Drug WarRant on Facebook

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While there are still a lot more comments on the website, we’re starting to have some great and active regulars on Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, you can also click on “share” next to a post you particularly like and share it with your Facebook friends.

I really depend a lot on the excellent job by readers to spread the word about Drug WarRant. For years, readers have posted the link to “Why is Marijuana Illegal,” “Drug War Victims,” or “The Drug Czar is Required by Law to Lie” on discussion boards and other sites (thanks, Clay for that recent promotion, for example).

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Thanks to all of you on DrugWarRant.com and on Facebook.

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7 Responses to Drug WarRant on Facebook

  1. Guy#1 says:

    Hmm then I’d have to use my real name as opposed to something I took from a thelonelyisland.com video. Also my dad is on facebook.

  2. DdC says:

    Iditarod Launches Drug Testing of Mushers
    Anchorage, Alaska

    Every competitor now running the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race will be tested for alcohol and illegal drugs on the trail for the first time in the history of the 1,100-mile race — a change defending champion Lance Mackey believes is directed at him. “I know for a fact,” said the three-time winner.

    The service is being provided by a drug testing company
    that’s among the Iditarod sponsors.

    Officials say the idea has been discussed for years. However, Hooley said it would be difficult to deny Mackey’s contentions that he is being singled out for his acknowledged pot use and that other mushers have complained about it.

    “The reality of it is he’s won the race three times and people would like to figure out a way to beat him,” Hooley said.

    Another “sports enhancing drug”? Same as they did Ricky Williams.
    I just don’t get how the Iditarod doesn’t get them prison,
    same as Michael Vick. Or KFC vs chicken fights?

    NFL Buzzkill

  3. Tyler says:

    Yo Pete!!!
    i just wanted to let you know that i have been uploading this website for 2 years now and i dont plan to stop. You put so much info into this and your super smart on the topic and i see a change coming, slowly but getting faster everyday.
    just to let you know lol
    YOUR AWSOME!!!!!

  4. DdC says:

    Long-time Drug Warrior Changes His Mind, Supports Medical Marijuana and Decriminalization]
    John J. Dilulio Jr. once coauthored a 1996 book entitled Body Count: Moral Poverty…And How to Win America’s War Against Crime and Drugs. The other two authors were Bill Bennett and John Walters, both former drug czars and infamously rabid prohibitionists. I haven’t read the book, but I’m sure it’s a thick serving of ugly drug war propaganda.

  5. DdC says:

    1925: Concerned by the high number of goof butts being smoked by off-duty servicemen in Panama, the U.S. government sponsors the Panama Canal Zone Report. The report concludes that Marijuana does not pose a problem, and recommends that no criminal penalties be applied to its use or sale.

    CBS Reverses Decision, Agrees to Run Pro-Marijuana Ad
    Posted by Robin Beck on 03/04/2010 @ 09:50AM PT

    I’m the Organizing Director here at Change.org and I have spoken several times with the representatives at CBS including yesterday when I finally got word that the ad would be accepted and it is quite clear to me that the petition we launched was very influential and that CBS didn’t even realize there was a controversy until we started our campaign. Only in response to our petition and phone calls asking for a reply did CBS even consider reversing their decision and without the attention and pressure I strongly doubt they would have even responded at all.

    CBS is doing the right thing and I am very excited to see this example of internet activism getting some real-world results.

    Working Assets ??? I know very lil about this org,
    but if they’re tossin ching… why not recommend some localities…
    Introducing the Nonprofits We’re Supporting in 2010
    Drug Policy Alliance * AlterNet
    $65 million in change. Since 1985, members have generated more than $65 million for nonprofit groups simply by using our services.
    Nominate a Group for Funding in 2011
    DrugWarRant * CannabisNews * L.E.A.P * MAPInc…

    State Of The Union – Corrupt By Publicus
    Orig@TomPaine.com 2-4-2

    “Suppose you go to Washington and try to get at your government. You will always find that while you are politely listened to, the men really consulted are the big men who have the biggest stakes — the big bankers, the big manufacturers, the big masters of commerce…. Every time it has come to a critical question, these gentlemen have been yielded to, and their demands treated as the demands that should be followed as a matter of course. The government of the United States is a foster child of the special interests.”
    ~ Woodrow Wilson,
    1912 Democracy in America campaign speech…

  6. DdC says:

    Vote Online for Legalization of Marijuana in Canada
    Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has decided to ask the Internet what issue is most pressing to Canadians.

    The New Jim Crow
    How the war on drugs gave birth to a permanent American undercaste that is still alive and well today after the election of President Obama.

    “Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.”
    ~ Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering,
    Nazi Air Force (Luftwaffe) commander, the Nuremberg Trials

    Ottawa Boosts Prison Budget
    Though crime rates are falling, Canada’s Conservative government is planning “major construction initiatives” to the country’s prison system and has released spending estimates showing a 43 per cent increase in penitentiary capital costs.

    Tell Obama To Change Marijuana Laws
    Just like last year, marijuana legalization has been voted up to the top of Change.org’s “Ideas for Change in America” list.

    The DEA is Going Rogue! DRCnet

    “Be on gaurd against science without humanity, Politics without principle, Knowledge without character, Wealth without work, Commerce without morality, Pleasure without conscience, And worship without sacrifice.”
    ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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