Daily Archives: May 7, 2009

We’ve reached the point where majority public opinion on marijuana legalization depends on how you ask the question.

New Zogby poll: 52% favor legalization Voters were asked: “Scarce law enforcement and prison resources, a desire to neutralize drug cartels and the need for new sources of revenue have resurrected the topic of legalizing marijuana. Proponents say it makes … Continue reading

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Obama – then and now

Then: “The President also supports lifting the federal ban on needle exchange, which could dramatically reduce rates of infection among drug users.” Now (page 795 of the budget appendix released today): “Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no funds … Continue reading

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Drugs, elephants and imaginary children

Bernd Debusmann has a good OpEd at Reuters: Drugs, elephants and American prisons Are the 305 million people living in the United States the most evil in the world? Is this the reason why the U.S., with 5 percent of … Continue reading

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John Walters and Jeffrey Miron on CNN

CNN covers Schwarzenegger’s call for a debate on marijuana legalization and brings on Jeffrey Miron and John Walters (Warning: Walters will make you want to throw things, so get breakables out of close reach. See if you can count the … Continue reading

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