Quick Takes

“bullet” Via TalkLeft and NORML — a bad drugged driving bill passes in Ohio that will punish sober drivers who smoked pot weeks ago.
“bullet” An interesting interview with Marijuana Policy Project’s Rob Kampia at the Drug War Chronicle. [thanks, Scott]
“bullet” Drug Policy Alliance has a brief report on Mark Souder’s anti-harm-reduction hearing on Wednesday. Sounds like the drug policy reformers may have held their own. I’m looking for a transcript and hope to report further on this. Apparently Souder chose to lay into Ricardo Cortes’ children’s book “It’s Only a Plant.”
“bullet” In related news, there will be a reading and discussion of “It’s Only a Plant” at Columbia University in New York City on February 22 at 8 pm (Free, bring photo ID to enter campus). Jerome Greene Hall, Room 104. Columbia University Law School. 116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.
“bullet” Loretta Nall’s been very active recently, including talking to children who have been targeted in drug raids.
“bullet” “My head doesn’t feel noisy” At Alternet Drug Reporter: Journeys with Jeffrey.

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