Stupid Legislator Tricks

Switching to Washington…
Drug Warrior Mark Souder is holding a hearing in his pet subcommittee — The Committee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources — titled: “Is There Such a Thing as Safe Drug Abuse?” Have you ever heard such a pre-judged title?
This is what passes for a legislative hearing in Washington. With Souder as chair, this will be just another opportunity to grandstand, and beat up on drug policy reformers, and probably call in resident liar Andrea Barthwell as an “expert” witness.
An appropriate topic would be “Is There Such a Thing as Safe Use of Currently Illegal Drugs?” with Jacob Sullum as one of the witnesses, but that’s not likely to happen.
The session will be at 2:30 Eastern and I don’t know if any of the C-Spans are going to cover it (I’ll be on the road then), but if anyone sees it, I’d love to hear from you.
Update: Apparently the purpose of this hearing is to attack the notion of “harm reduction.” Travesty. And Barthwell and Bensinger (former DEA head and compliant drug warrior) will be witnesses.

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