Open Thread

“bullet” Brian Bennett challenges the drug policy reform establishment again with The Catch-22 of Drug Law Reform
“bullet” The so-called Drug Czar uses his so-called “blog” to brag Governor of Connecticut Vetoes So-Called “Medical” Marijuana Bill. He’s particularly good at being smug at taxpayer expense about the prospect of sick people suffering. It’s a talent.
“bullet” Scientists from the Pontificia Catholic University in Quito, Ecuador claim that our aerial spraying in Colombia is damaging the DNA of Ecuadorians living near the Colombian border (makes you wonder what it’s doing to the Colombians).
“bullet” William A. Collins in the East Texas Review: Some wars aren’t meant to be won

Never mind that none of this works. It‰s not meant to work. It‰s meant to promote heroic political figures, to protect wasteful prison jobs and contractors, and to keep poor people away from the dreaded voting booth. […] The ‹Drug War,Š like the ‹Terror War,Š has value in its own right. We can‰t simply end it. Jobs and votes are at stake. For many, winning the ‹warŠ would be a true calamity.

“bullet” I’m guessing Mark Kleiman has the right take on the Giuliani campaign chair being arrested for cocaine.
“bullet” Do rules hamper remedies for pain? by Kyung M. Song in the Seattle Times [from May, but worth reading]

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