Asked whether he would discriminate between hard drugs and soft drugs, Fr Cordina said that in terms of social responsibility, there is no difference between them.
“The abuse of hard drugs is easier to detect due to its overt symptoms. Yet marijuana is known as the silent killer. It affects the mind, leaving the abuser constantly high. People who abuse of it may abandon their families and their responsibilities.â€
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Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Marijuana proves superior to alcohol once again for not producing any deaths during the pandemic: Alcohol-related deaths increased 18% during…” Feb 6, 21:59
Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “A compound found in marijuana may mitigate its unwanted side effects or help create a more efficient form of CBD:…” Feb 6, 21:36
Josephsib on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “gummies cbd put up a convenient and enjoyable way to experience the effects of this compound. These gummies check in…” Feb 6, 14:14
NorCalNative on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Marijuana Moment or NORML probably have that info.” Feb 2, 17:56
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John Doe on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “Looking for information on marijuana possession penalties in different states” Jan 31, 17:13
Pete Guither's blog reader on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “I strongly disagree with Bill O’Reilly’s stance on marijuana. His views are outdated and not supported by scientific evidence. Marijuana…” Jan 29, 15:59
Servetus on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “The Trump administration has rescinded a proposed ban of menthol cigarettes: 24-JAN-25 — The proposed rule, which had been in…” Jan 27, 19:40
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The line between ignorance and hypocrisy draws too thin here. Social responsibility includes the concept of truth and justice, and there is neither of those coming from the quotes of Fr Cordina.
Galileo Galilei was found “vehemently suspect of heresy” in 1632 for his idea’s about the earth moving around the sun. Fr Cordina’s idea’s about marijuana fit right in next to Galileo’s historic heresy.
You are correct; the church (pick any religion) has never EVER shown a speck of humanity, compassion or common sense. All they are is a method of social control.
primus, I’ve come to the opinion that the Jews should be exempted from that categorization.
Completely off the topic of this post but important news:
The decision:
I just noticed the date of this decision, wonder why it hadn’t been reported on any drug reform forum I’ve visited before now? And how will this affect the WSLCB’s plan to take away the affirmative defense for medical patients?
@Windy – it’s been around but not widely reported. Very good news.
The WSCLB’s “plan” is nothing more than a wish list to direct customers to their overpriced and over-regulated system by destroying what they see as competition. The only way it will happen is if we go to sleep. Whatever they want has to pass the legislature.
This is what happens when you put cannabis regulation in the hands of alcohol regulators who wouldn’t have jobs but for I-502. The whole thing is about revenue and jobs for the boys. They spent over $800,000 of OUR MONEY on Kleimann, who told them (correctly) that the pricing of I-502 weed was too high and that medicinal weed is cheaper already. Their conclusion? Destroy the competition!. Fucking mafia logic.
fr cordina would be better spending his energy tackling the sexual compulsions of many of his colleagues in the church instead of inventing nonsense.
leap is appealing for donations to make a movie about the victims of the drug war. im sending my donation today
for those who want to help LEAP fund this project:
here’s a partial snip from their request:
I remember a decade and a half ago some fella stopped in at the DrugSense chatroom (his name was Dean Becker) and said he wanted to help and asked what could he do.
@Dean… you’ve definitely helped – and then some buddy. Thanks.
since the days when the deaths of Zeke and Don Scott and Peter McW were still fresh I believed that these were the stories the public needs to see.
Now that list has grown to become an appallingly long litany of victims – and it’s a descriptor of not just the wrongness of the WOD but the terror of its application by the government on we, the people.
It was Zeke’s story, read in the DrugSense Weekly, that triggered my fight or flight mechanism. I’ve never been a big guy or particularly prone to fighting. But I’ve never backed down when in the right. And for such egregious and criminal asaults as the WOD creates, perpetuates and actively expands, there can be no reasonable reaction but disgust, revulsion and rejection.
This is the argument that Prohibs fear the most (imho). If the public thought Doc Gupta’s show on cannabis was eye opening, wait until they start learning the stories of those the WOD has killed… and they NEED to lear these stories.
I strongly encourage those that can, help LEAP make this film. Their modest goal is only $10,000. I have no doubt that Dean Becker and the LEAPsters will produce an instructive and heart wrenching tale, a tale the emperor would rather not be told. A sure sign we must help the telling…
I Re-read Zeke’s story here. Didn’t find it published elsewhere?
Still incredibly sad, and appalling how with no fanfare, it was swept under the rug.
Here’s a story from the DrugNews archive:
There are over 30 stories/LTEs in the Drugnews archives just between ’97 and 2000…
Maybe if I searched for “Esequiel” instead of “Zeke”, I would’ve been more productive…
If cannabis is the silent killer, prohibition is the noisy killer.
this plant also destroys the evidence after it kills. pot makes the corpse invisible. almost like jesus sneaking out of a tomb.
Constantly high? Really? Is that why people continue to buy more weed, because one joint makes them high forever?
I think Fr Cordina has been binging on the sacramental wine a bit too much. He should seek an alternative before his brain rots. BTW, the Vatican deems alcohol to be a “gratuitous graceâ€.
There really is a cohort of brain dead people that think there are only 2 choices, either be a prohibitionist or be stoned 24/7/365.
But it’s not really all that remarkable if we keep in mind that the sycophants of prohibition are idiots. I think it’s only surprising before you realize that there really is no such thing as too stupid to live.
Pope calls for more killing.
If you want people to think you’re infallible
Maybe “pop” rocks.
Within only a few months of the Pope Francis’ accession in the Vatican hierarchy, he already has blood on his hands.
A long standing mandate within the papacy prohibits the ‘shedding of blood’ by the Holy See. When shedding blood becomes necessary, however, such as during the inquisitions, the various popes have always found a way around the mandate. They get other people, specifically the Catholic laity, the secular arm of a government by definition, to shed blood for them. Thus has the clergy maintained their blood innocence.
Pingback: Marijuana – the silent killer – Drug WarRant | Consult LLC
Pingback: Marijuana – the silent killer – Drug WarRant | Consult LLC
(Sigh) (Chinpalm) Yep, right on schedule; the more they lose, the crazier – and the more obviously so – their rantings will get. Like clockwork.
Expect them to trot out the hoary old “Pot makes men grow BOOBS!” any day now…