Obama, words, actions


You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me, 35 years ago. […]

The African-American community is also knowledgeable that there is a history of racial disparities in the application of our criminal laws, everything from the death penalty to enforcement of our drug laws. And that ends up having an impact in terms of how people interpret the case.

Arianna Huffington

Obama: Trayvon “could have been me.” True, and so could many still behind bars for drug possession

Exactly. It could have been him.

ONDCP spokesperson Rafael Lemaitre

POTUS: African American men disproportionately involved in criminal justice system. #DrugPolicyReform

Hmmm, Rafe – I think you missed the key quote. And when is the ONDCP going to stop mouthing empty platitudes (“Drug Czar Kerlikowske: Treat Addiction as Public Health Issue”) and address the real issues?

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70 Responses to Obama, words, actions

  1. darkcycle says:

    Rafael? He didn’t miss it. His job is to misrepresent it. He means to distract from the salient portion.
    And mouthing platitudes is what Kerli does best…Pete, the man only has one talent….why deprive him of the joy it obviously brings him?

  2. mikekinseattle says:

    And Obama had good things to say about NYPD chief Ray Kelly as a potential DHS head. Any of those kids the NYPD cops are stopping and frisking could also have been Obama. He wouldn’t be president today if he had been frisked during his Choom Gang days.

  3. DonDig says:

    Obama is probably trying to smooth it over so people won’t revolt in the streets, yet without offering a solution.

    The dealmakers will probably only see the light when it becomes profitable for them to do so, (or unacceptably costly for them not to).
    Until there is an overwhelming, nearly world-halting reason to modify the ‘old,’ our legislators seem to believe in maintaining the status quo they’ve constructed. Why try and perfect the past? All those deals have already been made and were profitable?

    They’d rather move forward creating new regulations, deals and profits, never worrying about revisiting the past and getting that right. They have abandoned the way.

    • Windy says:

      I wanted to like your comment but I couldn’t due to your excusing Obama for his administration’s actions over the past 4.5 years, and congress is just as bad. Long past time to remove them all from office, dismantle the fed gov, and go back to a loose cooperative confederation of States and a clear and set (no additions, no alterations) of laws that criminalize only behavior which violates the unalienable rights to self-ownership, self-determination, life, liberty, and property of others.

  4. claygooding says:

    All he has to do is end the bounty money for drug arrests and put it on blue collar and cyber crimes and change the entire face of law enforcement.
    They would even start hiring more intelligent cops

  5. allan says:

    Obama has known since he was a puff-large teenager that pot should be legal. There is no doubt in my mind that he and his Choom crew on more than one occasion decalred “one day pot will be legal. It’s so stupid it’s not.”

    That he remains so silent on pot and drug policy stinks to high heaven. Obviously he knows (or is learning quickly) the links between the racial disparities in criminal justice and drug policy.

    I’m beginning to wonder if like w/ Bush/Cheney, VP Biden is really the prez and Obama just the figurehead. Obama might have a nice jump shot but he sure lacks intestinal fortitude.

  6. DdC says:

    And when is the ONDCP going to stop mouthing empty platitudes?

    Why is the answer to that. Why would they give up such a gravy train? If it was ethics or morals they would have never started it or they would have never perpetuated it. There is no when, when it comes to the OiNkDeCePtion.

    Rolling Stone ‏@RollingStone
    #ICYMI Stevie Wonder will boycott Florida following the Zimmerman verdict: http://rol.st/1bm3fZZ

    ACLU National ‏@ACLU
    .@lwmurphy on trusting law enforcement after the Trayvon tragedy…

    Democracy Now! ‏@democracynow
    NAACP Leads Push for Federal Civil Rights Charges Against #Zimmerman After Race Kept Out of Trial http://owl.li/n0Ul7

    Democracy Now! ‏@democracynow
    “The judge kept at least half of reality out of #Zimmerman trial by not letting folks talk about racial profiling.” http://owl.li/n1jc5

    Russ Belville ‏@RadicalRuss 15 Jul
    My post “Want Justice For Trayvon Martin? Legalize Drugs” is on @HuffingtonPost Crime section now: http://rad-r.us/10WYmAt

  7. Servetus says:

    It must suck to be president. All that stress and no choom to buzz on. At least Obama mentioned the drug war problem without any promptings from a studio audience. And he’s never said he’s glad he stopped smoking marijuana. But he didn’t offer an action plan.

    As president, Obama can do only specific things. He’s constrained to uphold the law. This means he can appoint incompetent people to head drug enforcement offices, people who do incredibly offensive things that make people hate the DEA/ONDCP. He appears to have done that already. It seems all presidents do that.

    The president could appoint an independent commission to study DEA/ONDCP politics and its detrimental effects on society. That way he isn’t forced to listen to Biden lecture him about drugs. He can tell Biden to bug off and go read the commission report. Yanking the sheets off the judicial industrial complex vis-a-vis an investigation of the theory and practice of drug enforcement would provide unique ways to dissolve the mess and start all over.

    Obama also needs to fire any U.S. Attorneys who make him look bad by raiding medical marijuana dispensaries. The feds should fear Obama. He can and perhaps should make their budgeted money go away by withholding it indefinitely, the way Nixon did to any government group he didn’t like.

    Of course, I know I’m wasting my time making these recommendations. Obama is no boat rocker, and therein lies his failure in chief. A little more Thomas Jefferson revolutionary, and a little less Obama recalcitrance right now would make the country feel a lot better about itself.

    • allan says:

      “A little more Thomas Jefferson revolutionary, and a little less Obama recalcitrance right now would make the country feel a lot better about itself.”

      The difference between where our politicians’ heads are at and where the US populace heads are at are worlds apart, practically a complete disconnect. But the politicians have the tools of the machine – are tools of the machine – and our people, we the people, are still too easily manipulated and directed away from real problems to deal with the senseless and sensational.

      I realize too, that this world is not the world I inhabited a 1/2 century and more ago. Truly better in some ways but the negatives I see far outweigh the improvements.

      It’s funny this getting to be over 60 thing. Understanding of many things past grows because life’s contexts are so intricately interwoven. I realize part of this world being different now from then is that my perceptions are so radically different about most things.

      Politics, religion, relationships, parenthood… all are huge parts of my life now. As a kid, hardly at all, those things were background noise mostly.

      But my environment hasn’t changed. The earth abides. Human life is but a burp geologically. I went for an overnight camping trip this past weekend up to the magnificent east side of the Cascades (the west side is pretty bitchin’ too) and camped next to Davis Lake. Late in the day when it had cooled enough to get in the sun for a bit we went out around the lake shore with our cameras.

      So freaking beautiful. But there were things (as there have always occasionally been) that just shot me back to being a kid. The smell of certain NW specific plants… redwing blackbirds… dragonflies in the sun… Canada Geese (eh honk! eh honk!)…

      How can it be that this whole planet and all its life forms exist in such a magnificent cooperative and we ignore that lesson that literally surrounds us, everywhere and always, internally and externally?

      The drug war is but another symptom of a far greater disease. Trayvon’s tragedy is a symptom of that disease. 20,000 kids dying each day from malnutrition/starvation/lack of clean drinking water is another symptom…

      *Rant off*

      sorry about that, what Servetus said got me thinking about Jefferson and revolution and lord how we need a revolution and I was typing while watching PBS having a panel on Obama’s talk on Trayvon and race and then I got to thinking about how nice it was out in the woods… and that’s what ya get.

    • Windy says:

      How could any of us know that Obama has given up smoking or eating the weed? His administration has told so many lies to the people, I don’t believe one word that comes out of the mouths of any of them. He could still be toking up all day and all night, for all we know.

      • divadab says:

        I really doubt it. He’d be dead politically if it was discovered – or leaked, because his “handlers” pretty much know every intimate detail of his life.

        • Uncle Albert's Nephew says:

          I have believed for a long time that what you just said is at the root of the whole “legalization is political suicide” problem. Half of the American people have smoked weed but very few politicians have (or have recently). It’s career death. And forget about a security clearance. I’ve even heard that some people in DC are afraid to have a cocktail at cocktail parties.

    • Tony Aroma says:

      Well, he is a resident of Washington DC, so I’m sure he could find a doctor that would write him a recommendation for some medical marijuana. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate irony.

    • Freeman says:

      And marijuana is still schedule 1 and influential academics like Markk Leiman are still hyping the “risks”.

      Frank Zappa had it right: “People, we is not wrapped tight”!

      • Duncan20903 says:


        That ruling doesn’t strike me as particularly earth shaking. It’s the producers of generics after a drug is off patent that can’t be sued for selling the drugs. In the instant SCOTUS ruling the two pharmaceutical players are Mutual Pharmaceutical Company which sold the drugs which were invented by Merck Pharmaceuticals. Unless I’ve skipped a groove Mutual Pharma can’t be sued for design flaws but Merck most certainly can. Since we’re talking about design flaws it strikes me as equitable that it’s the designer that is liable but the copycat vendor can’t. Would anyone argue that the pharmacist that filled the prescription should be liable for design flaws?

  8. kaptinemo says:

    Obama was given his marching orders by his masters way back on June 6 2008, when he was selected as President by them. Given his bankster masters can only maintain their rotten, corrupt financial system with dirty drug money, he knows which side of the bread his political butter is on.

    But now, with the generational shift in full swing, with the generation that blindly supported the DrugWar literally dying off, and the following generations that know the truth about cannabis and other drugs in their social and political ascendency, the inevitable ‘push coming to shove’ is here.

    Each Administration has played the game of drug reform Russian Roulette, hoping that it wouldn’t happen on their watch. Well, it’s happening on Obama’s, and his masters are feverishly working to stem reform’s tide, and will have as much luck as King Canute’s soldiers.

    This truly is a (no pun intended) ‘grass roots’ movement, not like the prohibitionists astroturf. And those who’ve aligned themselves with the latter are facing a vehicle whose engine has been revving up for decades, powered by injustices suffered and remembered, and the clutch has just been engaged.

    They are already irrelevant to the vast majority of new voters (who have every reason to be angry at having been manipulated and lied to about illicit drugs and the entire prohib agenda); if the prohibs don’t want to suffer the ignominy of becoming historical roadkill, they’d best get out of the way of reform’s vehicle…now.

    • Cannabis says:

      I like your term “drug reform Russian Roulette,” but I think that musical chairs might be a more apt description. It helps to keep the number of chairs up by budgeting more money for them. So, then all each Administration has to do is to keep the music going, Rafael Lemaitre is but one example of this, so that drugs are not legalized during the game, which means that there won’t be enough chairs to sit on if the music does end. It really is all a game to them and, just like Monopoly, dollars are how the game is scored and won.

  9. Francis says:

    I know. Because the state failed to meet its heavy burden of proving, beyond a reasonable doubt, that George Zimmerman did not act in self defense, let’s make “justice for Trayvon” the rallying cry of the modern civil rights movement. Let’s do so despite the absence of any concrete evidence that Zimmerman, or the jurors who acquitted him, were motivated by racial animus. And let’s do so while ignoring the glaring, vicious, and systemic racism of the war on drugs which, unlike the personal tragedy suffered by the Martin family, has an incredibly destructive impact on millions of African-Americans’ lives. If I were conspiracy-minded, I might suggest that outrage over the Zimmerman case was being deliberately inflamed by TPTB to act as a “safe” outlet for legitimate grievances to keep Americans divided along racial lines while doing absolutely nothing to threaten the corrupt power structures of the status quo. If I were conspiracy-minded.

    • claygooding says:

      Sure glad you are not conspiracy minded cause I was leaning that way until you brought me back from the brink of being labeled a terrorist.

      • Cliff says:

        …or one of those tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. Now go to therapy and don’t forget your meds.

      • War Vet says:

        So, if drugs were never illegal, you’d have a reduced urban gang existence in America and this existence is portrayed as young black men who are likewise portrayed in gangster rap music and likewise dress in hoodies –not only in the music videos but in movies and on TV shows like ‘Cops’. So, if the war on drugs didn’t exist, would Trayvon wear a hoodie and have been shot because his image conduced a stereotype of ‘dangerous’. What would the hoodie resemble if the young black teenagers wore it in a world that didn’t have the War on Drugs in it? I think the War on Drugs was the moment when Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘Et tu Brute’ to American society.

        • allan says:

          What would the hoodie resemble if the young black teenagers wore it in a world that didn’t have the War on Drugs in it?

          indeed, indeed… “because it’s the direction we’re going” has never been a good reason when the direction you’re going is taking you off a cliff. Or even a precipice… or a large outcropping… even a tall curb… ’cause there is a fall coming.

        • War Vet says:

          I cannot help but believe movies like ‘Menace to Society’ and ‘Boys in the Hood’ would ever exist in a world where drugs were never illegal. Granted, we’d still have gangs, but I have a hard time believing they’d be so prevalent. Places dubbed as ghettoes would be smaller and many of those neighborhoods would have been better off if the drug black market didn’t flood the streets with crime and gangs. Would today’s cops resemble Barney Fife and Andy Griffith in the long run? The War on Drugs is why I’m not angry or reposting anything on FB about the aggression the black community seems to be showing as a result in Zimmerman getting away with murder . . . they’ve been gypped a piece of the American pie ever since our ancestors forced them over here. Of course this is why I’m a huge champion of serving in the Military. Because it forces all of us to coexist. Iraq: I had two really cool black Sgts and one Laotian Buddhist roommate, just to name a few. I have hope our communities will reunite.

  10. ezrydn says:

    Coulda, shoulda, more Presidential BS!

  11. Jean Valjean says:

    “Kerlikowske noted that heroin abuse is on the rise and young people often don’t understand its dangers.”

    Perhaps that’s because you and the DEA have included it as a Schedule 1 drug alongside cannabis, and handed over the distribution of both to the black market. Michele Leonhart has testified before congress that both substances are equally dangerous. I wonder if this could have anything to do with that lack of understanding of “the dangers?”

    • Duncan20903 says:


      Between 1996 and 2012 the number of Califonia residents in “treatment” for heroin addiction declined from 67,115 to 28,441 or a decline in that number of 38,674 actual living, breathing human beings, or -57.623%.

      While that was happening the population of California grew from 31,878,000 to 38,041,430 an increase of 19.334% or 6,163,430 actual living, breathing human beings.

      1996 because that was the last year without the Compassionate Use Act.
      2012 because that’s the last year with published data within easy reach.

      You might recall that I’ve posted lower numbers for Californians in “treatment” for opioids addiction. You are correct but it’s because normally I combine the heroin numbers with the “other opiates” numbers. The one and only reason to separate problem users of one opiate from the problem users of another is to maintain heroin as an effective political boogey man for use by the prohibitionist parasites.
      As always, let’s keep in mind that “California Proposition 36, the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000…permanently changed state law to allow qualifying defendants convicted of non-violent drug possession offenses to receive a probationary sentence in lieu of incarceration. As a condition of probation defendants are required to participate in and complete a licensed and/or certified community drug treatment program.”

      I’d think that Prop 36 would have made the in “treatment” numbers skyrocket all by itself.

      The California numbers demonstrate in plain and simple terms that Mr. Kerlikowske is serving baloney.

      • B. Snow says:

        The key that it’s all cow excrement is the in the name of the group that produces it:
        “Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration”

        If you link these things from the word “Go” = It’s no freakin’ wonder they’re always going to find some *schizophrenia linked to marijuana use* or whatever no really… Correlation = Causation *ahem* ‘falsehoods’, based on they’re obviously biased views and mission statement/purpose/reason for being = aka – Getting government funding to advance some pseudo-modern “Temperance Movement the Sequel” (or trilogy?)

  12. jamesj3 says:

    Barrack doesn’t want to get JFK’d attempting to end this massive money making social control program in defiance of his handlers. Presidents dont just have SS protection for the remainder of their lives simply to keep them safe, its also to make sure they dont expose secrets. Anyone can see this program has achieved nothing to the positive and has only caused death and destruction. Offering to keep our children safe while destroying their parents, and families leaving children vulnerable and unprotected to the risks of life could never make sense, only dollars

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    • allan says:

      you really need to make your hyperlinks more… uh… visually appealing. That link looks like raw sausage. Seriously. Hard to fish w/ bait like that.

  14. DdC says:

    Supreme Court Rules Drug Companies Exempt from Lawsuits

    With the amount of red flags popping up recently and over the past decades. I believe either Americans are the most trustworthy people on earth or the most gullible. It’s almost as if they are putting something in the water to cause color blindness or the inability to distinguish the colors between red flags and green flags. ~DdC

    The Assassins of Youth!
    Pharmaceuticals and their beneficiaries alone donated 54 percent of the $5.8 million the Partnership took from its top twenty-five contributors from 1988 to 1991. That 54 percent is conservative. It doesn’t include donations under $90,000, and it doesn’t include donations from the tobacco and alcohol kings: The Partnership has taken $150,000 each from Philip Morris, Anheuser-Busch and RJR Reynolds, plus $100,000 from American Brands (Jim Beam. Lucky Strike).

    Coincidence? Hardly. The war on drugs is a war on illegal drugs, and the partnership’s benefactors have a huge stake in keeping it that way. They know that when schoolchildren learn that marijuana and crack are evil, they’re also learning that alcohol, tobacco and pills are as American as apple pie.

    The Victims of the War on Drugs
    The Victims of the War on Drugs 2

    “The Act of Killing”

    They act like they’re little kids stealing cookies and hiding them under their pillow. When the kids mother enters the room the kid jumps up and says don’t look under the pillow. So she leaves.

  15. allan says:

    IN ONDCP if we change ‘National’ to ‘No’ and it works better. Ok, ok… but it does make 1 less lie they tell. At least their name can be truthful.

    There’s another oped in there somewhars.

  16. Servetus says:

    The government knows it’s in trouble

    The House of Reprehensibles has authorized a bill designed to “neutralize two previous acts—the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act in 1987—that had been passed to protect U.S. audiences from our own government’s misinformation campaigns.”

    The latest ploy is the government’s answer to the Internet, which stomps the government’s posterior mightily everyday. It gets worse:

    The new law would give sweeping powers to the government to push television, radio, newspaper, and social media onto the U.S. public. “It removes the protection for Americans,” says a Pentagon official who is concerned about the law. “It removes oversight from the people who want to put out this information. There are no checks and balances. No one knows if the information is accurate, partially accurate, or entirely false.”

    If it passes the Senate, prohibitionists will be aping this strategy. The bill is buried within a defense budget bill, along with other items that include “indefinite detention and a prohibition on gay marriage at military installations.” The juridical juggernaut never stops.

    • DdC says:

      Big Brother Speaks! 07/19/2013
      Pesky citizens are always going around demanding more transparency in government. Well, this week, the U.S. government shouted, “Let the sunshine in!” And guess what they’ve decided to give you access to? Thousands of hours of government-produced propaganda!

      Allow us to explain: The propaganda arm of the United States is enormously well funded. It produces thousands of hours of content every week, broadcasts in over 100 countries in more than 61 languages. In fact, practically the only people on the planet who don’t see these shows are the ones who pay for it — American taxpayers.

      Congressmen Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban
      Michael Hastings
      BuzzFeed Staff May 18, 2012
      Propaganda that was supposed to target foreigners could now be aimed at Americans, reversing a longstanding policy. “Disconcerting and dangerous,”

      Where’s the Outcry for Michael Hastings?
      By Kimberly Dvorak Updated: Thu, 18 Jul 2013
      Details uncovered by this reporter shed new light into the June 18 death of journalist Michael Hastings.

      Smith–Mundt: Myth and Reality
      Helle Dale May 23, 2012 The Heritage Foundation

      Hastings’s article therefore bears specific examination:

      The tweak to the bill would essentially neutralize two previous acts—the Smith–Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act in 1987—that had been passed to protect U.S. audiences from our own government’s misinformation campaigns.

      Misinformation campaigns? The overwhelming majority of U.S. government publications and broadcasts aim at furthering positive—sometimes rather bland, but accurate—information about the United States.

      If Heritage is for it, Then I’m definitely against it.

      The head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy is under fire for manipulating data in a report to Congress to cover shortcomings in his federal antidrug program

      Drug Czar is Required by Law to Lie

    • DdC says:

      The inbedwith dis-infotainment: Gaza to Iraq

      Protests against the Iraq War
      Beginning in 2002, and continuing after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, large-scale protests against the Iraq War were held in many cities worldwide, often coordinated to occur simultaneously around the world. After the biggest series of demonstrations, on February 15, 2003, New York Times writer Patrick Tyler claimed that they showed that there were two superpowers on the planet, the United States and worldwide public opinion.

      These demonstrations against the war were mainly organized by anti-war organizations, many of whom had been formed in opposition to the invasion of Afghanistan. In some Arab countries demonstrations were organized by the state. Europe saw the biggest mobilization of protesters, including a rally of three million people in Rome, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest ever anti-war rally.

      According to the French academic Dominique Reynié, between January 3 and April 12, 2003, 36 million people across the globe took part in almost 3,000 protests against the Iraq war.

      In the United States, even though pro-war demonstrators have been quoted as referring to anti-war protests as a “vocal minority”, Gallup Polls updated September 14, 2007 state, “Since the summer of 2005, opponents of the war have tended to outnumber supporters. A majority of Americans believe the war was a mistake.

      The Corporate Muzzle
      Trolls of Fascism

      Now They’re Coming For The 1st?

      Drug Czar linked to deception

  17. thelbert says:

    o/t but very interesting:http://tinyurl.com/mqj9hyz. found by following one of DdC’s links.

  18. His boy Sherman says:


    Well yesterday I somehow got caught in a temporal paradox and ended up in 1936. While I was there I went to see “Reefer Madness” as a first run motion picture event, and then picked up a newspaper and read the op-eds and found this:

    Going to pot: Separating fact from folklore on marijuana’s health effects

    He believes the only way to escape marijuana’s dark mental, physical and emotional health risks is to never light up in the first place.”

    Don’t be misled by the headline. The writer is rejecting facts and promoting “folklore” as truth. Wow, talk about alternative realities…

  19. Tony Aroma says:

    OT, but since the readers here are so knowledgable, maybe somebody knows the answer.

    I was wondering if it is possible, through FOA or something like that, to find out what happens to the marijuana the government grows at U of Miss. Where does it go, what is it used for, who gets it, how much do they get? I’d guess they keep pretty meticulous records and that the info would not be classified.

    • allan says:

      you mean Doc Esohly’s marijuana monopoly?

    • darkcycle says:

      Well, there may be a problem, since ElSohly’s operation is a for profit business. I think you have to sue for those records and prove a compelling need.
      Yep, the USG’s own Felix Guzman.

    • DdC says:

      Tony their “plan” is clear for all to see. Those in it for the money don’t want to see. Letting the Mississippi Schwag Farm grow for Sativex, and the patents the DEA has will keep it with Big Pharma while the Dispensaries will continue to provide cage profits for Koch’s private prisons. Most importantly to the status weirdo Wall St whores is that with this arrangement Hemp will stay a schedule#1 controlled substance and out of the competition.

      Is The DEA Legalizing THC?
      So, in other words, if a pharmaceutical product contains THC extracted from the marijuana plant, that would be a legal commodity. But if you or I possessed THC extracted from the marijuana plant, that would remain an illegal commodity.

      Wait, it gets even more absurd.

      Since the cannabis plant itself will remain illegal under federal law, then from whom precisely could Big Pharma legally obtain their soon-to-be legal THC extracts? There’s only one answer: The federal government’s lone legally licensed marijuana cultivator, The University of Mississippi at Oxford, which already has the licensing agreements with the pharmaceutical industry in hand.

      NeoConflicts of Interest
      MJ Research Cut as Support Grows
      Bush Barthwell & Drugs

      US Government Patents Medical Pot

      Only the state of CA has no provisions for limits or reasons to use. The Feds IND program has already established what a reasonable amount would be for individuals to grow for themselves, without selling it or giving it away or any exchange. That was determined to be Commerce, under the Treasury Dept. and IRS, those actually busting the buyers clubs, per the SCotUS Raich v Gonzales decision. State initiatives written by cops and politikans add limits and nullify individuals that the feds have no jurisdiction over. Most busts or the 800,000 are by states. For having more than the state limit allows. Catch 22 since any amount sold is illegal under the CSA and no one can physically grow a plant to produce an ounce or less. Don[t let cops write initiatives! I’ve put this out a couple years ago and can’t get any of the excerpts to agree or disagree. Nathan or Paul never answers, some delete it and most hem and haw but really never address it. Or maybe hope its not true and continue with this Incremental-retardation with limits for the profiteers to quasi legally sell pot. In the end I predict WA and CO will find the same IRS busting down their door as in CA. Strange how it seems its only the Dispensaries not paying taxes because they can’t get standard business deductions. Not sure if that will continue. Seems until the CSA is overturned as was the Marihuana Tax Act. Then the Feds can bust whomever they please for amounts considered more than an individual would use or by actually selling it. Thats my story and I’m sticking to it. All legal in SCruz, as far as I’m concerned.

      Ending D.E.A.th & Pillage Incrementally

    • DdC says:

      Follow CA or Bust’

      U.S.Fort Schwag Mississippi

      Cannabis Yields and Dosage (Part 1)
      This 6-inch diameter canister held 254.89 grams of federal medical marijuana for an IND patient, a typical monthly supply mailed from the federal cannabis research garden in Mississippi.

      Note. Compassionate Use Act not the MMJ Act
      And it stands individuals are protected by the 10th amendment for personal use, not sales or exchanges. If the profiteers pass an initiative like WA or CO, and it nullifies Prop 215 then we will be in the same boat. Not legal and a whack a mole scenario busting clubs at their leisure. As it stands Prop 215 is the law of the land and NO politician or cop can tweak it to appease the prisons. As much as they have tried and gotten away with. Don’t throw away what we have so a few can get rich selling it.

  20. darkcycle says:

    They went looking for the effects of “Crack”. They found….something else.
    (Of course, they neglect to consider trauma)

  21. Servetus says:

    There’s trouble brewing in addictionology land.

    A preliminary brain study at UCLA indicates that sex addiction is not an addiction, but rather a case of hypersexuality.

    If follow-up studies on sex addiction concur with the recent study, alleged marijuana addictions will face a similar challenge using the same scientific scrutiny. Is marijuana addiction for real, or do some people just really enjoy marijuana derivatives? More research is needed, preferably done in a neutral foreign country.

    • darkcycle says:

      Interesting, but I’m not sure how significant that is. P300 spikes were expected, but not seen. The problem is, the expressed criteria for diagnosing addictions are all behavioral. This may simply mean that some addictive behaviors are free from P300 recognition spikes. BTW, P300 is the interval also associated with recognizing a friend’s face, among other things.

    • claygooding says:

      “”Is marijuana addiction for real, or do some people just really enjoy marijuana derivatives?””

      That would mean people could possibly be drinking Starbucks because they like it,,,I just can’t bring myself into believing something that bad about people.

    • DdC says:

      Ganja is no more addictive than air. It is as essential to sanity and health as hemp seed’s fatty acids are to nutrition. Those abstaining are malnutritioned in the brain. Stiff necked and cold hearted synthetic plastic people believing human inventions are better than what Nature provides. They will shrivel up and become extinct as the other species that would not change their attitudes. Or got caught up in some prohibitionists plot to get rich. Believing the reefer madness in hopes of personal gain. Regardless of their fellow citizens and even families. Off with their heads!

      12,000 years of cannabis use, then cold turkey prohibition.
      Abstinence makes the heart grow harder. And they are just starting to map out cannabinoids and the bodies endocannabinoid system? One might think after 12,000 years this intricate system of the body might have already been known and mapped. Seems logical to me, the reichwing, prohibitionist chicken little chicken hawks are inflicted with…

      Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency

      leading to

      Having Larger ‘Fear Centers’ in Their Brains

      Getting us back to where we once belonged jojo…

      Using Pot To Save Brains!

    • primus says:

      I have long thought that there is no such thing as ‘addiction’, merely a strong liking for something such as heroin, sex or gambling so that the ‘addict’ ignores the social conventions to obtain what they desire. Once the ‘addict’ has burned all his social bridges he sees even less reason to ignore his ‘addiction’ because the draw of the activity is even more powerful without the offset of his desire to maintain social normality. That is why the Swiss method of heroin substitution works; it removes or reduces the social alienation the ‘addict’ receives from his family and friends because they no longer fear he will steal from them to support his ‘addiction’. Once the potential for social normalcy returns, many ‘addicts’ kick their habit, because they no longer must choose between one OR the other, now they can have both. Once they reach this point, they see their ‘addiction’ as a negative and many choose to leave their ‘addiction’ behind. The ‘addiction’ loses out to their social tendencies. IOW ‘addiction’ is about choice, not mental illness.

  22. claygooding says:

    CNN broke the news that a child with leukemia was treated with cannabis oil and the disease has gone into remission,,doctors reported that link is not established but certainly calls for more research.
    only link I could find was on facebook and looked as if someone recorded the newscast on their phone.

    Dr Supay(sp),,the recent reversal of opinion on MMJ tv doctor does the story and seemed very positive about it’s effects.

    • Windy says:

      Another interesting study:

      The federal government, in its attempt to keep marijuana illegal and misunderstood, recently sponsored a study which was conducted by the University of California Center for Medical Cannabis. The goal of the study was to disprove the many other studies that show cannabis to be safe and effective in treating symptoms, side-effects and diseases. Guess what? The CMCR came to the same conclusion as those other studies: marijuana is medically useful and effective. Oops. That’s rather inconvenient, isn’t it?

      • claygooding says:

        Actually Windy there was a battery of “smoked marijuana” tests done including a driving under the influence test that has never been released,TMK,,the last time I checked they were still writing up the report,,about 6 months ago.
        The tests were all done with DEA/NIDA marijuana and oversight,,when the research was completed and turned over to NIDA the drug czar dismissed them by stating he had issues with the research,,case closed.

        • Duncan20903 says:


          Will the people staffing the Federal government ever figure out that they can’t pay a blue ribbon committee to come up with their preferred results? It’s really strange that almost 120 years since the release of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission report with a steady series of studies contradicting what the prohibasites want to hear that they might get clued in to the fact that scientists who qualify to be included on such a committee just aren’t going to give them their preferred results unless those results are true.

    • DdC says:

      Medical marijuana helps stem 6-year-old’s seizures CNN

      Could Pot Stop This Baby’s Seizures? CC Jul 18 2013
      Toronto parents struggling with baby Kaitlyn’s Dravet syndrome call for clinical trials here after miraculous results in Colorado.

      Jeffrey’s Journey

      Ganja Mothers, Ganja Babies

      Scientists Re-Re-Re-Discover Cannabis Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers!

    • DdC says:

      Cannabis: The Forbidden Medicine With Health Benefits You Will Not Hear About On The News

      Charges Against Rick Simpson Withdrawn

      Marijuana” Can prevent Cancer

      Dad gives 6-year-old medical marijuana

      7-year-old Oregon girl treated with medical marijuana
      PORTLAND, Ore. November 26, 2012

      Mykayla Comstock, a 7-year-old girl suffering from leukemia, is one of Oregon’s youngest medical marijuana patients.

      Mykayla’s mother says she gives her daughter marijuana pills to combat the effects of chemotherapy, but her father, who lives in North Dakota, worries about the effects of the drug on her brain development.

      The girl was diagnosed with leukemia last spring.

      • Francis says:

        Mykayla’s mother says she gives her daughter marijuana pills to combat the effects of chemotherapy, but her father, who lives in North Dakota, worries about the effects of the drug on her brain development.

        Well, you can’t blame the guy for worrying. It’s been known for some time now that permanent brain damage is one of the risks of chemotherapy. But at least he can find some comfort in the knowledge that his daughter will be able to take advantage of cannabis’ neuroprotective benefits.

        • claygooding says:

          It is amazing that history does not mention one harm from marijuana until about 1928 and since then it has caused everything from testicular cancers too mass shootings,,simply amazing.

        • Duncan20903 says:


          5000 years ago people knew that drinking alcohol and opium were highly addictive substances. But it wasn’t until the addictionologists figured out that they could get paid by the health insurance companies that we were informed that cannabis is an addictive substance!

  23. allan says:

    thinking on race and the drug war, Trayvon… cruising thru the headlines, catching snips of the news talk shows… GoogleNews shows me this w/ LEAP’s director, Neill Franklin:

    War on Drugs Fostered Mass Incarceration

    At the end of the piece:

    Leigh Maddox, new deputy director of the Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Services and a former state police officer, said the gay rights movement as its transformed attitudes over the past decade could serve as a model for changing public attitudes and policy about incarceration. She also suggested Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” as offering guidance.

    And I knew even tho’ it had been prolly decades since I’d read it, MLK’s ‘Letter From Birmingham Jail’ couldn’t fit today more. And even tho’ Jim Crow is alive and feeding well in the criminal justice system, the protests are not so alive.

    Here’s Martin (think Trayvon, the drug war…):

    Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial “outside agitator” idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider …


    […] when you are harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro, living constantly at tiptoe stance, never quite knowing what to expect next, and plagued with inner fears and outer resentments; when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of “nobodyness”–then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait. There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over and men are no longer willing to be plunged into an abyss of injustice where they experience the bleakness of corroding despair. I hope, sirs, you can understand our legitimate and unavoidable impatience …

    You express a great deal of anxiety over our willingness to break laws. This is certainly a legitimate concern. Since we so diligently urge people to obey the Supreme Court’s decision of 1954 outlawing segregation in the public schools, it is rather strange and paradoxical to find us consciously breaking laws. One may well ask, “How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?” The answer is found in the fact that there are two types of laws: there are just laws, and there are unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that “An unjust law is no law at all.”

    Now, what is the difference between the two? How does one determine when a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law, or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust.

    Rock on…

    Caught Baldemar Valsquez on Bill Moyers earlier (PBS) and he too said something that fits into our drug policy discussion. He was talking about being with Cesar Chavez and it so reminded me of all the years since drug policy reform was first really pulling out of the station (and now look, we’re goin’ 300 mph!):

    BALDEMAR VELÁSQUEZ: Well, that’s better than fighting with nothing. And Cesar Chavez described it best in the times I spent a lot of– had a lot of discussion with Cesar. He says, well you know, the rich have a lot to oppose us. They got a lot of money. And farm work– we farm workers, we don’t have anything.

    In the back of my mind, I’m thinking, well, anything becomes a powerful weapon. Because when you don’t have anything, you don’t have anything to lose. So what you’re investing in the fight is nothing but time. And the opposition is investing money. And the way Cesar put it was, “There’s a lot more time than there is money. And money’s going to run out before time. So as long as we don’t give up, something has got to happen.”

    So it doesn’t take a whole lot to fight. You just got to be willing to do it. And the problem with a lot of people is they don’t want to do it, because they think they’re going to lose something. They got– they think they got too much to lose. Well, in that regard, you already lost before you started.

    • thelbert says:

      anyone who will live and work with the pickers at the age of 66 gets my thumbs up. too many of our “leaders” have no clue what working for a living means.

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