Drug Policy Reformer enters Senate race in California

Judge Gray, a Drug-War Foe, Will Run for Senate: Now a libertarian, the longtime advocate of legalization will challenge Boxer in 2004.
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This is extraordinary news. Gray is the author of “Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It: A Judicial Indictment of the War on Drugs” – a truly excellent book. I’ve bought quite a few copies myself, because it’s a good book to give to someone as an overview to learning about the problems of the drug war (and I always have a copy out on loan as well). Gray has been a federal prosecutor, a trial judge, and a California Superior Court justice, and has learned first hand the failure of the drug war. Seeing him enter the political ring is great news, and I’d love to see him on the floor of the Senate, fighting against the constant stream of lousy drug laws.
However, it’s likely to be an uphill battle, running as a Libertarian.

Every single vote I get will legitimately be seen in favor of repealing drug prohibition,” said Gray, 58, the day before announcing his candidacy at the Old Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana.
“The other side is going to want to get my votes, and to do that they’ll have to change their drug policy. If that happens, I’ll have won.”
Gray is hoping to get 15% of the vote, a longshot for a third-party candidate. His campaign slogan targets the apprehension that mainstream voters might feel: “This time, it matters.”

If you live in California, give him your support. Either way, visit his campaign site and consider a contribution. Every little bit helps.

In the years he has been waging his own war on the war on drugs, Gray said he has learned that when battling the conventional, you can’t be in a hurry, and you can’t get discouraged.
A few dents at a time, he said. That’s how it’s done.
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