Can we make a TV ad?

There’s been some good discussion in comments about the power of television ads and the possibility of running some for drug policy reform. I’ve always liked the idea (even though I have no money to actually run any), so…
Why don’t we come up with some ideas, so we’re ready (in case I win the lottery)?
What kind of TV ad would you create?
The idea, of course, is not without some potential problems. After all, if the United Church of Christ can have this ad rejected by the networks for being too controversial and if networks who regularly sell sex are unwilling to run this ad, then I imagine there would be some serious resistance to ads promoting drug policy reform.
However, there is also another outlet — one that requires a very small budget and over which the networks have no control. Youtube.
The viral marketing of youtube can be extremely powerful and reach a lot of people. I know a few students who have produced some excellent videos for that medium, and I’d be willing to bet that there are ranks of talented SSDP’ers that have the skills needed.
So… what are your ideas?

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