Soros calls for ethics investigation

George Soros has lodged a formal complaint against Speaker Dennis Hastert before the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct. (This is for Hastert’s ridiculous innuendo on national television that Soros received funding from drug cartels.)
Josh Marshall has the full text of the letter. Here’s an excerpt:

Such conduct brings discredit on the House. It is inconsistent with basic notions of fair play and open debate that are the basis of our Constitutional system, and it is all too reminiscent of the McCarthyite tactics that were used to such scurrilous effect to stifle dissent during one of the darkest periods of recent United States history.

Members of both political parties have recently decried “the politics of personal destruction.” It is time for the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct to formally declare that smear tactics and innuendo are discrediting our political process and the House of Representatives as an institution by taking appropriate action to investigate and censure Representative Hastert for these outrageous remarks.

I’m glad to see this happening, although of course I don’t hold much hope for anything coming of it, since the ethics committee appears right now to be corrupt.

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