Monthly Archives: November 2003

Presidential Nomination Endorsement

Drug WarRant officially endorses Blake Ashby as the GOP nominee for President in 2004. From Ashby’s issue statement: Medical Marijuana – If a doctor believes that his or her patient would benefit from the responsible use of medicinal marijuana, then … Continue reading

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Now Accepting… Guest Rants

Drug WarRant has a new category: Guest Drug WarRant. Got something to say about the Drug War? Can’t fit it in the 250 words letter to the editor format? Don’t want to bother maintaining your own blog? Have your own … Continue reading

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Odds and Ends

Last One Speaks has some great stuff as usual. And thanks to Libby for her support on my little censorship problem. The Drug Sense Weekly and Drug War Chronicle newsletters are chock full of good stuff again this week. Be … Continue reading

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If we consider this a success, then it’s time to be very afraid.

Thailand: US Official Declares War On Drugs A Success. William J.æ Snipes, the regional director of the US Drug Enforcement Administration, said the war on drugs has been effective… “Temporarily, we look at it as successful,” he said. I had … Continue reading

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A Story for Thanksgiving

I’d like to tell you about a remarkable woman and her son. As you join with your family and give thanks for what you have, maybe her story will move you to help those who have been separated from their … Continue reading

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This could be good…

Thanksgiving Day at 1:00 pm Eastern, C-Span is airing a debate that includes a drug policy debate between William Bennett (moralizing drug warrior and gambler) and Kurt Schmoke (former Mayor of Baltimore and drug policy reform advocate). Bennett’s a smooth … Continue reading

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Banned Flyer update

Yesterday, I mentioned that the University Residence Halls were preventing the posting of Hempfest flyers because they had a drawing of a hemp leaf, and that an appeal was in the works. Well, here’s the denial of that appeal: I … Continue reading

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Is the media catching on?

From an editorial in the Aberdeen (SD) American News: In a strange effort to protect the American public, the federal government has taken a hard stand against using marijuana for medicinal purposes…. Is the motivation to protect American consumers or … Continue reading

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Federal Judge Rules in Favor of Three Men Who Provided Pot to Patients

From Americans for Safe Access: Los Angeles(Monday, November 24, 2003) – Despite attempts by federal prosecutors to portray three former directors of a West Hollywood medical marijuana dispensary as common drug dealers, a federal judge showed leniency today and sentenced … Continue reading

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M.A.S.H. (Mobilizing Activists and Students for Hemp) is a student group I work with, and they are holding a Hempfest next week. Thursday, December 4 3:00-8:00 pm Bowling and Billiards Center Activity Room Illinois State University (Normal, IL) Bands: Full … Continue reading

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