Open Thread

I’ve been on the road visiting family, and now I’m going to my Dad’s where there’s usually only dial-up available, so posting may be light for a few days.

bullet image Support for legalizing marijuana grows rapidly around U.S

bullet image The “Drug War” is doing far more harm than marijuana itself ever will. Requires subscription to Hightower Lowdown to read the entire article. I have no idea if that’s worth it.

[Thanks, Tom]

bullet image BBC: Steve Rolles, who led in the creation of Transform’s Blueprint for Regulation debated old-school drug warrior Robert DuPont. I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet.

bullet image Visiting my Mom in Iowa, I opened up the Des Moines Register to see an OpEd by Senator Grassley, defending his amendment. The amendment would have prevented the commission that is looking into all aspects of our criminal justice system, from even discussing drug legalization or decriminalization.

Grassley’s OpEd? Congress should debate drug policy

What??? Grassley has never been interested in Congress debating drug policy.

Here’s the thin rationale:

First and foremost, Congress ought to tackle issues whenever possible before bucking them to commissions. Increasingly, Congress is using commissions to avoid doing what Americans elect members to do: ask tough questions, identify possible answers, debate policy solutions and take a stand. This commission also would cost $14 million. It’s hard to justify that expenditure in the current fiscal situation, especially when it’s work that Congress should be doing itself.

The point of a commission is that Congress is unwilling to tackle the problems directly, nor do they have the expertise. A commission is supposed to look at all aspects of a problem and report back recommendations which Congress can then debate.

Pretty weak, Senator. (But it’s interesting that he got so backed in the corner over the furor of his amendment that he felt it necessary to defend it this way.)

Update: What Scott said.

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66 Responses to Open Thread

  1. DdC says:

    It’s worth it… But its at Cannabis News…

    The War on Weed: Marijuana Is Basically Harmless By Jim Hightower
    CN Source: AlterNet Hightower Lowdown November 23, 2009

    You might remember Robert McNamara’s stunning mea culpa, delivered a quarter century after his Vietnam War policies sent some 50,000 Americans (and even more horrendous numbers of Vietnamese) to their deaths in that disastrous war. In his 1995 memoir, the man who had been a cold, calculating secretary of defense for both Kennedy and Johnson belatedly confessed that he and other top officials had long known that the war was an unwinnable, ideologically driven mistake. “We were wrong,” he wrote, almost tearfully begging in print for public forgiveness. “We were terribly wrong.”

    Yes, they were, and so are today’s leaders (from the White House to nearly all local governments), who are keeping us mired in the longest, most costly, and most futile war in U.S. history: the drug war. As one adamant opponent of this ongoing madness put it, “I cannot help but wonder how many more lives, and how much more money, will be wasted before another Robert McNamara admits what is plain for all to see: the War on Drugs is a failure. Americans are paying too high a price in lives and liberty for a failing War on Drugs, about which our leaders have lost all sense of proportion.” continued @ above link…

  2. ezrydn says:

    Grassley’s right on one point. Webb’s commission will do what Grassley and mob WON’T do. And THAT’s what’s got him scared.

  3. kaptinemo says:

    From the first article:

    “Anti-drug advocates counter with surveys showing high school students nationwide already are more likely to smoke marijuana than tobacco — and that the five states with the highest rate of adolescent pot use permit medical marijuana.

    “We are in the prevention business,” said Arthur Dean, chairman of the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. “Kids are getting the message tobacco’s harmful, and they’re not getting the message marijuana is.”

    As if messages can travel in only one direction.

    What people like Mr. Dean don’t seem to understand is that the electorate is sending a message of its’ own, and in a very subtle fashion…which is why the dolts still don’t hear it.

    The message being sent is, “We’re sick and tired of the same old lies, the same old bull. We KNOW the TRUTH about cannabis, and it’s not coming from your mouths. Now, how about you take the hint, and quit obstructing us!?

    More and more, this feels like it did in the late 1950’s early-1960’s, with the retrenched segregationists getting ever louder and more shrill, while their positions were eroding by the minute, to the point only the more hard-core (and obnoxious) race-baiters were left to speak on behalf of the practice…which doomed it because of their ignorant and vicious ways.

    The prohibs are just as doomed. It remains a matter of time before they say or do something truly egregious to the point they disgust most people…which won’t be too hard when a voice of reason is juxtaposed against them. A fact which they know as well, as it is why they have refused to debate us.

    But they’ve run out of corners to back themselves into. No place left to run now. They have to turn and fight.

    And we’re ready for them, this time…

  4. Wendy says:

    I wonder why Schedule One of the Controlled Substance Act (which equated pot with heroin) is still denying cigarettes as being the true culprit.

    Everyone knows that cigarettes are just as difficult to get off of as heroin.

    If we can’t see the light of day here, well then…at least we should actively re-schedule tobacco (Winston, Marlboro, Camel, Lucky Strike) as Schedule One.

    Just my opinion.

  5. Ian says:

    I love that we can’t 14 million dollars in this time of economic crises, but we can give up 100 billion dollars of revenue a year. For the innumerate among you (I’m looking at you Chuck) legalization would save more than 7000 times as much money as this panel would cost. But you’d expect such stupidity from a senator who favors corn based ethanol.

  6. Ian says:

    I meant to include the word, “afford” in between can’t and 14 million.

  7. permanentilt says:

    The fact that Grassley is now calling for congressional debate is great! He might not understand that the function of the panel is to FACILITATE debate, but if it is a debate he wants, it is a debate he will get! And I don’t think the results of the debate will be quite what he had in mind.

  8. DdC says:

    The only two substances not scheduled, booze and cigarettes, are the two falling under the definition of a schedule#1. Addictive, without medicinal value and a menace to society. None of which defines Ganja. But then it is pro-hib-exhibitionists spouting lies for profit. Same glovernment adding poisonous chemicals to tobacco just so they can tax them as “cigarettes”. Tobacco used by many cultures for thousands of years without health problems. Not until the same chemical freaks started adulterating them with flame retardants, burn enhancers and preservatives, pesticides etc. Same chemical freaks selling poison for cotton, not used on Hemp. Ronnie Rayguns flat out lied about Ganja and brain damage using suffocated monkey’s. Same Rayguns selling chemical Chesterfields for your smoking pleasure. Ganja and Hemp are competition. The drug war, like any war, makes big bucks for war profiteers. Two incentives having nothing to do with kids. But, thanks to the internet. Even kids just getting a dose of truth, can see for themselves the hazards of cigs and the logic of removing cannabis from the shackles of prohibition.

    “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country… Corporations have bee enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”
    — Abraham Lincoln, November 12, 1864

    Organic Cannabis/Tobacco vs Chemical Cigarettes

    Hemp vs Cotton’s 90 million pounds of poison…


    Elkhorn Manifesto
    “The Real Reason the Government Won’t Debate
    Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization
    An Open Letter to All Americans”

    By R. William Davis

    Prohibition History I Never Knew
    Henry Ford originally designed his “Model A” car to run on either alcohol or gasoline, whichever was available to the driver – and that John D. Rockefeller, owner of Standard Oil (now Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, American BP and a dozen other oil companies), put 4 million dollars into alcohol prohibition.(46) After alcohol prohibition began, Ford proposed that the dead capacity of shutting down distilleries might be used to produce denatured alcohol – “a cleaner, nicer, better fuel for automobiles than gasoline”. (47) Veteran hemp activist Chris Conrad writes that Ford’s dream of a nation of plant-powered vehicles was “thwarted first by alcohol prohibition, then by hemp prohibition”. The plan to shut down alcohol fuel through alcohol prohibition may have backfired. The number of illegal alcohol stills increased during alcohol prohibition.( Thus, in a celebrated 1932 letter, subsequently printed on the front page of The New York Times, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a lifelong teetotaler, argued against the continuation of alcohol prohibition due to the “increase in disrespect for the law”.

  9. claygooding says:

    Grassley is the senior senator on the Ways and Means Committee,and is in the hip pocket of the banking Industry,and he also receives a large contribution from the pharmaceutical lobbies. He will be the hardest nut to crack when the W&M Committee has to decide how and when to fund any new review on marijuana,if our leaders decide to listen to the AMA. I have seen several articles that don’t mention their change of attitude towards marijuana,but seemed to be odd complaints about the AMA organization,only brought forward since they announced that a review should be made. It appears that the anti group are putting the spin treatment on the AMA,maybe to play down their request for a more scientific approach and study of the medical properties
    of marijuana.
    I know everyone has sent all their legislators and Obama
    a copy of the AMA’s stand. If not,do it now,if done,do it again.

  10. DdC says:

    their change of attitude towards marijuana?

    The AMA Medical Industrial Complex Works for Pharm Inc.

    The AMA Medical Industrial Complex has permitted millions of Americans to suffer needless anxiety and physical harm from drug thugs for 40 years. They sat by while their Insurance and Pharmaceutical masters did the bidding for $Trillions in profits. Not once did they ever disclose the thousands of years of safe use. Now they say nothing, not a damn word different. They have no intention of allowing common working US peasants to have something for nothing, not something they can sell. Not Buyers Clubs or Homegrown. They haven’t changed the status of smoked pot. Barthwell and Bayer are lurking in the Shadows ready to pounce on a lowering to schedule#2, requiring a triplicate and still outlawing vegetable matter ignitions. They outlaw research but still manage to obtain a patent for cannabinoids? Fool me once shame on you, try fooling me a thousand times and I come to expect it. I hope I’m wrong, but with their track record, I don’t think so. ~ DdC

  11. DavesNotHere says:

    “The only two substances not scheduled, booze and cigarettes, are the two falling under the definition of a schedule#1.”

    Not true at all. Alcohol is great for immediate, temporary pain relief and nicotine stimulates the production of dopamine, something Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dystonia, and other sufferers benefit from. Had to point that out. The same stupidity is aimed at tobacco as is cannabis so please don’t buy into it.

    Raw, natural, and almost all roll your own tobacco is something entirely different from RJ Reynolds’ and Phillip Morris’ “constituted” pre-made tobacco cigarettes.

    It’s unfortunate the masses are being brainwashed by the public health department government employees to demonize tobacco to the point that more people than ever want to lock tobacco users in cages.

    Wendy, locking people in cages for using tobacco (Schedule 1) is wrong, no matter what other policies are stupidly being enforced.

  12. R.O.E. says:

    Hey folks, dont worry abit! The drug war will be over very very soon. Why you ask?

    Have ya seen the news today? We have a huge economic crisis, yet our leaders still spend like its water. We have senators selling their votes (at a tune of ONE HUNDRED MILLION $ for one senator) to pass this health care bill. Thats gonna be GREAT!(sarcasm) Cap and tax will be up next. Say good bye to your paycheck. Did ya see the email story about global warming? Do you still believe ? The lies and out of control spending goes on and on….I dont think they care if we as a country go broke. Whos going to bail us out when we do? China? Oh that will be fun!! Then as the story above shows, we have a senator(Oh I’m so happy hes my senator! FFS) that thinks 14 million is JUST TOO MUCH TO PAY!! OH MY LORD! But spending several billion for the drug war and turtle tunnels and cages for monkeys we dont have and on and on and on… WTF! Take off the blinders people!

    When this country has lost all its freedom,is completely broke and bereft of truth and honor , when all our leaders think about is money , votes and re-election..Well, we wont be able to keep schools open let alone arrest someone for cannabis.

    Corruption is ruining us folks….and when it does…we only have our own lazy asses to blame.

    Stop them now and we can continue this fight, or dont and the fight will be over.

    Freedom for weed or…

    Freedom and weed.

    I choose the last one.

    Good night!

  13. Nick says:

    Best of holidays to you and yours Pete.

  14. Wendy says:

    DaveNotHere – now I am confused;

    ..who gets locked in cages for cancer sticks?

  15. Wendy says:

    ..I used to smoke for twenty years but quit for twenty years also.

    Tobacco doesn’t have to be all demonized but yet the additives from the powers that be, i.e. guinneas even to the point of (sp?) paraquate’ poisoning, etc. do.

    I do not trust Uncle Sam as far as . . .~ewe~ . .

    I still crave a cig now and then..epecially the ‘genuine’ aroma..even if I don’t light it up..or I just take one puff.

    It is insane that everything in this world seems to have been altered beyond reasoning.

    Just my opinion.

  16. Wendy says:

    And that was my original question to begin with also.

    “The only two substances not scheduled, booze and cigs, are the only two falling under the definition of Schedule One.”

    ..I must be really stupid but what a contradictory statement within itself indeed!

  17. Wendy says:

    Why don’t we lock up diabetics for eating too much sugar.

  18. Duncan says:

    Speaking of gov’t spending in an economic crisis, they still haven’t done the appropriations bills for FY2010, which started October 1. They’re too busy debating some contentious bill which won’t even take effect until 2013 at the earliest. Meanwhile, what is the gov’t spending? I think Congress is sending a message to their bureaucrats with this inaction. “Spend all you like, we’ll print more!”

    OK, all I really care about is whether the Barr Amendment gets repealed and if the District finally gets Initiative 59 implemented.

  19. DdC says:

    eh clay? “The only two substances not scheduled, booze and cigarettes, are the two falling under the definition of a schedule#1.”

    Not true at all. Alcohol is great for immediate, temporary pain relief</I?

    Is true. Crack probably relieves pain but its garbage. I've seen arsenic in Homopathic use. Exceptions, but deadly if abused. Aspirin for temporary pain relief and both it and booze have thousands of deaths each year and plenty of less harmful methods for minor pain. No one except John Wayne would take booze for internal pain. Its anticeptic and base for many OTC products. But booze is not what is used. Opiates are safer. Booze on a Kidney infection? Or Liver? Stomache? Go to the Pharmacy and ask for booze, right. Not including the infrastructure required to obtain the booze. Or the contaminants in booze products. Alcohol is not booze.

    nicotine stimulates the production of dopamine

    Nicotine to the addictive level seems more than likely to not be a part of the tobacco plant. It is one of the hundreds of human chemical synthetic adulterations added by paid workers to convert tax free vegetables into highly taxed “cigarettes” At least it (nicotine), has been added to jack up the levels and genetically modified with higher levels. Radiation is a huge factor not discussed and not in Ganja. Its all smoke to the DEAth mongers. But it isn’t in the land of physics. Organic tobacco and Ganja are not chemical cigarettes.

    Yes models use them and meth to stay trim. The nicotine is a higher addictive than heroin, but much smaller dosages. By definition “cigarettes” have no value to society. My decades of clean lungs and daily Camel straights atest to the fact that even chemical cigs are not harmful with daily injestions of the expectorant Ganja. Without it you’re on your own. Camels are strong enough to smoke less and curtails Ganja coughing where it might be advantagous to not be drawing attention. But by the scheduling definitions it fits, Ganja doesn’t. Hemp is as ludicrous as outlawing bottled water because of moonshine. Though outlawing it because of the crude oil plastic would be ok.

    Again, leva dopa, sinemet and and other chemical remedies mimic the body to release dopamine. I think your confused with the leaves of organic tobacco being tested for Parkinson, releasing dopamine artificially since the body has stopped producing naturally. But Ganja may rejuvenate the Parkinson cell back to its intended state. Or Alzheimer’s, dystonia, cancer or whatever adulteration no doubt from years of adulterations by the very same petro-chemical Ganjawar promoters. Coincidence I’m sure.

    You obviously haven’t read what I said. Organic tobacco is being railroaded into a tax scheme prohibition for gerbils the same as pot. It will cause more death and suffering down the line because of price increases driving the poor to buy generic brands with even more chemicals. Organic tobacco has been used by American pioneers, Indians, British, Egyptian, China and Turkey for hundreds and even thousands of years. Until the Dupont Monsanto poisons were hurled into the mix. Get it straight. Thats why I left the clue. Organic Cannabis/Tobacco vs Chemical Cigarettes.

    Those who will not read have nothing over those who can not read. Dude I’ve been in SCruz for 20 years. Love the redwoods, ocean and many of the people. But this PC New Age Superficial “progressive” crap is trying their damnedest to be as as neocon Booshit as they can. Biraq Obomba and the same jive AMA catch 22 stalls and BS haven’t changed coarse. Statement stands, Booze and Cigarettes are by definition a schedule #1 not Ganja. With that said, the entire CSA is a fraud that took place while the same gerbils and teabog ditzo’s drooled over Watergate. Get it right before hitting the send button. Young whippersnappers!

  20. allan420 says:

    On tobacco…

    tobacco is another substance the western culture adulterated to fit their shallow ways – a culture still in its spiritual infancy. As taught by indigenous people tobacco is a sacred plant and is given much respect and is important ceremonially. Like salvia for example…

    It wasn’t until Nixon that native peoples even had the right to practice their religious ceremonies and have them recognized by the government. We’re ALL indigenous and we all need a healthy respect for the life forms around us. Personally I think it is our indigenous, earthly sense that moves so many of us to try the entheogens. Our problems come when we use them w/o respect, as party drugs… the same with ganja, the same with coca, the same with… we seriously lack a common sense of respect for things not I. If it were not for those among us who actually do understand respect in its many permutations we would be in more serious dire straights than we currently already find ourselves in.

    I’m with McKenna, w/o these substances we’d still be swinging from branches and picking nits. And eating them…

  21. Wendy says:

    allan420 – well said.

    I just scanned the Hubble Opens New Eyes on the Universe (cosmology).

    Some terrific new pics that will blow our little peanut-brain minds…nuttin matters anyhow…there’s no such thing as time like Einstein told way back then..

    Makes me wonder how He knew…just kidding we ain’t no peabodies!

    My other new hobby is geneaology.

    So far, I have found my Great-Great-Great Grandparents from ancient East Germany (1799).

    Ballenken, Insterburg, Ostpreussen, Preussen.

    That’s only on my German side; now I get to look at me’ Irish side.

    Back to the subject at hand, tobacco is deeply embedded into our society.

    I guess we all learn alot every day, adieu.

    I think I can feel that communist oppression in my genes.

    Every single plant on the face of the Earth needs to live to allow us breathe.

    Mary Jane is free.

  22. ezrydn says:

    I need the help of my fellow heads here. Some time back, there was a story pertaining to THC and cancer and it was accompanied by a video of an electron microscope showing cancer cells “disolving.” I can’t find that anywhere now. Been through everything Pete has here to no avail. Anyone remember it or have a bookmark on it? Sure would be appreciated.

  23. ezrydn says:


    A friend of mine is into geneology and she found that I had a GGGG-grandmother that died on the Cherokee “Trail of Tears.” So, next year, I’m applying for citizenship with the Cherokee Nation. It’s iteresting what one finds when one goes digging through the woodpile out behind the barn, isn’t it? LOL

  24. Tim says:

    Have you heard the BBC special with David Nutt? Aside from him, it’s a typical Fleet Street or Vancouver newspaper-style scare piece — grow-ops, ‘stronger than ever’ propaganda, yeesh.

  25. Pingback: I Had to Quash the Debate in Order to Save It - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

  26. ezrydn says:

    Since the topic went the tobacco route, here’s my 2 cents worth. I don’t live in the US. Where I live, you can still buy regular non-filters. The brand I use is natural tobacco, no additives and is wrapped in rice paper, not wood pulp.

    At my last physical, doc said I had strong clear lungs. He was surprised I said I smoked…anything.

    But you’re right, au natural is much, much better than commercial brands. Even if you have to fill your tubes yourself.

  27. DavesNotHere says:

    How’s the drug war playing in Peoria these days?

    26 years for marijuana

    Two schools put on lockdown when drug search warrant issued nearby

    Crimestoppers taking text message tips

    Ain’t we got fun.


    Tobacco, I’m all for transparency. What we have is government controlled propaganda (sound familiar?) demonizing a plant used among humans for a couple years a least.

    Obama and his Democrats as soon as they got in office passed what was known as SCHIP legislation. It gave health care benefits to parents making up to $80,000. To pay for this subsidy for irresponsible parents (at the expense of responsible single people that smoke), the original bill increased the tax on loose, roll your own tobacco from about $1.10 per pound to about $2.50. The headlines were about the tax hike on pre-made cigarettes.

    Then the Democrats amended the bill to increase the roll your own tobacco tax from $1.10 per pound to $24.78 per pound. You are reading those numbers right. From $1.10/lb to $24.78/lb. They voted on it and passed it within 2 weeks. No public debate, little warning, no impact studies on the impact to small businesses and the families in the roll your own industry, and the DEMOCRATS rammed that 2,159% tax increase down people’s throats.

    See how fast Democrats can achieve something if they want? Less than two weeks to destroy an entire segment of the tobacco industry (big tobacco wins again), but they can’t repeal the Barr Amendment or even consider it?

    Big tobacco JUST BOUGHT OFF Barack Obama and the Democrats. It just happened folks, right before our eyes. Big tobacco wasn’t a big player in the roll your own market, small businesses dominated roll your own and have since BEFORE the first Virginia tobacco left our ports for France.

    Before the $1.10 to $24.78 tax hike, you could make your own smokes for $1/pack in about 5-10 minutes. Now it’s $4/pack, so why put the time into it when they got pre-mades on every corner. Big tobacco wins. The roll your own industry has almost entirely fallen apart within a year. They’ve moved to making pipe tobacco instead that isn’t taxed nearly as high, to see if they can survive there.

    It’s sad the Democrats had absolutely no regard for the families who worked in that industry.

    Its an open thread and I’m inspired or something.

  28. kaptinemo says:

    EZ, I think this video is what you’re looking for:

    THC effects on Brain Cancer cells

  29. ezrydn says:

    Thanks, Kaptin. That’s the one I was looking for. A friend had asked if anything was available that he could use in a discussion. I thought of this one but couldn’t remember why, when, where.

    Thanks a bunch.

  30. Duncan says:

    Are you sure the issue isn’t basic fairness in taxation? The Fed tax for ready rolls is about $28/lb, and was when the tax on loose tobacco was $1.10.

    This happened before the idiots became obsessed with the health care reform bill. Had they gotten to the Barr Amendment before that became a roadblock it would be settled. Had the loose tobacco tax been pushed back to be in conflict it would still be up in the air.

  31. kaptinemo says:

    EZ, another, less ‘technical’ but no less important series on YouTube about cannabis’s anti-neoplastin properties is Rick Simpson’s Run From The Cure. Your friend may find it useful as well.

    If your friend is a science and engineering geek like me, who wants to know about definitive studies, I offer the following link Top Ten Studies The Government Wished It Had Never Funded

    When I think of all those who may have died needlessly, and many of those suffering terribly in the process, because of the flat refusal of those so charged (like Gub’mint scientists) to investigate the anti-neoplastin properties of whole cannabis oil, I can only think that Dante’s Hell needs another, even lower Ring for such monsters.

  32. DdC says:

    Atlanta Cops, Shaken Community Try To Make Amends
    After a 92-year-old grandmother was cut down in a hail of police bullets during a botched raid three years ago, her community seemed to trust officers about as much as the drug dealers who roam the blighted streets.

    Anger Spills Over at Killing of Kathryn Johnston
    CN Source: New York Times November 28, 2006 Atlanta

  33. DdC says:


    The point I was making was no one, not GOPerverts or Demonkrats can Constitutionally tax vegetables, including tobacco. They have to adulterate it into a product big tobacco sells. Bipartisan, or worse… The tobacco farmers and pro tobacco GOPerverts never said a mumbling word. Yes Liberals are pushing the same type of bogus prohibition as the Ganjawar, and as I said, making the poor more sick down the line buying generic chemical brands. But the hypocritical GOP selling out their own farmers is more unAmerican than Liberals who have always been protectionist and big government. The Neocons are not Conservative. Boosh was more Liberal than FDR, more big government and more taxes for the industrial complexes, ie; Military, Prison, Pharmaceuticals. Klintoon/Gore were more republican than Ron Paul. This is fascism, not bi-partisan status quo politics. The bottom line of insanty is we tax payers pay $300 billion a year in interest on loans Boosh took out to bail out Banksters. Prohibitionists in denial still equate Ganja smoke with Cigarettes and adulterations are never mentioned. Chemical adulterations not added to Ganja. Shuck and Jive, not politics.

    One more time or as many times as it takes…

    Al Capone and Watergate were red herrings to divert the countries attention from the Fascist acts of eliminating competition. Booze or Ganja/Hemp. While GOPerverts and Demonkrats bicker over nonsense. Half the population can not vote. Half who can, do not register. Have registered don’t vote. The voters are split equally between the same WTO Neocon fascists. Meaning twice as many not registering and not voting could decide the outcome, but choose to be apathetic and keep the status weird in power.

  34. DdC says:

    Allan; I know people who were with Terence till the end. He said the human brain produces DMT so technically we’re all guilty of possessing controlled substances. My theory on entheogens, especially Ganja. Is that it dilates small capillaries. In the lungs to relieve Asthma or in the brain to prevent strokes. This law of physics property hypothetically would seem if the apes ate Ganja buds, like early humans ate about everything to test it. If Ganja dilates the brain small blood vessels bringing more blood, O2 etc to places not activated before. It would create more surface area for more memory to provide a bigger picture. To string together a series of memories to establish working ideas and thoughts. But also if these new capillaries were dilated eventually the brain would increase in size and if both lobes got too heavy they would split in the center as the human brain looks now. So the first humans were from apes eating Ganja/shrooms. Then over centuries of increasing memory and more ideas to become the sophisticated idiots we are today. When the various prohibitions occurred over the years, we became mean, ugly, nasty republicans during those times. Closed minded bigots and more violent with higher blood pressure backed up from collapsed capillaries from not using Ganja. Thats my story and I’m sticking too it.

  35. Wendy says:

    DavesNotHere and DdC and everyone I fully agree with you all.

    I do believe there is light shedding at the end of the tunnel.

    The power of tobacco industry and government in general need reigning in from absolving our freedoms.

    Mary Jane is free.

  36. Wendy says:

    Just look at Bernie Madoff as prime example.

  37. Rudedog says:

    I want to give my thanks to Kaptin and EZ for finding this and other things for me. Thanks guys.

    This one is wild.

    As for the other info. I got some reading to do…..

  38. Wendy says:

    Here’s a wild west story bytheway too!

    It’s funny now because the guy is okay and in good spirits at present.

    I finally just heard some good news to share because the ‘war’ does get weary after all sometimes, huh.

    In Utah County a poor kid was stuck overnight upside-down in a Nutty Putty (genuine name) cave.

    I’m glad he is rescued and in order to wish everyone a Happy Turkey Day, well now I guess they sure will poke fun at this one in S.L.C.

    Ha Ha! Only in good ‘ole Utah.

    Rudedog, I wish the truth had been out there all along about MMJ aiding and preventing cancer in numerous directions.

    I think it is in prominent proportion now though, thankfully, in seeking the fully and sadly non-disclosed truth to us all (AMA).

    It has been fact to a silent realm surrounding us since about 1960 (DEA) but horrificly hidden from the meek and suffering by those very indiviuals actually farcing it up and being paid to protect us (utter and complete failure from the DEA) to stand-by and allow the black-market to surface in every instance.

    At least we have arrived at the positive side of it anyway.

    I knew a man who lost his wife that way; he begged them for what he knew would help her but was refused several years back.

    How dare the so-called DEA all of these years betray The American Public the way they have, i.e. pharmies and their empires.

    They must not have a conscience for certain but their reign of terror is over too.

    I think we all know that by now.

    I can name a few of whom I sincerely believe I have on the wayward march to prison over corrupt obstruction in my life.

    I’m fed up; I’ve had enough.

    It is just a matter of time now.

  39. ezrydn says:

    Here’s an interesting concept:

    A Public Domain Drug Act.

  40. kaptinemo says:

    Rudedog – and others who found the links of interest – that’s what we’re all about here. Unlike our opponents, who seem to believe we all should be like ignorant peasants hanging on every word of our supposed betters, we share our knowledge freely.

    Whereas they prefer captive audiences incapable of challenging them, partly through an inculcation of ‘authority-worship’ combined with ignorance, we, on the other hand, prefer free dissemination and challenge each other on our premises to derive what the facts are.

    Which becomes obvious when you put a prohib (authoritarian) in the same room as a reformer (egalitarian). Even their body language screams fear and threat, whereas most of us can face an potential audience with a smile.

    Another reason why we’ll win; we don’t have to tell lies; they must. Pathological? Partly. You have to wonder at the kind of mindset that demands lock-step conformity to insanity…and is willing to use violence in order to secure that conformity. Willing to hurt and kill in the name of protecting you from yourself…for a lie that some of them know is a lie.

    If that’s not pathological, what is?

  41. Bruce says:

    Legalize everything but only on Fridays.
    Party like its 1999 but only on Fridays.
    BAN working on Saturday and Sunday
    Saturday;taserable offence
    Sunday; double tasering
    Awake and alert Monday.
    A bzzzt functional society.

  42. Cliff says:


    Don’t taze me bro.

    Couldn’t resist.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone, even prohibitionists, as long as you pardon me while I toke.

  43. Chris says:

    might as well comment on this thread. Can’t wait for more updates..

  44. allan420 says:

    yeah y’all… however you do it, whether you do it at all… have a good day tomorrow, and be thankful that you’re an ant-Prohibitionist and get to hang out w/ such cool and phunky/klunky folks as drift by here. besides, if you were on that side of the issue, you’d havta be lyin’ all the time and ya know how that gets… darker and more twisted as every falsehood creates another eventual dead end.

    PEACE! … as the kids say nowadays (again… 😉

  45. Bruce says:

    Thank you for banking with DemoniBANK.
    Your funds
    Please press send
    to bank with us again.

  46. ezrydn says:

    While they have no reason to celebrate Thanksgiving down here, I’m thankful for all the friends I’ve acquired sitting here on Pete’s couch. And, I’m glad to see Pete have some well deserved time off with his “other” family. We all know he’ll be back here, puffin’ steam and chomping at the bit to get back in the fray.

    By this time next year, the elections will be finished and our ranks will again swell. Reason for Thanksgiving? You bet! While Edelman said “the wind is at our backs,” we’ve still got a lot of hard work ahead. Keep sticking it to them at every turn.

    As I understand it, EVERY seat in the House is up for grabs this election. Research your Representative and any who will oppose them. Get picky. Ask Questions! Get responses Have your cellphones set on “video,” just in case.

    2010 should deliver a clear and convincing voice of the People. Let’s make sure they hear it!

  47. Wendy says:

    …sad note…the kid didn’t make it after all.

  48. Wendy says:

    ezrydn – I love it! “EVERY seat in the House is up for grabs this election”.

    However, I am banned from voting, as I am such a bad-ass criminal ya know.

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