The crazies come out to play

“bullet” Steve Steiner is stark raving mad. Dammad, as those who have followed his antics for awhile can attest. He’s issued a press release

Steven Steiner cringes when he hears pundits and others wonder aloud whether Michael Phelps’ use of marijuana is much to do about nothing.
He gets more than just a bit angry when he hears the calls to legalize marijuana.
Steiner, founder of the group Dam Mad (Dads and Moms Against Drug Dealers), whose son died of drug overdose, is trying to raise hell–and awareness–about the dangers of legalizing marijuana.
**Steiner is available for TV, radio or print interviews**
“I will not let my son’s death be in vain,” says Steiner. “I am committed to turning my grief into action so that others will not have to endure the pain of loss that I must face each and every day.”

Steiner is, well, an indescribable mess. Yes, he did lose his son to drugs, but…

  1. A rational person would realize that criminalization didn’t save his son and that legalization in many ways could serve to reduce the harm of drugs through regulation, control, and education.
  2. Notice that he doesn’t mention how his son died. It was from crushing and snorting OxyContin. So his campaign against marijuana is like saying “My son died from a head injury while riding a horse, so we should outlaw trains.”
  3. It gets worse. His organization – DAMMAD – is funded by… Purdue Pharmaceuticals — the makers of OxyContin! Yeah, that’s right. The makers of the pharmaceutical drug that killed his son, are paying him to campaign against marijuana in general, and medical marijuana in particular. Marijuana of course, also relieves some of the same pain symptoms treated by OxyContin (without the overdose risk). So, if legalized, it could be a cheaper and safer alternative. A great reason to pay Steiner to betray the memory of his son and use his son’s death against a potential competitor.

Hard to believe that anybody would take him or his “organization” seriously. Oh, that’s right — Steiner has appeared on “The O’Reilly Factor.”
“bullet” Fascist Irrelevant Lyndon Larouche calls Nancy Pelosi “Chief Pot-Head” of the House of Representatives.

Informed of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s record as a decade-long champion of legalizing pot, American statesman Lyndon LaRouche summed up the situation: Pelosi is the chief pot head of the House of Representatives.
Just yesterday, George Soros’s top drug legalization hitman, Ethan Nadelmann, again promised, as he has before, that Pelosi is key to the campaign to legalize dope. Soros’s man told a pro-dope symposium at … […]
NORML, another of Soros’s pothead association, … […]
Pelosi has, in fact, been a champion of legalizing “medical” marijuana since George Soros’s millions help pass the landmark 1996 California referendum which led California to today become the producer of one half of all the marijuana sold in the U.S. Expansion of production and consumption of marijuana was the goal of that Soros-Pelosi subterfuge, and that was the result, as most graphically seen in the shocking expose of the narco takeover of California under “medical” marijuana in CNBC’s Jan. 25, 2009 one-hour special on “Marijuana, Inc.”

You get the idea.
Sure, I guess it would be nice if Pelosi was a “pot-head,” but in fact, I don’t think it’s going to be quite that easy for us.

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  1. Pingback: Your child is dead. Now, take a moment and learn something. - Drug WarRant

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