Southern Illinois weighs in on marijuana legalization

Title of the piece at The Southern: Local authorties: Marijuana should not be legalized

And what is the reasoning from those “authorties”?

“I’m against it,” said Perry County Sheriff Keith Kellerman. “They’re going to continue to use drugs, so why legalize it?”

That has got to be one of the most amazing pieces of reasoning I’ve ever heard.

A member of the Perry County Drug Task Force and the Illinois Sheriff’s Association’s legislative committee, Kellerman said cannabis prohibition laws aren’t stopping people from using the drug, so removing the laws will only enhance the problem of drug use.

And another Sheriff weighs in. At least he’s a little more… confused.

Union County Sheriff David Livesay said he’s heard information on both sides of the legal marijuana debate, but can’t say he would approve of legalization.

“I don’t know if legalizing marijuana is the answer,” he said. “I hate to say it would be.”

Livesay said he’s heard a lot lately about the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes, but doesn’t think evidence supporting the cause is significant enough to merit legalization.

“Until we can see some studies where it showed something of more significance, I’d be opposed to that,” he said.

Given all the studies out there, I wonder what would be required for “more significance.”

As an Illinois resident, I hate to generalize against the southern portion, but…

[Thanks, Dan]
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12 Responses to Southern Illinois weighs in on marijuana legalization

  1. divadab says:

    Mark Twain said: It is impossible to convince a man of the falsity of his belief when his living depends on it.

    Prohibition has made the police into racketeers – their living depends on continuing the prohibition regime. Of course they will be against legalization. And of course we have to tell them – they work for us, right?

  2. kaptinemo says:

    Every time I hear ignorant prohibs mouthing off about things they have no knowledge of, I keep thinking of the peasants in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, all hot-to-trot to torture a ‘witch’ under the most specious of rationales…and I also think about the local knight with pretensions of an education, who’s even more ignorant, but because he has social standing, his word is law.

    And people that effin’ dumb get to tell me how to live?

  3. Dante says:

    Why do Americans continue to listen to/respect Law Enforcement? Why does the media continue to fawn over anything they say without regard for truth or reason?

    I’m serious. Would you listen to someone who abused their family pets for target practice? Would you respect the opinions of a bomb-lobbing terrorist? Would you trust your town’s most notorious thief? Would you take the word of the most unrepentant liar?

    Law enforcement is all of those wrapped up into one, and more. They have traded our lives, our property and our civil rights for their own personal gains. They talk of putting their lives on the line for us when the opposite is true – they put OUR lives on the line for their selfish and greedy desires.

    They deserve our utter contempt, not our respect. If more and more Americans “sent the message” that we would rather be castrated without painkillers than interact with LE they would begin to change. The pain of isolation, while not as flashy as an illegal SWAT raid, is a very powerful motivator.

    Isolate LE to “send the right message for the children”.

  4. That these police spout the same nonsense indicates they are NOT independent thinkers (or thinkers at all), but are rather being spoon fed such dribble by such criminal ‘asonic entities as the Fraternal Order of Police founded in 1915.

  5. Buc says:

    A law enforcement officer doesn’t support medical marijuana. Not surprising.

    What gets me, though, is how many of the LEOs cite lack of scientific evidence as a reason to not support medical marijuana getting the… green light.

    The ironic part here is that the one thing that most likely would make them finally admit that medical cannabis works would be if the government itself said that it worked by okay-ing it.

    In other words, it’s disingenuous because they point to something they know will never happen (the federal government legalizing medical marijuana) and using that as reason why they don’t support changing the laws.

  6. Cannabis says:

    Authoritarian followers have but one answer:


    which is short for because I said so.

  7. Landis says:

    Clowns to the left of me,
    Jokers to right,
    Here I am – stuck in the middle with you.

  8. Just me says:

    Halls of Justice Painted Green
    Money Talking
    Power Wolves Beset Your Door
    Hear Them Stalking
    Soon You’ll Please Their Appetite
    They Devour
    Hammer of Justice Crushes You
    The Ultimate in Vanity
    Exploiting Their Supremacy
    I Can’t Believe the Things You Say
    I Can’t Believe
    I Can’t Believe the Price You Pay
    Nothing Can Save You
    Justice Is Lost
    Justice Is Raped
    Justice Is Gone
    Pulling Your Strings
    Justice Is Done
    Seeking No Truth
    Winning Is All
    Find it So Grim
    So True
    So Real
    Apathy Their Stepping Stone
    So Unfeeling
    Hidden Deep Animosity
    So Deceiving
    Through Your Eyes Their Light Burns
    Hoping to Find
    Inquisition Sinking You
    With Prying Minds
    The Ultimate in Vanity
    Exploiting Their Supremacy
    I Can’t Believe the Things You Say
    I Can’t Believe
    I Can’t Believe the Price You Pay
    Nothing Can Save You
    Justice Is Lost
    Justice Is Raped
    Justice Is Gone
    Pulling Your Strings
    Justice Is Done
    Seeking No Truth
    Winning Is All
    Find it So Grim
    So True
    So Real
    Lady Justice Has Been Raped
    Truth Assassin
    Rolls of Red Tape Seal Your Lips
    Now You’re Done in
    Their Money Tips Her Scales Again
    Make Your Deal
    Just What Is Truth? I Cannot Tell
    Cannot Feel
    The Ultimate in Vanity
    Exploiting Their Supremacy
    I Can’t Believe the Things You Say
    I Can’t Believe
    I Can’t Believe the Price We Pay
    Nothing Can Save Us
    Justice Is Lost
    Justice Is Raped
    Justice Is Gone
    Pulling Your Strings
    Justice Is Done
    Seeking No Truth
    Winning Is All
    Find it So Grim
    So True
    So Real
    Seeking No Truth
    Winning Is All
    Find it So Grim
    So True
    So Real


  9. J says:

    It is interesting to me that an argument used by multiple opponents to legalization of MM is the lack of statistical data to warrant such a movement….However, my argument is that they are supporting a stance (prohibition) that studies have proven is ineffective in producing many of the desired effects for which it was created. That means they (opponents) are already supporting a stance that not only has a lack of statistical data for support, but has statistical data that shows the exact opposite of what it is intended to do….Not to mention many of the “negative effects” of marijuana use have simply been disprove using scientific studies and/or research….Just sayin….

  10. Cancer Survivor says:

    I am not a police officer, but I was LE while in the military on a base in Virginia for a short period of time. I am currently in Illinois and surviving daily from cancer. I am not LE anymore, I am a male nurse, Seeing both sides of the fence. My thoughts??? Wait till a cop or cop buddy is diagnosed an they are in that position to try it to alleviate the pain and we may see a reversal in their thinking. But off course we all have to keep in mind, cops enforce laws not interpret or make. The a$&hole we elect to speak for us citizens of this state makes those decisions and their influenced by federal government by means of denial of state funds, by lobbiests, and by personal thoughts of the subject.

  11. Carol Kerr says:

    My name is Carol Kerr. I’m the founder of the Southern IL Cannabis Advocates, which can be found on Facebook. The purpose of my group is to promote the decriminalization and legalization of medical cannabis. We have a plan, the materials, and support you need to bring awareness to your community. We need people to work tables in businesses, gain signatures on petitions, and CALL their reps! I will meet with, interview, and/or train anyone interested in fighting for this cause with me! LET’S FIGHT PROHIBITION TOGETHER!!! thx!

  12. J says:

    Carol I think what you are doing is great.Hopefully soon it will be passed and we won’t be punished for being good citizens..I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder in 2003 and just had my medicine pulled from the dirt today by law enforcement.I have to say the officers were vary respectfull to me and my family but I may never be able to gain employmet because of what this might do to my permant record

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