Via Transform comes this article in the Australian Age:
… the recently released report on amphetamines and other synthetic drugs by the federal Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission is a brave document.
Most notably, in contrast to the report from the House of Representatives Standing Committee, the committee unanimously supported harm minimisation and recommended that “harm-reduction strategies and programs receive more attention and resources”.
In its conclusions, the committee said “prohibition, while theoretically a logical and properly intentioned strategy, is not effective”. It also argued that “the current national approach to illicit drugs – supply reduction, demand reduction and harm reduction – will achieve greater outcomes if a better balance between these approaches can be reached”. In common parlance, this means there should be less emphasis on law enforcement and more on education and drug treatment.
Unfortunately, it is a rare event when any government body decides to make drug policy recommendations that are based on evidence. The report was not received warmly by the Government.
Familiar story. Think U.S. Shaffer report in 1972. Think Canadian Senate Report 2002. Shunned in their own countries.
Transform sees hope, and offers a tease…
…coming soon is a major new document produced by Transform with the sole aim to aid rational debate on drug policy. ëTools for Debate‰ will be a groundbreaking point-of-reference for anyone wishing to challenge non-rational policy positions, no matter how persuasive the rhetoric.