Sadomoralist Souder is trying to mess things up again.

Congress is actually making progress toward giving us some real (if incremental) reform.

At least four of the worst excesses of the federal war on drugs appear likely to be rolled back this year — the crack/powder cocaine sentencing disparity, the federal ban on the funding of syringe exchange programs, the all-out federal war on medical marijuana, and the HEA AID Elimination Penalty. All four reforms are advancing quickly in Congress.

However, Mark Souder is trying to make a stink, and has an amendment to the HHS appropriations act, which:

Would prohibit funding for any program which distributes sterile needles or syringes for the hypodermic injection of any illegal drug.

This could be debated as early as today.
You can take action here if you wish to tell your Representatives to oppose Souder’s amendment.

[Thanks to Tom Angell]
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