Programming Note

Libertarian economist Jeffrey Miron will be the guest on Daniel Williams’ Opium Den tonight at 9 pm eastern.

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4 Responses to Programming Note

  1. Thanks for the alert, Pete. I’ve had good response asking for questions for Jeffrey Miron, and hope to get more. Ask them here, or via email from the Opium Den website: It should be a good show!

    I know you’re busy, Pete. But I’d really enjoy having you inside the Opium Den, joining a growing list of interviews with some of the best minds inside (and outside) the drug policy arena. I’m sure your legion of fans would enjoy hearing straight from the horse’s mouth.

    Thanks again!

  2. Jon Doe says:

    Hey Daniel will any new episodes be added to the archives any time soon? I don’t think anything’s been posted since last year as the links for the January shows are dead. I only ask as I usually don’t have the opportunity to listen to the live broadcast.

    Also, yes Pete, please appear on the Opium Den that would be amazing :).

  3. sixtyfps says:

    Dan, I’ve always wanted to listen live, but I’m usually at work or dealing with our crazy CHIIIIIIILDRUN (heh). I’m glad you do the show.

    I’d love to see it in a more podcast-friendly delivery format. I’m a bit of an RSS animal, myself. I wish there were an affiliate that handles all the old shows… kinda like iTunes (but I hate their software). Maybe something I could subscribe to and digest at my own rate for the majority of times when I can’t listen live..

  4. Jon: We are up against a storage problem, but should solve it soon. Plus, we’re upgrading the whole site. But all 2010 shows, save a few of the most recent, are in archives. But I’ll have our tech guru check it out. Thanks.

    sixtyfps: Part of our upgrade will be to make the whole site more user-friendly. Plus, you can always subscribe to iTunes for past shows (even if you hate their software).

    In all honesty, we didn’t expect the Opium Den to be as popular as it is. It’s no DrugWarRant, by any stretch of the imagination, but it ain’t doing too bad. We’ve had many thousands of interviews downloaded, so we want to expand the library and make it more of a focus.

    I truly appreciate your comments and trust we’ll do better going forward.

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