Helping to prevent overdowds

New at the pot shop: Milder marijuana for novices

I’m very happy to see this trend.

Recreational marijuana sellers are reaching out to novice cannabis users with a raft of edible products that impart a milder buzz and make it easy for inexperienced customers to find a dose they won’t regret taking.

In many ways, the marketing shift is the pot-industry equivalent of selling beer and wine alongside higher-alcohol options such as whiskey and vodka.

“No one buys a handle of Jim Beam and thinks they should drink all of that in one sitting,” said Tim Cullen, owner of two Denver-area marijuana dispensaries. “But people do want to eat an entire cookie, an entire piece of chocolate. So these products allow you to do that and not have a miserable experience.”

I’m also loving the fact that we’re seeing use of the term “overdowd” (named after Maureen Dowd) as a way of referring to the panicky paranoid reaction by newbies who don’t understand edibles and consume too much at once.

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31 Responses to Helping to prevent overdowds

  1. Hope says:

    I’m glad to see it, too. Wish they’d thought of it sooner… but better a little late than never.

  2. Hope says:

    Rookie Cookies! I like that, too. Rookie Cookies so you don’t overdowd!

  3. kaptinemo says:


    Ohhhhh, my gut hurts from laughing.

    I said they’d come up with a new term to describe the ‘noob-proofing’ based on her not-so-excellent (and inexcusably foolish) adventure.

    This will dog her for years…and will teach the LameStream Media we, the cannabis community, are not to be f-ed with, and, thanks to decades of their snickering condescension about a deadly serious subject, we have every reason to fight back.

    Considering how many among the populace now support re-legalization, from now on, taking such smirky ‘pot-shots’ (pun intended) can and will draw withering return fire of ‘Arty’ (artillery) level…in the one place they are most relevant: the wallet. With the so-called ‘Greatest Generation’ literally dying off, they need information consumers to survive a market increasingly dominated by those they, up to now, have traditionally insulted; they need us more than we need them.

    This is a gentle way of letting them know we’re not going to take their scheisse anymore…which is why Dowd is ‘laughing’ at what amounts to a 24/7 parody of her…and no legal action is on the horizon, as the negative publicity would only dig herself deeper.

    That’s why I am laughing so hard. They are starting to realize just how close to the cliff’s edge of irrelevancy they are…and a lot of us are just itching to help them see if they can fly.

  4. primus says:

    S/B “With the SELF-called ‘Greatest Generation’.” Self aggrandizement at its finest.

  5. darkcycle says:

    Overdowd. I can’t WAIT to use that term.
    That is the perfect reward for penning that thinly disguised anti-cannabis screed. She had that coming.

  6. DdC says:

    Recreational marijuana sellers reach out to novice cannabis users with a raft of edible products that impart a milder buzz, including the “Rookie Cookie.”

    Modern Rookie Cookies for less overdowding.

    Original “Rookie’s Cookies”
    Our Story began on September 19, 1939 as a neighborhood bakery opened in New Albany, Indiana. We started making a small butter cookie that was known as the “Little Flower Butter Wafer”. It had an icing center and was so soft, it melted in your mouth. Seventy years later this cookie is still made and produced by the same family. These cookies are now known as “Rookie’s Cookies”, named after the original bakery.

    Apparently any easy to bake cookie is a rookie cookie…

    Rookie Cookies: 10 EZ Cookies to Share

  7. DdC says:

    A Marijuana user is arrested in the United States every 37 seconds.

    That poor stoner. Does anyone know his or her name?

    Government: Protecting and Serving the Shit Out of You!

  8. Servetus says:

    Some journalists create their own legacy. Sometimes their legacy is generated elsewhere. Long after Maureen Dowd is gone, her writing forgotten, ‘overdowd’ will live on.

    Ms. Dowd’s legacy might be helped by numerically categorizing the overdowd. Maybe just using ‘dowd’ could work. A dowd of 1.0 would equal one standardized dose. Dowds and overdowds, values of 0.5, 1.5, 2.0 and up to 10 or more, could designate the strength factor. A large, visible number on the front of the package, the dowd, would instantly designate cannabinoid strengths for the consumer.

    • kaptinemo says:

      Maybe a cartoon image that barely resembles her, with the dowd rating the being the amount of redness in the eye’s sclera.

      Slight redness would equal 1 dowd, with solid red being 10 dowds. The number, would, of course, be printed beside it large enough to be read by our color-blind brothers and sisters.

      Or, perhaps, something classical would be more appropriate, with the dowd rating beside each pic.

      • kaptinemo says:

        A variation on a theme:

        “I was gonna clean my room, but then I got dowd”.

        “I was gonna get up and find the broom but then I got dowd.”

        “My room is still messed up and I know how.” (how man?) yea heyy,

        – “‘Cause I got dowd” [repeat 3X]

      • Someone get Bob Cesca to bring Camp Chaos out of retirement for one more go-round!

  9. DdC says:

    She might welcome a change in definitions…


    noun \ˈdau̇d\
    Full Definition of DOWD
    : a dowdy person; especially : a dowdy woman

    Origin of DOWD
    Middle English doude

    noun \ˈdau̇-dē\
    plural dowd·ies
    Definition of DOWDY
    : a dowdy woman

    Origin of DOWDY
    diminutive of dowd dowdy, from Middle English doude
    First Known Use: 1581


    : having a dull or uninteresting appearance : not attractive or stylish

    Full Definition of DOWDY
    1: not neat or becoming in appearance : shabby
    2a : lacking smartness or taste

    b : old-fashioned

    — dowd·i·ly adverb
    — dowd·i·ness noun
    — dowdy·ish adjective
    See dowdy defined for English-language learners »
    See dowdy defined for kids »
    Examples of DOWDY

    She played a dowdy old woman in the film.

    First Known Use of DOWDY 1676
    Related to DOWDY

    blowsy (also blowzy), sloppy, frowsy (or frowzy), slobbish, slobby, sloven, slovenly, unkempt, untidy

    dapper, dashing, dolled up, sharp, smart, spruce

  10. Freeman says:

    I knew it wouldn’t take long at all to disprove Keith Harrumphreys’ wild conjecture that High-Potency Pot Would Dominate a Legal Marijuana Market.

    Dude would be well-advised to stick to what he knows a little about — he’s an excellent movie reviewer.

    • Nunavut Tripper says:

      WTF is Humphrey’s talking about ?

      Since when is sinsemella rare? I haven’t seen a seed in thirty years other than the expensive ones purchased in packets at the local head shop.

  11. Duncan2003 says:


    I saw Tommy Chong on the TV the other day talking about being Tommy Chong. When speaking of his use of hemp oil use for his prostrate cancer the interviewer actually asked which delivery method he used. Honest to god I never thought that I’d see an outsider who didn’t just presume with the sun rises in the east certainty that the only way to deliver exo-cannabinoids was smoking. At first blush I thought it was planned but the look on the lady’s face when he said suppositories made me think otherwise.

    I must admit that I feel dazed and confused finding myself living in a society that has any interest at all in what a 76 year old comedian is sticking up his ass.

  12. Duncan2003 says:


    Fair warning: “The results of the first federally financed study on driving under the influence of marijuana are expected to be released later this month, by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.” linky

    As far as the rest of the article is concerned, Florida is just plain weird. But I’ve got to admit that the prohibitards did manage to come up with some new material.

    • Servetus says:

      Efforts to impose universal drug testing represent a clear and present threat to civil liberties and constitute an invasion of privacy designed to subjugate minorities by subjecting them to stringent forms of social control.

      In Russia, land of the oppressed, Russian drivers face mandatory drug tests administered yearly. This could happen here in the United States if the drug testing industry gets its way.

      Already in California, voters are set to decide Prop 46, which would test medical professionals for drug use, diverting millions of health care dollars to the drug testing empire, with what will be no appreciable improvement in health care quality for the public. Strangely, Prop 46 piggy-backs drug testing with an unworkable agenda to cap medical malpractice awards.

      The timing of the NIDA report on cannabis and driving may not be a coincidence. Rather, it may be intended to fill California voters’ heads with specious drug casuistry a few days before the election, and before bloggers are given the time and opportunity to debunk the NIDA report. We know the MSM won’t do their debunking job by treating the drug information the government endorses with the skepticism it deserves. It’s up to the Internet.

    • primus says:

      Does the Hatch act not prohibit such a blatant display of influencing elections?

      • Pete says:

        The Hatch Act has, unfortunately, been relatively toothless, particularly when dealing with issues/referenda as opposed to influencing the election of actual candidates.

        • Duncan2003 says:


          I think it would be an extremely difficult argument to make. The NIDA is just doing what it does. It does this shit more or less constantly, so how in the world would you demonstrate that they’re trying to influence the results of a particular ballot? Actually, are we even sure that those people are aware that there’s an election? Don’t forget they’re ivory tower bureaucrats.
          Well, it’s very rare that we’re informed of a hack “scientific” study that’s scheduled for release in the near future by the Bureau of Codified Propaganda and Hysterical Rhetoric. But this isn’t the first we’ve heard of this particular “study.”

          Subsequent to publishing my post above I realized that there was an important part of the “study” that wasn’t mentioned in the article linked. The “study” was of driving impairment subsequent to combining cannabis with drinking alcohol. They just can’t get the results they want without using other drugs.

  13. claygooding says:

    Standardization and clearly marked products with THC content accompanied by displayed charts showing what to expect from the different grades of cannabis and products would allow novices and veterans alike to buy what they wanted and know what to expect whether vaping,eating or smoking the cannabis.

    Instead of fighting legalization our government should be developing a grading system that would standardize the industry and get everyone on the same page.

    But that would get thrown in the common sense trash can that all government agencies require.

  14. My Marijuana Overdowd

    by Vincent Nunes


  15. allan says:


    Cato: #NewMediaLunch: Cops On Camera

    Could cameras be the cure for police misconduct? Does filming police make for more accountable law enforcement? Will on-body cameras (such as those recently adopted by D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department as part of a pilot program) force accountability, or will they suffer from the same problems that have plagued existing cameras placed in police vehicles? What are your rights as a citizen journalist when it comes to filming police actions in a public space?

    Find out the answers to these questions and more at an upcoming #NewMediaLunch at the Cato Institute!

    On Thursday, October 23rd, join us for a lunchtime discussion about technological solutions to many common complaints about police misconduct. Be sure to register as space is limited:

    Won’t be able to make it? This event will be live-streamed and questions may be submitted via Twitter using #NewMediaLunch.

  16. darkcycle says:

    Here’s a couple of items. First, Kevvie has some ‘esplainin’ to do:
    And second, here’s a piece I penned for the Blog “Cannabis and Social Policy” (great blog, BTW). I was very nicely asked by my friend Dominic Corva to expand upon a short post I left on a thread on FB. He liked it and here it is:

    • kaptinemo says:

      Yup, I knew it; a clear Hatch Act violation. Several of them, in fact….and if I’m right, the slime trail leads clear across country to Warshington DC, right under ONDCP head Botticelli’s office door.

      And the fact they are conducting their subterfuges via a non-government email accounts pretty much proves they seek to evade any possible discovery of their unlawful activities, in direct violation of “Sunshine Laws”.

      They know what they are doing. They know it’s illegal. But they don’t care because they’ve gotten away with this crap before, numerous times, and never paid a price. They don’t care that what they are REALLY doing is sticking an upraised middle finger in Democracy’s face.

      For, to have civil servants using taxpayer dollars to lobby for (or against) legislation that will benefit them and them alone is a direct threat to democratic principles…the very thing these oathbreakers are sworn to uphold. The kind of thing the Hatch Act is supposed to prevent.

    • NorCalNative says:

      darkcycle, that’s an interesting situation you discuss there in Seattle, and nice job on the article.

    • Frank W. says:

      I haven’t seen that ad my part of OR. But I have seen the pro and anti messages in the voters’ pamphlet. The anti ones are pretty kooky, with plenty of ALL CAPS!!, but they know their audience. Seems we’ll be shoving pot-infused gummi bears up young childrens’ asses while throwing molotov cocktails at the orphanage.

  17. Marty says:

    I am at a loss to figure out the marketing of marijuana edibles. Why would you create such high powered products that need to be micromanaged to obtain the correct buzz? It makes no sense why you wouldn’t distribute cookies like beer so that people can control their buzz easier and the company would make more money? Why sell one cookie that needs to be divided 6 ways instead of a 6 pack of cookies with the same amount of THC. Pot marketers baffle me.

    • darkcycle says:

      Comes in part from the medical market, where people are looking for more than a light buzz before ordering pizza. And in part from the hashish tradition. It’s easier to conceal, consume and convey in a highly concentrated form. You can’t erase decades of custom overnight. Cheers.

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