UK’s ‘phoney’ drug war criticized

The criticism is coming from a right-wing think tank who claims that the British government has been too lax.

It said the UK’s policy of spending most of its drug budget on treatment was less effective than spending more on prevention and enforcement. […]
The report’s author said the UK’s drug policy should bear down on the illicit use of all drugs and feature a tougher enforcement programme to reduce the supply of drugs.

Since that report is kind of bucking the trend, I thought I’d go see what the think tank was all about.

The Centre for Policy Studies believes in freedom and responsibility. One of Britain‰s best known and most respected think tanks, the Centre develops and promotes policies to limit the role of the state, to encourage enterprise and to enable the institutions of society š such as families and voluntary organizations – to flourish.

You can’t make this stuff up. It’s amazing how often “freedom” and “limited government” appear to be code words for using the state to lock more people up.

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