Jamaica update


This video from Democracy Now! demonstrates that more and more people are coming to realize and accept that violence and corruption, such as what we’re seeing now in Jamaica, is a direct result of the U.S. war on drugs.

More on this: Jamaica bleeds for our ‘war on drugs’ by Ben Bowling

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6 Responses to Jamaica update

  1. allan420 says:

    Our buddy, Peter Bensinger, hangin’ out in Guither country: Medical Marijuana Is Bad Medicine, Bad Policy

  2. ezrydn says:

    And the American Prohibition generated another “narco-state.” Don’t do what’s right or needed. No, send more money to fight an unwinnable war and cause governments to faulter. These are America’s ideals???

  3. claygooding says:

    And Americans wonder why some countries are not ideal vacation spots.
    Our drug policies have gotten us more enemies around the world than any other policy. And our drug policies have accomplished nothing but throwing money away.

  4. Malcolm Kyle says:

    And Americans wonder why some countries are not ideal vacation spots.

    Good point! Now it’s starting to make sense. Why didn’t anyone of us suss it before? The real people behind prohibition are obviously the American Hotel & Lodging Association.

  5. Just me. says:

    Everywhere government goes…war.

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