Look, everybody knows that Dobbs has a few screws loose, and I should probably ignore him when he spout a combination of lies and junk science and pretends that it’s knowledge, but it’s hard to resist. Here are a few tidbits from the transcript
DOBBS: And our special report, “The War Within,” the detrimental effects, the dangerous effects of marijuana. Researchers now say marijuana may cause long-term brain damage and cancer. That special report and an interview upcoming. […]
STEVEN STEINER, AMERICANS FOR DRUG FREE YOUTH: You’ve got to remember something. This whole legalization movement isn’t just about marijuana. These people want to legalize heroin, meth, cocaine for recreational use. Make no mistake about it. […]
STEPHEN DEWEY, BROOKHAVEN NAT’L. LABORATORY: Not only does it alter the structure, the brain’s chemistry, but you run the risk that the alterations that you produce today will manifest themselves in ten years or 20 years. […]
TUCKER: Impaired memory and feelings of anxiety are more than just jokes. They are reality. So, too, are frequent respiratory infections and there is concern that the cancer risk of marijuana users is higher, which is why the American Cancer Society does not endorse, smoke marijuana, nor its legalization. […]
DOBBS: Well, marijuana, thought to be harmless by many, particularly baby boomers, who have been associated with drug for decades. It’s now known to be a dangerously addictive drug and it’s long-term effects are still being studied. […]
DOBBS: The idea that this could cause cancer, is that a result of the qualities of marijuana, or of the inhalation of the smoke? Or can you tell?
DEWEY: You know, that’s a good question. I believe it’s more related to the inhalation of what’s in the marijuana itself, as opposed to the THC, the psychoactive component. […]
DOBBS: I mean, what do have — my God, this is a substance that’s been in broad use now for 30 or 40 years in this country. We should know what we’re talking about.
DEWEY: I think there are actually two things here that speak directly to your question. One is it’s very difficult to find people who just use marijuana. You know, you have to tease apart marijuana use with alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, LSD. You have situations where it’s not straight forward looking at just a marijuana user because they’re poly-drug-abusers.
Several thoughts:
One. Steve Steiner? The incredibly sick and twisted pervert that’s getting paid off by the drug companies to use his dead son (who was killed by prescription drugs) to try to harm patients who are using medical marijuana? Right, Lou. [And Steve, I know you’ll be reading this. I phrased it this way on purpose to make a point — because somebody needs to remind you in plain English what it is that you’re doing.]
Two. Notice Dewey’s polydrug statement at the end. Sounds remarkably like the talking point that Souder was using on Tucker Carlson’s show. Looks like somebody’s getting the puppets to sing this tune. I can’t believe they’re actually trying it, given how transparent the lie is (as Tucker immediately pointed out).
Three. Notice the “cancer” dance? Talk about avoiding the facts!
I’ve sent a note to Dewey asking if he was speaking as an official government representative. I’ll let you know if he responds
[Update] — Dewey was nice enough to respond to my email. He says that he is not a government employee (despite the .gov email address). He also defends his marijuana and cancer non-answer by citing a number of earlier studies related to head and neck cancer and states:
I agree that the data are not clear and that some authors may have changed their original position on whether there is an increased risk of cancers associated with marijuana use but I also think it would be negligent given the uncertainty at this point to suggest that there is no increased risk of cancers from marijuana use.