I wuz robbed! My opponent should never have come up with Qxe7+ unless he was on steroids or pot or something

Via RoguePundit comes this news

Grandmaster Vassily Ivanchuk refused to submit a urine sample for a drug test at the Chess Olympiad in Dresden and is now considered guilty of doping. The world of chess is outraged that he could face a two-year ban.

Good for Vassily for refusing to submit to such an outrageous requirement. I’ve always felt that the World Chess Federation is a useless bunch of twits for instituting a drug testing regime in the first place. Theirs was a pathetic attempt to suck up to the IOC in the stupid desire to make chess an olympic “sport.”
Drug testing is a stupid idea to begin with. But to take it to the level of testing chess players and competitive frisbee tossers or to attempt to deny a medal to a snowboarder for testing positive for marijuana — these are examples of rank stupidity that exceed credulity. We’ve got to reverse this moronic idea that the content of our urine is anybody else’s business (except our own doctor, at our own choice).

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