The Drug War is Over!

Ring the bells. The long effort has finally paid off!

Colombia’s president says last big drug lord has been captured

BOGOTA, Colombia –  President Juan Manuel Santos announced Tuesday evening that a man he described as Colombia’s last big-time drug lord had been captured in neighboring Venezuela. It was the third arrest of a purported Colombian drug boss in the last year.

Santos said alleged drug boss Daniel “Loco” Barrera was arrested in the Venezuelan city of San Cristobal after months of multinational cooperation that included help from the United States and other nations.

“The last of the great capos has fallen,” Santos said in a brief statement to journalists. He didn’t answer questions.

[Thanks, Radley]
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33 Responses to The Drug War is Over!

  1. USMJP says:

    First and foremost, having state marijuana laws is
    illegal double billing the taxpayers, because there are more
    than enough federal marijuana laws. Federal marijuana laws
    are spelled “marijuana” and “marihuana”.
    Because the many laws are spelled different ways, and listed
    under different U.S.C. Titles, it is
    a form of fraudulent concealment of all of the laws you
    will be accused of violating in Court.

    1. marijuana is fun for adults to use in the privacy of their own homes or property
    2. marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol, and people should have an
    equal right under the law to make their own choice
    3. if marijuana was legal and a person thought their spouse or
    child was over-doing it, similar to drinking too much alcohol, they could go to
    a rehab and it might be paid for by insurance, rather than face criminal charges
    4. legalizing and taxing marijuana will create an enormous tax revenue
    5. handcuffing and shackling a person and putting them in prison causes far
    more harm than marijuana
    6. There are millions of regular pot smokers in America and millions more
    infrequent smokers.
    Smoking pot clearly has far fewer dangerous and hazardous effects
    on society than legal drugs
    such as alcohol.

    7. Prohibition has failed to control the use and domestic production of marijuana.
    The government has tried to use criminal penalties to prevent marijuana use for
    over 75 years
    and yet: marijuana is now used by over 25 million people annually, cannabis is
    currently the largest
    cash crop in the United States, and marijuana is grown all over the planet.
    Claims that marijuana prohibition is a successful policy are ludicrous and
    unsupported by the facts,
    and the idea that marijuana will soon be eliminated from America and the
    rest of the world
    is a ridiculous fantasy.

    8. Arrests for marijuana possession disproportionately affect blacks and Hispanics
    and reinforce the perception that law enforcement is biased and prejudiced
    against minorities.
    African-Americans account for approximately 13% of the population of the
    United States and
    about 13.5% of annual marijuana users, however, blacks also account for
    26% of all marijuana arrests.
    Recent studies have demonstrated that blacks and Hispanics account for the
    of marijuana possession arrests in New York City, primarily for smoking
    marijuana in public view.
    Law enforcement has failed to demonstrate that marijuana laws can be
    enforced fairly without regard to race;
    far too often minorities are arrested for marijuana use while white/non-Hispanic
    Americans face a much lower risk of arrest.

    9. A regulated, legal market in marijuana would reduce marijuana sales and
    use among teenagers,
    as well as reduce their exposure to other drugs in the illegal market.
    The illegality of marijuana make
    it more valuable than if it were legal, providing opportunities for teenagers
    to make easy money
    selling it to their friends. If the excessive profits for marijuana sales were
    ended through legalization
    there would be less incentive for teens to sell it to one another. Teenage
    use of alcohol and tobacco
    remain serious public health problems even though those drugs are legal
    for adults, however,
    the availability of alcohol and tobacco is not made even more widespread
    by providing kids with
    economic incentives to sell either one to their friends and peers.

    10. Legalized marijuana would reduce the flow of money from the American
    economy to international
    criminal gangs. Marijuana’s illegality makes foreign cultivation and smuggling
    to the United States
    extremely profitable, sending billions of dollars overseas in an underground
    economy while diverting
    funds from productive economic development.

    11. Marijuana’s legalization would simplify the development of hemp as a
    valuable and diverse
    agricultural crop in the United States, including its development as a new
    bio-fuel to reduce carbon
    emissions. Canada and European countries have managed to support
    legal hemp cultivation
    without legalizing marijuana, but in the United States opposition to legal
    marijuana remains the
    biggest obstacle to development of industrial hemp as a valuable agricultural
    commodity. As US
    energy policy continues to embrace and promote the development of bio-fuels
    as an alternative
    to oil dependency and a way to reduce carbon emissions, it is all the more
    important to develop
    industrial hemp as a bio-fuel source – especially since use of hemp stalks
    as a fuel source will not
    increase demand and prices for food, such as corn. Legalization of marijuana
    will greatly simplify
    the regulatory burden on prospective hemp cultivation in the United States.

    12. Prohibition is based on lies and disinformation. Justification of marijuana’s
    increasingly requires distortions and selective uses of the scientific record,
    causing harm to
    the credibility of teachers, law enforcement officials, and scientists throughout
    the country.
    The dangers of marijuana use have been exaggerated for almost a century
    and the modern
    scientific record does not support the reefer madness predictions of the past
    and present.
    Many claims of marijuana’s danger are based on old 20th century prejudices
    that originated
    in a time when science was uncertain how marijuana produced its characteristic
    effects. Since
    the cannabinoid receptor system was discovered in the late 1980s these
    hysterical concerns
    about marijuana’s dangerousness have not been confirmed with modern
    research. Everyone
    agrees that marijuana, or any other drug use such as alcohol or tobacco
    use, is not for children.
    Nonetheless, adults have demonstrated over the last several decades that
    marijuana can be
    used moderately without harmful impacts to the individual or society.

    13. Marijuana is not a lethal drug and is safer than alcohol. It is established
    scientific fact that
    marijuana is not toxic to humans; marijuana overdoses are nearly impossible,
    and marijuana
    is not nearly as addictive as alcohol or tobacco. It is unfair and unjust to treat
    marijuana users
    more harshly under the law than the users of alcohol or tobacco.

    14. Marijuana is too expensive for our justice system and should instead be
    taxed to support
    beneficial government programs. Law enforcement has more important
    responsibilities than
    arresting 750,000 individuals a year for marijuana possession, especially
    given the additional justice
    costs of disposing of each of these cases. Marijuana arrests make justice
    more expensive and less
    efficient in the United States, wasting jail space, clogging up court systems,
    and diverting time
    of police, attorneys, judges, and corrections officials away from violent crime,
    the sexual abuse
    of children, and terrorism. Furthermore, taxation of marijuana can provide
    needed and generous
    funding of many important criminal justice and social programs.

    15. Marijuana use has positive attributes, such as its medical value and use
    as a recreational drug
    with relatively mild side effects. Many people use marijuana because they
    have made an informed
    decision that it is good for them, especially Americans suffering from a
    variety of serious ailments.
    Marijuana provides relief from pain, nausea, spasticity, and other symptoms
    for many individuals
    who have not been treated successfully with conventional medications.
    Many American adults prefer
    marijuana to the use of alcohol as a mild and moderate way to relax.
    Americans use marijuana
    because they choose to, and one of the reasons for that choice is their
    personal observation
    that the drug has a relatively low dependence liability and easy-to-manage
    side effects. Most
    marijuana users develop tolerance to many of marijuana’s side effects,
    and those who do not,
    choose to stop using the drug. Marijuana use is the result of informed
    consent in which
    individuals have decided that the benefits of use outweigh the risks,
    especially since, for most
    Americans, the greatest risk of using marijuana is the relatively low risk of arrest.

    16. Marijuana users are determined to stand up to the injustice of marijuana
    probation and
    accomplish legalization, no matter how long or what it takes to succeed.
    Despite the threat
    of arrests and a variety of other punishments and sanctions marijuana
    users have persisted
    in their support for legalization for over a generation. They refuse to give
    up their long quest for
    justice because they believe in the fundamental values of American society.
    Prohibition has
    failed to silence marijuana users despite its best attempts over the last
    generation. The issue
    of marijuana’s legalization is a persistent issue that, like marijuana, will
    simply not go away.
    Marijuana will be legalized because marijuana users will continue to
    fight for it until they succeed.

    17. Liberty: people deserve freedom to use marijuana.
    The most basic reason that marijuana should be legal is that
    there is no good
    reason for it not to be legal. Some people ask ‘why should marijuana be
    but we should ask “Why should marijuana be illegal?” From a philosophical
    point of
    view, individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves.
    The government
    only has a right to limit those choices if the individual’s actions endanger
    someone else.
    This does not apply to marijuana, since the individual who chooses to
    use marijuana does
    so according to his or her own free will. The government also may have
    a right to limit individual
    actions if the actions pose a significant threat to the individual. But this
    argument does not
    logically apply to marijuana because marijuana is far less dangerous
    than some drugs which
    are legal, such as alcohol and tobacco.
    Individuals deserve the right to decide whether or not they
    should use marijuana.
    The government should not tell individuals what to do as long as they
    do not harm others.

    18. Cost: keeping marijuana illegal is expensive.
    An important reason that marijuana should be legal is that it would
    save our government lots of money. In the United States, all levels of government
    (federal, state, and local authorities) participate in the “War on Drugs.”
    We currently
    spend billions of dollars every year to chase peaceful people who
    happen to like to
    get high. These people get locked up in prison and the taxpayers have
    to foot the bill.
    We have to pay for food, housing, health care, attorney fees, court costs,
    and other
    expenses to lock these people up. This is extremely expensive!
    We could save billions
    of dollars every year as a nation if we stop wasting money locking people
    up for having
    marijuana. In addition, if marijuana were legal, the government would be
    able to collect
    taxes on it, and would have a lot more money to pay for effective drug
    education programs
    and other important causes.
    We would have more money to spend on important problems
    if marijuana were legal.

    19. Failure: prohibition doesn’t help.
    A major reason that marijuana should be legal is because prohibition
    does not help
    the country in any way, and causes a lot of problems. There is no good
    evidence that
    prohibition decreases drug use, and there are several theories that suggest
    might actually increase drug use (i.e. the “forbidden fruit” effect, and easier
    accessibility for youth).
    One unintended effect of marijuana prohibition is that marijuana is very
    popular in American
    high schools. Why? Because it is available. You don’t have to be 21 to buy
    marijuana —
    marijuana dealers usually don’t care how old you are as long as you have
    money. It is actually
    easier for many high school students to obtain marijuana than it is for them
    to obtain alcohol,
    because alcohol is legal and therefore regulated to keep it away from kids.
    If our goal is to
    reduce drug consumption, then we should focus on open and honest programs
    to educate
    youth, regulation to keep drugs away from kids, and treatment programs for
    people with drug
    problems. But the current prohibition scheme does not allow such reasonable
    approaches to
    marijuana; instead we are stuck with ‘DARE’ police officers spreading lies
    about drugs in schools,
    and policies that result in jail time rather than treatment for people with
    drug problems. We tried
    prohibition with alcohol, and that failed miserably. We should be able to
    learn our lesson and stop
    repeating the same mistake.
    Prohibition does not work. Education and treatment are better
    ways to address the drug problem.

    20. Medicinal use: Marijuana can be used as medicine because it helps to
    stimulate apetite
    and relieve nausea in cancer and AIDS patients.

    21. Hemp: The hemp plant is a valuable natural resource. Legalizing
    marijuana would eliminate
    the confusion surrounding hemp and allow us to take advantage of hemp’s
    agricultural and industrial uses.

    22. Religious Use:Some religions instruct their followers to use marijuana.
    Just like Christianity and Judaism instruct their followers to drink wine on
    certain occaisions,
    some Hindus, Buddhists, Rastafarians, and members of other religions use
    as part of their spiritual and religious ceremonies. These people deserve the
    freedom to
    practice their religion as they see fit. The First Amendment to the
    U.S. Constitution says
    that the government cannot ‘prohibit the free exercise’ of religion, and
    so marijuana should be legal.

    23. Americans who are tired of living in fear of their government because
    of marijuana prohibition.

    24. Americans are fed up with the intrusion into our personal lives,
    with urine testing at work
    and at school, with armed home invasions, and with the possibility
    of prison because of a plant.

    25. Americans feel it is time for the 20 million Americans who smoke marijuana on
    a regular basis to stop hiding their love for this plant and unite as one large
    body of voters to demand an end to the unconstitutional prohibition of marijuana
    and the drug war. The U.S. cannot lock up 20 million people.

    26. The War on Drugs causes more harm than the drugs themselves ever will.

    27. United WE are a potential 20 million vote political machine.
    WE want to live free and WE must be determined to stand up, be
    counted, demonstrate, rally, and write.

    28. Waiting for the government to silence us all in the American prison system
    is not an option! Too many of our brethren are there, in prison right now.

    29. More Americans are in jail today for marijuana offenses than at any previous
    time in American history. The war against marijuana is a genocidal war waged
    against us by a government determined to eradicate our plant, our culture,
    our freedom and our political rights.

    30. Cannabis is a vegetable and an essential nutritional component of our diet.
    We are nutritionally deficient in cannabis and have the symptoms of Cannabis
    Nutritional Deficiency Disease. We should be juicing pot, eating it raw
    ( it is NOT psychoactive when eaten raw and many times more medicinal )
    and cooked, enjoying the seeds ( great protein source ) and roots and having a
    good smoke afterward.
    Eat weed!

    31. We need to March in Peaceful Protest on Washington, D.C.
    Saturday, April 20, 2013 by getting at least 3 million people to walk with us for
    solidarity and freedom to make our own choices.
    Politicians will be overwhelmed at the news, even though they probably
    won’t be in their offices on Saturday, and they will have to listen to us.
    The Peace Day 420 Walk asks for no picket signs, so wear your
    sign on your t-shirt or paint it on your jacket. They ask for no yelling or chanting,
    but you should sing songs and beat on drums.
    There will be many events, the link above is just an example of one of them.

    The cops would not be able to stop 3 million people, the National guard couldn’t
    unless they shoot us, and hopefully they won’t murder and kill peaceful protesters.
    Until a HUGE group walks on Washington, D.C.
    it will many more years of abuse agasint our freedom of choice will continue,
    and how drug companies will continue to make enormous profits selling
    “legal” prescription drugs with unhealthy side effects.
    It should be illegal for you to grow your own marijuana.

    32. For God’s sake, when God was allowed in the schools and the Courtrooms,
    Hemp built this country, but shamless lobbyists for tobacco took over and
    elected officials bowed down to money.

    When the United States Declaration of Independence was signed,
    Marijuana and Hemp were Legal.

    When the United States Constitution was signed, Marijuana and Hemp
    were Legal.

    Hemp has over 100 industrial uses plus it makes OIL. The rich don’t like it because they
    can’t figure out a way to make profits from it, but smart buisiness men would see
    that Hemp is an amazing product that can make 1000’s of things. It has 85%
    Cellulose when tree’s only have 40%, that’s why Hemp makes better paper.

    33. What if God was one of us, walking among us in this generation, smoking pot?
    Holy Bible, Old Testament, Genesis, God gave us every seed bearing plant.

    34. Neurologists have proven that people with natural musical
    and artistic talent can tap into their resources more easily
    when their hesitation, shyness and anxiety are relaxed by marijuana.

  2. Pingback: i Am Right | Key Colombian drug lord captured in Venezuela – euronews

  3. Peter says:

    thank god! the children are safe at last. no more drugs on the street ever again

  4. CJ says:

    OH WOW THIS IS AWWESOME NEWS!! WOOOOOHOOO!! so now i can buy all the heroin i want legally and use it all as i decide as a consenting adult legally!!!!? does anybody know what the fixed price is now that this is all over with and we’ve won? and does anybody know where it can be bought now that the normal people i get it from magically have probably disappeared? is there going to be a memo about this in my email to explain? a memo fwd to the citizens of the planet earth? mmmmmm……..yea…….hmmm…okay…..well…..about those tps reports

  5. Cold Blooded says:

    I wonder if anybody’s ever tried to measure an actual effect of these high-level arrests on the drug supply, which is the presumed goal of arrests in the first place.

  6. kaptinemo says:

    One mole gets knocked down, twenty more pop up. SSDD.

  7. claygooding says:

    All the “great” capos are for the list of not so great capos,,presented in appx 5 years and another trillion dollars with thousands of dead,,it’s a great life,,if you don’t weaken.

  8. stlgonzo says:

    Does this mean we can stop spending billions a year on the Colombian portion of the drug war?

  9. stlgonzo says:

    Pwease vote Yes on Amendment 64

    Great add for Amendment 64

  10. kaptinemo says:

    Pablo Escobar was an underling until his capo got capped. And we all know what kind of a sweet, lovable guy he was.

    Makes about as much sense as using a machete to excise a cancer tumor. But so long as there remains a market for US-taxpayer purchased machetes, the cancer caused by drug prohibition will keep spreading…

  11. N.T. Greene says:

    Holy crap, you don’t make a difference with something best described with “tl;dr”. Hide all that behind a hyperlink if you absolutely must repost it.


    Is this Columbia’s new employment program? Because I hear when you take down one head of the mythic Hydra, two spring forth.

    This is akin to George W. Bush’s infamous “Mission Accomplished” bit. The War will keep right on going.

  12. Hope says:

    By: Hope

    All they wanted was a little fun
    Those bootleggers of old.
    So what, if they carried a gun
    And got a little bold.
    Eventually they won their war
    And liquor was legalized.
    Then thugs like Al Capone and more
    Were practically canonized!

    Now after fifty years or more
    Another war’s declared.
    The procedure’s repeated just as before
    But this time no one’s spared.
    Their determination to win this time is a flaw
    Of the human condition.
    But all it proves to those in awe

    • Doctor Stickybrain says:

      There was a young woman named Hope,
      Who certainly wasn’t a dope.
      Without inhibition,
      She opposed Prohibition,
      And now kerlikowski can’t cope!

  13. stlgonzo says:

    It will be interesting to see if Drug related violence in Columbia spikes now as the market should be opened up by this arrest.

    To be clear I am not hoping for more violence.

    • allan says:



      ColO mbia… por favor chicos y chicas.

      The typo does raise an inter’sting thought tho’ (in my head anyway)(dang I need to de-cobweb this place)… maybe WE need a Plan Columbia. As in District of… I mean that’s where the roots to this whole fiasco are.

  14. Byddaf yn egluro: says:

    Kindly check this out:

    “A Government commission has recommended that Rastafarians be allowed to carry on them at least 100g of marijuana for spiritual reasons without prosecution.

    The Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities, says the Ministry of Police also needs to reclassify the 1911 ban on dagga in South Africa.”

    Peace and love to all! —with the exception of Kevin Sabet

  15. n.t greene says:

    For the Colombia bit… I blame autocorrect. damn culturally insensitive smartphone.

    • allan says:

      ok… yer off the hook. Damn notso-smartphone indeed…

      And… in a counterpoint to Pete’s post title, this peaceful and serene scene (my photo from last year, same time of year) was raided and all plants seized (aka destroyed) yesterday. [insert profanity here]

      • darkcycle says:

        Shitheads. that’s what you’re thinking, right?

      • skootercat says:

        On a good note, the Guardians of Rescue emailed they are almost at their goal for Toby!

        • allan says:

          We’re at just over 50%… it’s agonizingly slow (from where I sit, as one w/ an emotional investment in the effort).

          I did write it up in my Morning Donut blog. I included a pic of Toby with his friends, Help save Toby! or, it must be Puppy Love….

          One friend of mine wouldn’t donate because he thought the dog would do just fine where he is w/ the Afghanis. I told him it’s less about the dog and more about the troops (he’s neither a veteran nor a dog lover). So folks, if you can spare $5 or $10 (or $4.20) go check the pic out and tell me those GIs don’t have something invested in that pup.

        • Windy says:

          Good, skootercat. Allan, PAWS is doing the same thing for dogs being rescued from Iran due to the Sharia ban on dogs there.

      • QuaxMercy says:

        Beaut pic, Allan
        Can’t begin to imagine the karmic debt incurred by this destruction – like unto the Taliban, blowing up the Buddha

      • Windy says:

        I’m so sorry about that, Allan, such a damn shame.

  16. Duncan20903 says:

    This one is from the “let the punishment fit the crime” category:

    Boulder DA drops 4/20 charges after CU students volunteer for pot legalization campaign
    3 students allowed to work on Amendment 64 effort as community service
    By Mitchell Byars, Camera Staff Writer
    Posted: 09/19/2012

    Boulder County prosecutors dropped all charges Wednesday against three University of Colorado students accused of trespassing during the Boulder campus’s unprecedented 4/20 closure because the defendants have since performed community service — by volunteering to campaign for Colorado’s pro-marijuana Amendment 64.

    District Attorney Stan Garnett said he agreed to drop the low-level trespassing charges, but didn’t ultimately have a say in the students’ community service, since the group they volunteered with — the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws — is a nonprofit organization.

    “I wasn’t particularly happy with their choice of community service, because it politicizes a low-level criminal case,” Garnett said. “But that’s their choice, not my office’s choice.”

  17. SCOOBY says:

    OH WOW !!…….YIPEE……Sorry Pete, I guess the couch will have to be sent dump after today !!!

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