Open Thread

A busy day for me — I’ll have more later.
“bullet” It’s not just a war

Ahmadu Giade has assured Nigerians that the agency will continue its onslaught on illicit drug dealers.

“bullet” Idiot. We’re going to have a little lesson on logic later today.
“bullet” Court Ruling Limits Employment Drug Testing – a rare moment of clarity.
“bullet” The LAPD conducts so many wrong-address raids that they’ve got a special unit just to fix all the doors.
“bullet” In Alabama, pregnant drug users getting jail, not help.
“bullet” Doggy Style – Border Patrol Checkpoints Near Yuma Nab Hordes of Pot Users Headed Back From the Beach — a good, extended article about how border concerns have turned into a complete loss of Constitutional rights for many residents.

[Thanks, jackl]
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