Book Bomb results

Just a quick note regarding yesterday’s book bomb for Marijuana is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink? by Steve Fox, Paul Armentano, and Mason Tvert…

The book got up as high as #14. Pretty darn good (not #1, but I’ve never seen a drug policy book get up that high). Today, it’s still holding in the top 100, giving it some good attention. This site helped out รขโ‚ฌโ€ 35 books were purchased going through the links on Drug WarRant.

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5 Responses to Book Bomb results

  1. jhelion says:

    I bought the book from the link here – is there a way to see what #14 means in terms of total sales?

  2. jhelion says:

    plus I tweeted it all day – didn’t see too many other references to the book bomb, maybe 3 or 4 other tweeps which I RT’d

  3. Pete says:

    Not sure, jhelion. If I find out the total sales, I’ll let you know. I saw some tweeting on it. Also there was some Facebook action, and a number of drug policy blogs covered it.

  4. 794 books sold on Amazon during the book bomb! Thanks for everyone who helped make it a success!

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