Voting guides for Indiana and North Dakota

Two more voting guides added:

  • Indiana — This is a state with real highs and lows. Indiana is most known in the drug policy reform world as the home of drug war cheerleader Mark Souder (3rd District) and author of the financial aid drug provision. He’s particularly dangerous because he is Chair of the House Government Reform Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources, which means he controls much of the drug war conversation in the House of Representatives. Students for Sensible Drug Policy have been after him for some time. I’d love to see Maria Parra beat him.
    The good news in Indiana is the 7th District. Three candidates and all of them not only support medical marijuana, but also support eliminating federal funding for programs associated with the war on drugs. Amazing. Nice choice if you live in Indianapolis.
    In quite a number of races in Indiana, the only good choices are with the Libertarian party, which seems quite active in Indiana, at least in terms of the number of candidates fielded. I’d recommend supporting that activity.
  • North Dakota — just completed this one because it was small (so I could have two more states instead of just one). Not very interesting choices there, I’m afraid.

Full voting guide with all states completed so far is available here.

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