Happy Holidays

I’m going out of town to visit relatives over the next week or so, and I’ll be blogging sporadically as I have time and an internet connection. One of the things I’m looking forward to is filling in my mom on what I’ve been doing in the drug war (along with playing the piano and eating and other holiday traditions). She’s 85 and opposed to both drugs and prohibition.
And I’ll be thinking about all the non-violent drug offenders currently in jail and unable to spend the holidays with their families. Give them a moment of your thoughts. Or take it a step further as Grits for Breakfast suggests:

If you happen to know a child with an incarcerated parent this Christmas, please consider stopping by over the weekend to give them a hug and maybe dropping off a last-minute gift.
Family holidays are a troubling time for a kid whose Mom or Dad is in prison. Let them know they’re not alone. Even small gestures can make a difference. After all, we’re supposed to be celebrating Christ’s birthday … you remember, the guy who taught that “Even as ye have done unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me.” If there were ever a category of youngsters one could regard as the “least of these,” it would be the … kids who’ll wake up Christmas morning with a parent incarcerated.

If you’ve got some free time and want to discuss drug policy and I don’t have a new post up, go to the messageboard and join in a discussion there. Or get a good book or video.
If you’ve got some excess cash that you’re trying to unload before the end of the year, consider supporting one of the drug policy reform groups listed in the sidebar. Or if you must, you could always check out my wish list or my laptop fund (I’m only about $600 away thanks to your incredible support — I’ll be making a last push in January with the goal of buying it in February.)
Have a wonderful holiday and may it be filled with peace.

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