
DEA head Karen Tandy on the recent extradition of Mexican cartel leaders:

Number of violent Mexican criminals extradited: 15
Distance and time traveled to get them here: 750 miles and 2 hours
Number of Mexican drug cartels impacted: 4

U.S. and Mexican victory against powerful drug syndicates: priceless.

Um… no. There are a number of prices attached to that extradition. It’s just that the American people are paying Karen Tandy’s exorbitant MasterCard bills.
And, of course, all the extraditions will do is create violent competition for job openings as other criminals rush in to fill the black-market void and go for the profits.
So, a more accurate description…

Number of violent Mexican criminals extradited: 15
Distance and time traveled to get them here: 750 miles and 2 hours
Number of Mexican drug cartels impacted: 4

U.S. and Mexican victory against powerful drug syndicates: valueless.

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