aid I’d be happy to remove but Wall St keeps gouging and charging billions in interest for loans to bail themselves out. Its the corporations resources we are protecting in Iraq. Not our buddies the Shiites and Kurds.
Without the benefit of our bloated overreaching government, they could not have been begun let alone continued for so long.
But you fail to see why and keep harping on the obvious. Like “government” is something other than elected officials. What do you think they want with all these Liberty abuses? Gold stars? No the revolving door of Congress to Lobby was obvious. Closed door energy policy is obvious. Fraking is harmful to Americans the same as Japan and Chernobyl. Coal kills more than miners and mountaintops. and where are the Moneysluts? They pull your “government” strings. The Patriot Act or the Higher Education Axed are for the internationalists. The government is a wrench to them and we have neglected it. Local local local. Live well but do it locally without the plastic and we’ll survive. Distinguish between People and Corporations first. Nature and Human made fabrications to sell.
For the media would still be the watchdogs they were intended to be instead of being wholly owned by corporations in league with government for the purpose of misinforming, disinforming, and indoctrinating Americans.
OK slow down your going in circles. The corporate media, key word corporate. Works for profits selling advertisements and corporate agendas. To sell products. The government is to protect the rights of the citizens abused by Corporations drug wars and prohibitions. When the police bust you they are following orders politicians legislated for corporations. The salesmen do fanatical jobs selling it sometimes and always lie, its advertising. Its fiction. They sell products. Thats all there is to do. This blame the “government” crap is a diversion the same as blaming tobacco for the harm chemical adulterations cause. Same as blaming Ganja smoke for the damage “chemical cigarettes” cause when there are none added to Ganja. No medicinal value and people suck it up. Corn ethanol. Electric trollies or Al Capone and Watergate. By the corporate media. Private or Public prisons caging non violent pot growers get one trillion a year. The government employees get paychecks. Government anything is cheaper because there is no profit. Moneysluts like the fast foods and cheapmarts undercut smaller business with substandard or exploited raw materials. So a few of us benefit at the expense o fmany we never see. It’s starting to be seen so I see a bleak future especially if we are what I say. Disposible workers with no sovereignty outside of local levels. The elimination of borders make more in the labor pool. Dumbing down serves a purpose.
I think you and I have had this discussion before. Please get yourself informed before spouting off in the future about Ron Paul and libertarians in general, for you know not of which you speak and your words misconstrue the intent and principles of libertarians. If you cannot bring yourself to get informed, then please refrain completely from writing about Ron Paul or libertarians in general, because you are propagandizing, not informing.
You say the same as the pamphlets and I suggest you follow your own advise. I will call em as I see em, the only difference is I bring refs where my principals come from and you give orders and make false claims as I again see it. Same John Birch xenophobia except for your own less endowed neighbors. Serving the same Money as the Democrats and Republicans. Silly girl. Bring refs.
I guess what worries me about the Cato Institute and the candidacy of Paul and Johnson is the behind the scenes financial involvement of people like the Koch brothers, who are only interested in boosting their profits at the expense of the rest of us. That seems like business as usual.
I agree with Denmark about that smile…. whenever he’s asked anything about cannabis and the drug war he gives that smug smile as though the question is a huge joke….he might as well just say “no comment…” or plead the 5th….
Cato Institute works for Corporate Interest.
Corporate interest profit on prohibition.
CATO is a bait and switch.
Koch Roaches A.L.E.C. Drug Detention Centers
The country the forefathers wrote the Constitution for no longer exists. Since Corporations have been granted citizenship the Constitution protects their interest equally with citizens. Corporate interest profit on prohibition so Libertars claim Sovereignty and its actually for Multinational corporations with absolutely no allegiance to this or any country. Only to the G-20, World Banks and those selling non renewable fossil fools and white powder products in competition with cannabis. So you support the drug war and then whine about Liberty. Silly reformers. Religion is as inculcated as any other business. Selling prohibition requires it doesn’t end with legalizing or zero tolerance. Same as profits on health care requires “treatment” not cures or [prevention. Until we rid the government of the moneysluts. From the courts to lobbyists to elections we will be paying for our own mutual destruction. As tokers have been doing for 40 years since Nixon lied.