Daily Archives: January 15, 2009

Citizen’s Briefing Book Responses

The Obama administration has started releasing videos of staff addressing questions/ideas in the Citizen’s Briefing Book. Of course, nobody has yet addressed a drug policy question. Most of the videos are about non-controversial questions and the responses are practically just … Continue reading

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John Walters’ final four days as drug czar

It’s official – John Walters has been given his new lucrative position. No, it’s not in drug testing like so many of us assumed — unfortunately, he’ll be in a position to continue to damage our criminal justice and foreign … Continue reading

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Our next drug czar?

Guess who’s putting his hat in the ring for the job? I am not naĆ°ve enough to believe we can ever fully eradicate drugs. However, as America’s Drug Czar, I would put a big hurt on the drug kingpins and … Continue reading

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Voting on ideas

“bullet” Voting at Change.org ends today at 5 pm Eastern. Currently there are two drug policy reform ideas in the Top 10. “bullet” At Change.gov, go to the Citizens Briefing Book and vote on ideas there (or add your own).

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