Update on the DEA Exhibit and our counter-exhibit

We’re making some good progress in countering the upcoming DEA exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.
The flyers have arrived and they look fabulous. High-quality, professional-looking, glossy, card stock, 4″ x 6″, easy to read and put in your pocket. I’m looking forward to handing them out. Still looking for others to help. Contact me if you’re interested.
The website – http://www.DEAtargetsAmerica.com – has expanded to include a welcome page, a page with the flyer text, a Prohibition Then and Now page, and a page about the DEA’s exhibit. Check it out.
We’re working on media contacts, and once that gets out, some follow-up letters to the editor will be in order.
I’m getting some tremendous help from the wonderful folks at Students for Sensible Drug Policy and Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.

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