Support. Don’t punish. Protect our Youth.

Youth Rise

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4 Responses to Support. Don’t punish. Protect our Youth.

  1. claygooding says:

    Right fuckin on! /will this be on national television or just web?

  2. Peter says:

    Not just “our youth”…. there are people in their seventies still having their human rights denied and their lives ruined because of government designated “felonies” from the mid twentieth century.

  3. Cannabis says:

    Better than anything that the ONDCP has to offer.

  4. kaptinemo says:

    More! More, please! Nothing in life is ever completely perfect, but this gets damn’ close and hits most of the main points.

    The target’s been ‘bracketed’, now it’s time to ‘fire for effect’. And after all we’ve suffered at their hands, let it be the prohibs turn to say “Lord, for what we are about to receive, make us truly grateful” as the barrage rains down on them.

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