Walters fails Turing Test

John isn’t even coherent in this Q and A in the Dallas Morning News:

Q: It’s interesting that you emphasize a public health approach, because there’s a perception in the academic community that studies drug policy that there’s too much emphasis on interdiction and not enough on treatment.
A: The academic community that works on drug policy is almost uniformly second rate. They’re fighting battles over dogma that doesn’t really exist anymore, that’s in the past.

What does that mean? Other than the “second-rate” crack against the academic drug policy community, which is the equivalent of an “F” student accusing a “C” student of being dumb. Care to answer the actual question, John? Or should we move on to another…

Q: What about drugs coming out of South America, mostly heroin and cocaine? Figures from your office show a decrease in supply and purity, but other studies contradict that. Illegal drugs remain cheap and widely available.
A: I certainly recognize that there are particular places in the United States that won’t see the same performance as the aggregate. That’s true of education performance and crime and consumer prices. We’re a big country, and there are variations. But we have seen declines, through a combination of eradication of both poppy and coca, and record seizures.

Regional differences? So… there are certain places within the United States where South American drug interdiction is working, and others where it is not? Isn’t that kind of like saying that we’re winning the Iraq war in Nebraska, but losing it in Kansas?
Sometimes it seems like Walters has stopped trying. He used to at least attempt to make his lies sound plausible.

[Thanks, Jay]
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